Complimenting/ Praising One's Performance or Achievement and Asking For and Giving Opinions

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Grade : VIII

Meeting 4

Complimenting/ Praising One’s Performance or Achievement

Asking for and Giving Opinions

By: Ningsih Sri Mulyani, Dipl.Ed,

Expressions of Complimenting/ Praising
one’s performance or achievement
• Brilliant!
• Nice performance
• You’re smart!
• Your perspective is amazing.
• You have the best idea!
• That’s awesome!
• You look great today!
• You’re gorgeous!
• You look great today!
• Your hair looks stunning.
• Your voice is magnificent.
• You’re great at figuring stuff out.
Asking for and Giving Opinions
Asking for Opinions Giving Opinions
• What is your opinion about • I think we should have a
the problem? meeting to discuss it.
• What will you say about my • I think it will be the best one.
• Do you agree if we hold a • I totally agree, but we should
bazaar next month? make a proposal first.
• What is your view about my • In my opinion, it will be the
plan? beneficial for students.
1. Based on the learning materials you have
learned in this meeting, please create your own
dialog that consists of : Expressions of
Complimenting/ Praising one’s performance or
achievement and Asking for and Giving
Opinions in ONE DIALOG.
2. Your dialog will be scored based on the
originality, creativity, communicativeness and
Submit on Thursday, August6, 2020 before 10.30
1. Rename your file as format below: BIG (Class) (Number) (Name)
Example : BIG 8G 01 AXONDRA

2. Submit to your teacher:

8A - B : Bapak ADS. Hadi Utomo, S.Pd :
8C - D : Bu Purwaningsih, S.Pd :
Google Classroom code: 8C : boz56tz
8D : whn4zxl
8E - H : Bu Ningsih Sri Mulyani, M.Pd :

• Echols, J.M., H. Shadily. 1989. Kamus Indonesia-Inggris. Jakarta: Gramedia

Pustaka Utama
• ____,2000 Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utama
• Kemdikbud 2018, Bahasa Inggris,”When English Rings A Bell” SMP/MTs Kelas
VII Edisi Revisi Cetakan ke-2. Jakarta: Kemenntrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Republik Indonesia

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