JW Marriott International India Pvt. LTD

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Jw Marriott

India Pvt. Ltd.
A Hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The
provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a
bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by
rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning or
climate control. Additional common features found in hotel rooms are
a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a mini-bar with snack foods and
drinks, and facilities for making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes
and slippers, a pillow menu, twin-sink vanities, and jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels
may provide additional guest facilities such as a swimming pool, fitness center,
business center, childcare, conference facilities and social function services.
Hotel rooms are usually numbered (or named in some smaller hotels and B&Bs) to
allow guests to identify their room.
Some hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the United
Kingdom, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guests within
certain stated hours. In Japan, capsule hotels provide a minimized amount of room
space and shared facilities.
1920s – Big Dreams
Jw Marriott’s History
The year was 1927, Jazz Legend Duke Ellington debuted at New York City’s Cotton Club.
Pilot Charles Lindbergh thrilled the world with a record – breaking solo flight across the
Atlantic. Baseball great Babe Ruth hit sixty home runs. And in Washington D.C, a pair of
newlyweds fresh from Utah opened a nine-stool A&W root beer franchisee on busy 14th
street, charging thirsty patrons “five cents for a frosty mug.” The future Marriott
International, Inc. was born.

Soon dubbed the “Hot Shoppe,” J.Willard and Alice Marriotts’s tiny soda fountain quickly
became one of the capital city’s most popular eatries. Customers could count on quick
service, low prices and good food dished up in a clean and friendly atmosphere. Each night,
while J.Willard locked up, Alice Carefully tallied the cash drawer and logged the day’s take
in her accounting book. Piles of nickels soon turned into dollars, fueling the young couple’s
drams of expansion.

Taking to heart the real estate proverb, “location, location, location,” the Marriotts studied
the Capital’s busiest streets, scouting for additional restaurant sites. Within a year, the pair
opened two new
locations, including the East’s first drive-in restaurant, which was located on Georgia
Avenue at Gallatin Streeet.

More restaurants soon followed.

Hot Shoppes parking lots stayed full from dawn to well past dusk as families, students,
businessmen, tourists and others dropeed by to eat in or take out from the restaurants
ever expanding menu.

Tireless workers, J.Willard and Alice Poured their energy into every aspect of their
growing business. New employees quickly learned that no detail was too small to merit
the Marriotts’ personal attention. Squeaky-clean windows, spotless floors and polished
silver were no less important than a friendly smile and fast service. The couples high
standards and willingness to put in long hours set a daily example that encouraged Hot
Shoppes to take real pride in their jobs and workplace.

The price of success,”said J. Willard , is hard work – not just eight hours five days a week,
but nearly all our waking hours.”
1930s – The Sky’s the Limit

The dramatic Stock market crash in october 1929 had little effect on thriving Hot
Shoppes enterprise. Throughout the 1930s, Depression – weary customers were
happy to forget the bleak national economic picture by passing an hour or two
with neighbors and friends over a cup of coffee or bowl of soup at the corner Hot
Shoppe. During this period, the Marriotts were opening new locations, while other
American businesses were simply struggling to keep their doors open.

Expansion wasn’t limited to restaurant sites. In 1937, while visiting the recently
opened Hot Shoppe #8 located just across the road from Hoover Air Field ( where
the Penatgon is today), J. Willard Marriott noticed an unusual number of
customers asking for their orders ‘to go’. A five minute chat with the store’s
manager revealed that departing passengers and crew from the airfield were
dropping in throughout the day to grab meals to along on their flights. Marriott
recognized a great business opportunity. The next day he paid a call on Eastern Air
Transport, and in no time a paneied “Hot Shoppes: truck was dellivering simple
box lunches planeside to Eastern,
American and United.

From that tiny seed grew Marriott’s “In-Flite,” later to become the world’s largest
airline catering business.

1940s – On the Homefront

The 1940s brought its share of expansion opportunities. As tensions in Europe

escalated in the late 1930s, the prospect of worldwide conflict cast a long shadow
over the nation’s capital. Defense workers poured into the city, filling up makeshift
boardinghouses and keeping the Hot Shoppes hopping around the clock.

In 1939, the company launched its first food service management contract ; it was
for a cafeteria in the U.S. Treasury building near the White House. Soon the
Marriotts were ruuning the huge cafeteria at the Naval Communications Annex
and rolling out three shifts of “lunch carts” in defense production plants dotting
the greater capital region. The company quickly set up an Industrial Division to
that the new line of business would continue to prosper after the war.

To keep up with growth, a new three-story commissary was built on Upshur Street
in 1940, providing badly needed space for processing and production. Meanwhile,
the Hot Shoppes test kitchen devised dozens of recipes to ope creatively with the
food shortages and rationing in effect “for the duration”.

When the war ended in August 1945, the nation was ready to relax, celebrate and
dine out. In 1947, Marriott launched and ambitious expansion program. In just ten
years the company nearly quadrupled its 22 locations to 80, spread out in 12
states from New York to Florida, Utah and Texas. Some locations were Hot
Shoppes, but other facilities were cafeterias in apartment buildings, hotels, and
government and industrial facilities, or the brand-new food-to-go Pantry Houses.

By 1948, when J. Willard Marriott was elected president of the National Restaurant
Association, the Marriott enterprise had become a permanent feature of the
American landscape.
1950s – A new Direction

In the 1950s, families took the road by the millions in shiny new automobiles, while
the federal government set about creating a national interstate highway system.
Marriott eagerly followed the trend, establishing a Highway Division to build Hot
Shoppes along major traffic arteries, starting with the New Jersey Turnpike. To finance
its fast-paced growth, the company went public in 1953, selling all available shares in
just two hours. In 1955, a new corporate headquarters was constructed on River Road.

The post-war boom in business and vacation travel meant more than just full parking
lots at every Hot Shoppe. Tourists and other travelers needed a roof over their heads
at night. A new business opportunity beckoned. In 1957, the company unveiled the
Twin Bridges Motor Hotel, a 365-room facility on Route 1, in Arlington, to have the
huge hotel open in time for Dwight Eisenhower’s inaugration.

True hands-on managers, the family was up half the night hanging pictures to be ready
for the grand opening the next day. The hotel soon attracted attention for its novel
check-in procedure: Guests registered at a drive-up window, and then motored slowly
to their
rooms, led by guides on bicycles.

1960s – Branching Out

Before the paint was dry at Twin Bridges Motor Hotel, 25 year old J.W. Marriott ,Jr.,
asked to be put in charge of the company’s new hotel business. After four years away at
college and a two-year stint in the Navy, Bill was eager to carve a niche for himself in
the family enterprise. He set out to master every aspect of hotel operations, even
“putting together room service trays and filling guest orders myself” until he could train
someone else to take over the job. The intensive homework paid off. By the time the
huge Atlanta Marriott – the company’s fifthe property – opened in 1965, Marriotts
future in hotels was assured and J. Willard Marriott, had named his son president of
Marriott – Hot Shoppes, Inc.

Eager as Bill Marriott was to see the company’s novel ‘motor hotels’ dot the landscape,
the restaurant division remained the main engine of growth in the 1960s. Fast food was
quickly becoming a way of life, and Marriott had responded early with the launch of
Mighty Mo curbside restaurants in 1957. in 1968, the company tapped into the
popularity of one of the country’s best-loved screen idols, kicking off its new Roy
Rogers fast food division with the openng of the chain’s first restaurant, in Falls Church,
Virginia. Dozens of locations soon popped up along the routes of busy shoppers.

The company’s traditional restaurant and food service businesses likewise continued to
proposer. In-Flite was flourishing and Hot Shoppes remained the flagship of the restaurant
division, joined by newcomers Franklin Stove, Big Boy and Phineas Rib, among others. By
the end of the 1960s, American diners in many large towns and cities could choose among
a half dozen different Marriott restaurant brands, all within an easy drive of home.

1970s – Risks and Rewards

The 1970s brought together economic times than the country had seen in a generation.
Threatened oil shortages and a recession spurred many U.S. companies to diversify into
new businesses. Marriott was no exception. The company tried its hand at theme parks
(Great America), cruise ships (Sun Line), a travel agency, even a security alaram
businesses. While some ventures were more financially rewarding than others, all taught
priceless lessons about Marriott’s strengths and weaknesses.

Among the most valuable insights was a recognition that the company’s heart belonged
foremost to the hospitality business. Decades of providing two of life’s basic necessities
– food and a bed for the night- had given Marriott experience and expertise that few
rivals could match. In 1977, the company’s 50th anniversary year, sales reached $1
billion for the first time, a gratifying sign of customer confidence and loyalty. Marriott
celebrated by breaking ground for a spacious new headquarters off of Democracy
Boulevard in Washington, D.C.’s booming northwest suburbs.

For Bill Marriott, the future looked particularly bright. After a lifetime in the hospitality,
he knew almost as much about the company as his father. No one was surprised when,
in 1927, at age 40, he was named CEO. Many of the responsibilities, duties and
authority that J. Willard had borne for nearly half a century were now Bill’s.

1980s- Growing Pains

Fast-paced growth was the name of the game in American Business during the 1980s, a
mindset at odds with J. Willard Cautious, Depression-forged nature. His son, in
contrast, understood that debt was the only way to secure Marriott’s stake in the
increasingly competitive hospitality industry. “dad had seen all of the big downtown
hotels go broke in the 1930s, “said the younger Marriott. “he was convinced that
anyone who built a big hotel in a city – no matter when, no matter where - was
going to fail.” Bill Marriott also had his own vision of the future, one that promised to
make the Marriott name one of the best-known hospitality brands in the world.

Backed by limited partnerships and other financing the company assembled a large
in-house development team and began to build dozens of hotels around the country
and overseas. New construction wasn’t limited to traditional full-service properties.
Competitors scrambled when Marriott unveiled moderate-priced Courtyard by
Marriott in 1983. Other Marriott limited service brands quickly followed. By the end
of 1989, the company had more than 500 hotels and was opening an average of two
new properties a week. Hundreds more were in the planning stages. In less than ten
years, Marriott built more than $6 billion of properties, making the company one of
the world’s largest real estate developers. The company’s stock split five for one in
1986. in 1988, Bill Marriott was named CEO of the year by Chief Executive Magazine.
Fortune included him in its list of “25 most fascinating” business leaders.

But success had its downside. A decade of wild growth was punctuated by more than
one somber moment. The family patriarch, J. Willard Marriott, died in August 1985
at the family’s summer home in New Hampshire. Not long after, the company made
the wrenching decision to exit its original
businesses – restaurants and airline catering. Late in 1989, Bill Marriott suffered three heart
attacks, just as a major recession hit the U.S, real estate market. The company’s giant
construction pipeline ground to a hait.

Rocky times lay ahead.

1990s – The Spirit to Serve

The years in the first half of the 1990s were some of the most challenging in Marriott’s
history. The company faced the unwelcome prospect of cutbacks, lay-offs and other cost-
saving measures to cope with the recession.

In 1993, Marriott made the move of splitting into two companies : Marriott International
and Host Marriott. The split allowed Marriott International – the ‘old’ Marriott – to
concentrate on its profitable management services business, while the ‘new’ Host Marriott
took over the challenging real estate business. Two years later, Host Marriott Services split
off from Host Marriott, creating yet a third Marriott company.

By the mid 1990’s, the economy was booming and Marriott was once again focused on
growth. In 1995, the 1000th Marriott hotel was opened, and
an international push got underway. Franchising became a key strategy.

Also during this time, the ‘Pathways to Indepedence’ program was created. Pathways was a
welfare-to-work program that addressed the company’s need to develop and retain
qualified employees.

In 1997, Bill Marriott began the process of transferring Marriott International’s future into
other hands. In Feburary that year, he named William J. Shaw, a 22-year veteran of the
company, to the posts of President and Chief Operating Officer. Marriott also made time to
co-author a book laying out his business philosophy: The Spirit to Serve: Marriott’s Way,
published by Harper Business. A decade that had begun on a challenging note ended with
Marriott International at the top of the Fortune 500 hotel industry list and being named
one of the magazine’s’ most admired companies.

2000 and Beyond

In April 2000, the company hit its goal of opening the 2000th hotel under the Marriott flag.
The opening also came just 10 days after the death of co-founder Alice S. Marriott at age
92. the closing of the Marlow Heights location and Mrs. Marriott passing together marked
the end of a long and
satisfying chapter in the company’s history.

In 2002, Marriott International celebrated 75 years of continuous service to four

generations of customers. Marriott opened its 2500th hotel worldwide.

In March 2003, Marriott Rewards celebrated 20 years of rewarding loyalty and has grown
into the largest and longest running guest loyalty program in the world with more than
19 million members.

In December 2004, Marriott completed the sale of Ramada International hotels. The first
bulgari hotel in Milan, Italy.

Marriott.com celebrated 10 years online by launching new one-stop services for guests.
Marriott designated April as the first annual ‘Environmental Awareness Month’ to
promote activities to preserve natural surroundings and reduce resource consumption. In
September, all properties in U.S. and Canada became ‘smoke-free.’

In 2007, Marriott celebrated two important milestones in Marriott’s history: the 80th
anniversary of our founding and the 50th anniversary of our entry into the hotel business.
Two new brands were announced in 2007:
Nickelodeon Resorts by Marriott and Edition.

In January 2008, Marriott announced a new position, global diversity officer, to

spearhead the company’s diversity outreach both inside and outside the United

“We believe the future of business is green....because we’re all guests on this
planet,” said Marriott chairman and CEO Bill Marriott, March and April headlines
emphasized Marriott’s commitment to the environment.
1. Marriott Hotels and Resorts :Marriott® Hotels & Resorts is the most trusted name in
hotels; renowned for its “spirit to serve,” its consistent quality and its genuine care. For
business, leisure, or group events, Marriott Hotels & Resorts is at your service to ensure
your success by providing business centers, concierge, room service, and more.

2. JW Marriott : At JW Marriott® Hotels & Resorts experience a new dimension of luxury in a

hotel with exquisite architectural detail, the finest dining, and gracious sophistication. Our
sincerest desire is to make your stay as comfortable and productive as it is luxurious. 24
hours per day - every day - our business center, concierge, valet, and room service
associates are ready to serve your every whim - however and whenever you wish. 

3. Renaissance Hotels and Resorts : Renaissance® Hotels & Resorts provide distinctive

decors, imaginative dining, and attentive service in fantastic destinations around the
world. We will delight your senses and inspire your imagination. Renaissance Hotels &
Resorts - the stylish way to stay. 
4. Edition Hotels : Edition Hotels provides stylish, boutique accommodations in the most
attractive locations worldwide. Along with the personal touch and vision of award-
winning designer Ian Schrager, ambiance and energy are the signatures of each
distinctive location.

5. Autograph Collection : The Autograph Collection is a diverse collection of high-

personality independent hotels. It plugs you into fresh, inventive and positively unique
experiences only an independent can deliver.

6. Courtyard :As the hotel designed by business travelers for business travelers,
Courtyard® provides all the essential services and amenities for you to stay productive
while on the road. Helpful staff, high-speed Internet access, ergonomic work spaces,
business libraries, 24-hour access to food, and hot breakfast buffets; Courtyard has it all. 

7. AC Hotels : AC Hotels by Marriott is an upper moderate tier lifestyle hotel brand,

targeting the design conscious, younger traveler looking for a cosmopolitan hotel stay in
a great city location. With stylish, urban hotels, the brand appeals to both the business
and leisure traveler who seeks to experience the culture of the city.
8. Residence Inn : For extended stays away from home, Residence Inn® helps guests maintain
a balance between work and life. Spacious suites with full kitchens combine home like
comforts with functionality. Features like a complimentary hot breakfast and evening
social hours make Residence Inn more home than hotel. 

9. Fairfield Inn : At Fairfield® Inn and Fairfield Inn & SuitesSM you get a room that is bright,
fresh, and clean, plus all the award - winning hospitality of Marriott - at a price that will
make you smile.

10. Marriott Conference Centers : Marriott Conference Centers focuses on meetings. We

deliver the ultimate experience with superior services and expertise to help you host
creative and productive events. Our locations are easy to reach, our services and amenities
are geared toward the exacting demands of business people, and our facilities are
designed with today’s highly technical requirements in mind. 

11. Town Place Suites : More residential community than hotel, TownePlace Suites® is
designed for those travelers on the road for weeks at a time. A friendly spirit, helpful
services, and thoughtful amenities make TownePlace Suites the right choice for your
lengthy stays. Go ahead, rearrange the furniture, bring your favorite recliner, or your
beloved dog.
12. Springhill Suites : When you need extra space to spread out, SpringHill Suites® is the
perfect choice. Each of our studio suites has up to 25% more space than a comparably
priced hotel room. Separate areas for sleeping, relaxing, and working help you do all the
things you need to do when you're on the road. 

13. Marriott Vacation Club International : Marriott Vacation Club® International offers resort
ownership in premier destinations worldwide with the option to exchange vacations at
other great Marriott locations. You get a lifetime of memorable Marriott vacations
featuring one- , two-, and three-bedroom villas with spacious living and dining areas,
master bedroom and bath, private balcony, full kitchen, and washer/dryer.

14. The Ritz-Carlton : The Ritz-Carlton® provides the finest personal service and facilities
throughout the world. The atmosphere is warm and relaxed and the ambience embraces
the uniqueness of the local culture. The variety of services available will enable you to
create your own experience.
15. Marriott Execu Stay : The Ritz-Carlton® provides the finest personal service and facilities
throughout the world. The atmosphere is warm and relaxed and the ambience embraces
the uniqueness of the local culture. The variety of services available will enable you to
create your own experience.

16. Marriott Executive Apartments : Marriott Executive Apartments® offers residential

accommodations with hotel-like amenities to business executives on overseas assignments
of 30 days or more.
North America :
• JW Marriott Hotel Buckhead Atlanta
• JW Marriott Marquis Miami
• JW Marriott New Orleans
• JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes
• JW Marriott Grand Rapids
• JW Marriott Washington, DC
• JW Marriott Camelback Inn Scottsdale Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Houston
• Le Marriott, JW Marriott Beach Hotel & Spa, Santa Monica
• JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Denver at Cherry Creek
• JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott San Francisco Union Square
• JW Marriott The Rosseau Muskoka Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Los Angles L.A. Live
• JW Marriott Ihilani Ko Olina Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Chicago
• JW Marriott Hotel Miami
• JW Marriott Indianapolis

• JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong
• JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur
• JW Marriott Hotel Bangkok
• JW Marriott Chongqing
• JW Marriott Chandigarh
• JW Marriott Hotel Seoul
• JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta
• JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Mumbai
• JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square
• JW Marriott Beijing
• JW Marriott Hotel Medan
• JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen
• JW Marriott Khao Lak Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya

• JW Marriott Mexico City Hotel
• JW Marriott Quito
• JW Marriott Lima
• JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Hotel Rio de Janeiro
• JW Marriott Caracas
• JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa
• JW Marriott Hotel Bogota

• JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel
• Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel
• JW Marriott Hotel Ankara

• JW Marriott Dubai and Convention Centre
• JW Marriott Kuwait City
• JW Marriott Cairo
• First private 5 star hotel in Chandigarh
• It’s owner is Mr. Harpal Sagoo.
• Management :Marriotts International, Bethesa (U.S.A)
• 2nd Jw Marriott hotel in India after 10 years.
• Largest hotel in Chandigarh with the most spacious rooms.
• Super Luxury hotel with 24-hour fitness centre, outdoor pool and business services.

Distances :
Place Distance (kms.) Time
Airport 8 20 minutes
Railway Station 7 15 minutes
City Centre 2 5 minutes
Shimla 103 180 minutes
Note : the distance and time are estimated.
Mr. Deepak Manocha (General Manager)

Priya Panjikar (Dir. Human Resource)

Chef Pallav Singhal ( Executive Chef)

Miss Gurmeet Kaur ( Director of Finance)

Mr. Aditya Chopra ( Director of Sales)

The hotel has total of 165 rooms with the largest room size of any hotel in Chandigarh. Out
of 165 the hotel has 123 deluxe rooms, 37 executive rooms, 4 junior suites and 1
presidential suite. The hotel also has 2 accessible rooms (under deluxe room) for the
differently abled. All rooms in the hotel are non- smoking and with an engineered flooring
of walnut wood. The rooms and suites offer amazing views of Chandigarh and the rooms
with inner view overlook the Oasis the inner courtyard gardens. JW Marriott Chandigarh
offers in-room dining and 24 hours room service.

Room Categorization Chart :

Room Type Abbreviation Count

Delux Non-Smoking King DNK 89

Delux Non – Double Double DND 34
Executive Non-Smoking King ENK 29
Executive Non-Smoking Double Double END 8
Junior Non-Smoking King Suite JNK 4
Presidential Non-Smoking Suite PNK 1
• Front Office
• Housekeeping
• F&B Service
• F&B Production

FRONT OFFICE : Front Office is the face of the hotel, it is responsible for guest interact and is
in continuosly responsible for dealing with the guest and billing procedures.


Supervise Concierge, AYS , Executive Lounge

• Responsible for smooth efficient operation of all front office.
• Ensures good communication between department.
• Control costs effectively , assist accounting procedures.
• Communicate with front office effectively to meet budget and ensure guest satisfaction.
• Use TQM tools to make decision according to total customer satisfaction.
AYS (At your service)
• To supervise the functioning of the entire hotel profile they are adhering to all hotel
policies, procedures, regulation.
• Will perform front desk clerks responsibility.
• At all times strive to represent JW Marriott brand.

HOUSEKEEPING : As the saying goes, “the difference is in the details.” Those details are the
charge of the housekeeping department. As one of the most integral departments within
the hotel, the housekeeping department is responsible for the immaculate care and
upkeep of all guest rooms and public spaces. Individuals who excel in our Housekeeping
Departments have an eye for detail and a commitment to the training, development and
motivation of a diverse group of talented employees. In a competitive hotel market, it is
service and cleanliness that really make an impact on our guests and determine whether
they will return.
• Housekeeping focus on safety & security of the guest
• Housekeeping focus on maintenance of the guest room.


• Accountability for inventory & stock control of the entire uniform room and linen.
• All valuables must be locked & serviced in order before 16 00 hrs daily.
• All rooms must be serviced in order specified i.e, vacant, departure, occupied.
• To coordinate with engineering and maintenance.
• A daily discrepancy like extra beds, scanty baggage, no of occupancy must be reported.
• To use all electrical equipment as per laid down standards & procedures and to ensure
that no equipment is misused.
• All valuables and scanty baggage to be reported to the manager on time.
• Ensure all guests and service trays are free from soiled trays and litter at all times, to
ensure that floor pantries and service equipment are cleaned and wells stored at the end
of the shift each day.
• To encourage and participate as a team in all hotels and departmental activities.
• Encourage cost follow up methods.
• To complete and responsible for any special assignment designated to him.

FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE : It is a department in which food and beverages are served
to the guest. In Jw Marriott chandigarh following are the outlets in which food and
beverages are served to the guest :
• Café
• Saffron
• Oregano
• The Lobby Lounge
• CBC ( Chandigarh Baking Company )
• Banquets
• Whisky 111

F&B Service Director

Assistant F&B Service Director

Outlet Managers



• The manager of café is Mr.
Nikhil Menon.
• The Café at Jw has maximum
covers as compared to other
outlets i.e. 150.
• It is contemporary all day
dining restaurant.
• It also offers a lavish buffet
and a la carte menu.
• It’s speciality is Thai, Chinese,
Oriental, Cantonesse,
Sichuan, Indian and Wokkeire.
• The Manager of saffron is Mr.
Abhilash Menon.
• The Saffron consists of 66 covers.
• It is a fine dining Indian
• In this outlet only dinner is
served to the guest.
• It serves authentic North West
Frontier Cuisine.
• It also offers flavour from the
tandoor and charcoal grill.
• It’s speciality is North West
frontier cuisine, Kebab Platter,
Briyani and set menu.
• The manager of Oregano is Mr.
Zorawar Singh Mann.
• Oregano consists of 80 covers.
• It is a Authentic Italian
Restaurant & Bar.
• It offers Italian delicacies,
wood fried pizzas, handmade
pastas and Italian wines.
• It’s speciality is wood fried
oven pizza and hand made

• The manager of cbc is Mr.

• CBC consists of 17 covers.
• It is a chandigarh baking
company offering freshly
baked delicacies along with
handmade Illy coffee and
Ronnefeldt tea.
• It’s speciality is illy coffee,
Ronnefeldt tea, Exotic cakes
movenpick ice cream, high end
non alcoholic beverages.
• The manager of Lobby Lounge is
Mr. Debagya.
• The Lounge consists of 28 covers.
• It also serves breakfast in the
morning along with an exquisite
blend of teas and freshly brewed
coffees during the day.
• It dramatically turns to a lounge
bar in the evening serving a
selection of fine wines.
• Its speciality is selection of
international wines and wide
variety of whiskies.
• The manager of banquets is Mr. V. Kumaran Muthu.
• The Jw Marriott banquet is divided into two parts and
that are Grand Ballroom and The Living Room.
• In banquets different types of events are done such as
wedding ceremonies, birthday parties, conferences etc.
• There are different types of set ups for different events.
• The different types of set ups are cluster sitting on round
tables, round sitting, u shape set up, theatre style.
• Cluster sitting and u shape set up are mostly done in
conferences or meetings.
• The Grand Ballroom is further
divided into three parts – The
Grand Ballroom 1, The Grand
Ballroom 2 and The Grand
Ballroom 3.
• The partition is done between
these 3 ballrooms and if
needed can be opened.
• The Living Room also has
three parts – The living Room
1 , The Living Room 2a and
The Living Room 2b.
• In Living Room 2a and 2b,
there is also a partition and if
needed can be opened.
• There is also a living room bar
from where beverages get
F&B PRODUCTION : It is a department in which all food and beverages are prepared for the
guest. Both F&B Production and F&B Service departments are inter linked with each other
because F&B Production dept. prepares food and F&B Service dept. sells food to the guest.

• Commissary Veg. Prep. : Under this area the mis-en-place of vegetarian products are
done, and the mis-en-place for all sections is done here only.
• Commissary Non Veg. Prep. : This area do the mis-en-place of all non vegetarian products
and for all the sections of the hotel.
• Indian Section : This section prepares the Indian food only whether it is punjabi, rajasthani
or any other.
• Continental Section : This section prepares the chinese food , italian food etc.
• Pantry : This section dispenses the order such as of ice creams , fruits etc.
• Bakery : This area prepares all the bakery items such as bread rolls, crossiants, pastry,
cakes etc.

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