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 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - Web Browsing

 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – File Transfer

 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) – E-mail Transfer

 DNS (Domain Name Server) – Address Lookup


 World Wide Web (WWW) is a repository of information

linked together from points all over the world.
 WWW has a unique combination of flexibility, portability
and user friendly features that distinguish it from other
services provided by the Internet.
Architecture of WWW
World Wide Web is based on these
 Web servers and Web browsers

 HTML - Hypertext Markup Language

 HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Client (Browser)
Each browser consists of three parts:
 Controller
 Client protocol
 Interpreters
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

 Protocol is the client /server program used to retrieve the

 Host is the computer on which the information is located.
 Port can optionally contain the port number of the
 Path is the pathname of the file where the information is
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language for
creating Web pages.

A markup language such as HTML allows us to embed

formatting instruction in the file itself. The instruction
are included with the text.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol used
mainly to access data on the World Wide Web.

 HTTP uses the services of TCP on well known port 80.

HTTP Transaction
Request and Response messages
Request and Status lines

 General header gives general information about the

message and can be present in both request and a
 Request header can be present only in a request
message. It specifies the client’s configuration and the
client’s preferred document format.
 Entity header gives information about the body of the
document. POST or PUT use this type of header.

 The body can be present in a request or response

message. Usually, it contains the document to be sent or
Client retrieves a document to the
Client sends data to the server
Exercises: Answer all the
 How is HTTP related to WWW?
 What is URL and what are its components?
 Name the common three components of browsers?
 What does HTML stand for and what is its function?
 Show a request that retrieves the document
/usr/users/doc/doc1. Use at least one general header,
two request headers and one entity header. Show the
response if there is a syntax error in the request. Show
the response if the client is unauthorised to access the
FTP ( File Transfer Protocol)
 FTP is the standard mechanism provided by the TCP/IP
for copying a file from one host to another.
 FTP uses the services of TCP. It needs two TCP
 The well known port 21 is used for the control connection
and the well known port 20 for the data connection.
FTP Model

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