English Lesson 1: Welcome To Your First Lesson!

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English lesson 1

Welcome to your first lesson!

Let’s start with a game!
Let’s learn some tricks for reading comprehension!
1. Predict/ Guess what the text will be about from the title
2. Clarify any tricky words by highlighting them


People from all over the world come to London and visit Big Ben but one week this August, they would have
seen an unusual sight!

Five highly-trained abseiling experts started cleaning all four clock faces on 18 th August. It will be the clock’s first
scrub for 4 years. Experts think it will take a week to complete the cleaning so long as the weather stays fine.

The Houses of Parliament clock (nicknamed Big Ben), which was built in 1859, will also be checked for damage
to the dials. Each clock face is made up of 312 pieces of opal glass, which must be treated carefully. The hands
of the clock were made in copper because it is lighter than other metals.

To keep the climbing cleaners safe, the clock’s hands have been frozen in

the midday position.

The questions below are what we call ‘literal

1. Where is Big Ben?

2. What year was Big Ben last cleaned in?
3. Over 250 pieces of glass are used in Big Ben. True or false?
4. What material was chosen to make the hands of the clock and why?
5. How have they made sure the cleaners will not be in danger?
6. How many days will it take to finish the job?
7. What is the correct name for the building the clock is at the top of?
Can you make your own ‘inferential questions’?
Story mountain
We can try to write our own shared
story today by using this
framework to help us. Choose
from the following titles:
● The holiday
● The magic bus
● The worst day in the world
● My favourite birthday
Lesson 2
Story mountain
We can try to write our own shared
story today by using this
framework to help us. Choose
from the following titles:
● The holiday
● The magic bus

● The worst day

in the world
● My favourite birthday
The worst day in the world
Problem… can you beat the teacher?
All of a sudden a large wave swept over the wooden boat and I fell into the cool water.

“Help me,” I moaned.

“I don’t know how to swim,” I wailed.

I was feeling petrified. I was shaking and sweating.

Let’s put said to bed!
cried wailed moaned

sobbed spluttered moaned

wailed cried spluttered

screamed sobbed screamed

Shades of meaning
Shades of meaning

Using the previous three slides to help you, let’s now write the ending of our story. You
can also use the openers below to help you.
Lesson 3
How would you be
feeling if it was
‘the worst day in the

Let’s review and edit your
Guess the setting
As he floated like a feather in the
midnight sky, he could see a million stars
twinkling and glittering beautifully. He
felt so alone and all he could hear was
his breath within his helmet. In the
distance he could begin to see the most
enormous white sphere known to man.
Soon, he would be landing on the moon.
Guess the setting
Two camels slowly plodded across the
scorching hot sand dunes, disturbing a
sleepy snake who then slithered slowly

There wasn’t even so much as a drop of

water to be seen as yellow sand covered
every space.

The sun beat angrily from above,

scorching the already burnt and thirsty
tree that stood alone in the distance.
Guess the setting
The terrified soldier crept through the
thick, green land, hacking away at vines
and branches that were getting in his
way. He could barely see the sky for
trees, but above him he could hear
monkeys screeching, warning each other
of danger.

Stinging ants were trying their best to

scuttle up the soldiers boots, but
thankfully the scorpions and snakes had
left him alone, so far…..
Comprehension: A new pet
Tom was six. He lived in a flat with his Mum. The flat was on the top floor. It was very high up!

One day, Tom said to his Mum, “Mum, can I have a dog?”

But Mum shook her head and said, “No Tom, you can’t have a dog. There are no dogs allowed in a flat.”

Tom wanted to cry. Then he said, “Mum, can I have a cat?”

But Mum shook her head and said “No Tom, you can’t have a cat. There are no cats allowed in a flat.”

Now Tom did start to cry, “I want my own pet!” he shouted.

Mum patted Tom on the back and gave him a kiss, “Don’t cry Tom, I will see what I can do.”

The next day, when Tom got home from school, there was a small cage on the table. Tom was excited!
He ran to look in the cage. In the cage was an orange hamster! Mum put the hamster in Tom’s hands.

Tom smiled and said, “I will call it Rusty. Thank you, Mum!”
Literal Lily
How old is Tom?

Where does Tom live?

What pets did Tom want?

How does Mum try to make Tom feel better?

Inferential Ivy
How does Tom feel when Mum says
‘No?’ How do you know this?

How do you know Tom is happy about

his new pet?

Why did Tom call his pet Rusty?

Describing settings
Can you describe 2 settings and I will guess the

● Use your senses - what you can see, hear,

smell, taste and feel!
Lesson 4
Connective matching game!
Jane loved Glasgow while she also loved London.

The rain poured down they still swam outside in the pool.

John swam in the pool although his Mum sunbathed

He took a huge gulp of water however he was so thirsty

it was time to go home

He was having a wonderful time since
Show it, don’t say it!

Tears rolling Huge grin, Biting nails, Staring eyes,

down face, eyes eyes wide, frowning,
mouth turned sparkling, shaking. baring teeth.
upside down, laughing
staring at the quietly.
Can you match the character to their description?



Lazy Rude Evil

Can you describe these characters?
Jack had one teardrop rolling down his face
and he was staring at the ground. He felt
lonely since he had lost his Mum and Dad.

Henry was laughing as Jack was crying like a

baby. He was pointing at Jack so that
everyone could see him crying. He was making
a fist because he was about to punch Jack.
Let’s write a story
about the characters!
Story title:............
The boys were in the park. They could see
swings, slides, roundabouts and a seesaw.
Let’s play a game of 4 in a row!
Lesson 5
Let’s finish our
Choose a problem for the story!
Jack falls over.
Henry punched

Henry’s friend comes and joins

Jack pushes Henry in with making fun of Jack.

Choose a solution for the story!
Jack asks for help.
Henry apologises.

Someone sees what Henry is

Jack stands up for doing and makes him stop.

Now let’s write the problem and ending!
Let’s play a game o f 4 in a row!
Comprehension: Sam the cat
Jill has a brown cat. Her cat's name is Sam.
Find these words (how many seconds will
it take you?!
Sam plays with a bell. Jill rolls the bell. Sam
runs to the bell. 1 has plays rolls
The bell rolls under the bed. Sam runs under
the bed. Jill looks for Sam. Jill does not see 2.runs see yells

"Sam," Jill yells, "Come out." Sam does not 3.looks come jumps
come out. Jill jumps. The bell rolls out from
under the bed. Sam jumps on the bell.

"There you are," Jill says.

1 Jill has a ­____brown_____ cat.

Sam the cat

2 Her cat's name is _____Sam__.
Jill has a brown cat. Her cat's name is Sam.

3 Sam plays with a ___bell_____.

Sam plays with a bell. Jill rolls the bell. Sam
runs to the bell.
4 The bell rolls __under_______the bed.
The bell rolls under the bed. Sam runs under
the bed. Jill looks for Sam. Jill does not see
Sam. 5 __Sam___ runs under the bed.

"Sam," Jill yells, "Come out." Sam does not

come out. Jill jumps. The bell rolls out from 6 ____Jill__ looks for Sam.
under the bed. Sam jumps on the bell.

"There you are," Jill says. 7 Sam does not ____come__ out
Lesson 6
Weather game


icy boiling
Weather simile game
As hot as an iron the wind was tearing through the

As strong as a bull the snow was piled on top of the hills.

As fluffy as a newborn the storm was destroying everything in

lamb its path.
As loud as cymbals
crashing together
the sun was beating down on my face.

As damp as a dishcloth the rain was soaking everyone in the

“I’m Captain Hook!”
“No, I’m Captain Hook!”

“I’m Captain Hook,” said Horrid Henry.

“I’m Captain Hook” said Moody Margaret.

They glared at each other. “It’s my hook,” said Moody Margaret.

Moody Margaret lived next door. She did not like Horrid Henry, and Horrid Henry did not like her. But Rude
Ralph was busy, Clever Clare had flu, and Sour Susan was her enemy, Margaret would quickly jump over the
wall to play with Henry.

“Actually, it’s my turn to be Hook now,” said Perfect Peter. “I’ve been the prisoner for such a long time.”

“Prisoner, be quiet! said Henry.

“Prisoner, walk the plank!” said Margaret.

“But I’ve walked fourteen times already,” said Peter. “Please can I be Hook now?”

1. Who did Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret want to be? 1 mark

2. Which friends was Moody Margaret not able to play with? 3 marks

3. Why was she not able to play with them? 3 marks

4. Why might Peter be feeling a little bit fed up? 2 marks

1. Who did Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret want to be? 1 mark

2. Which friends was Moody Margaret not able to play with? 3 marks

3. Why was she not able to play with them? 3 marks

4. Why might Peter be feeling a little bit fed up? 2 marks

Let’s play a game!
Highlight the commas you can see in these lists.

The monster has scaly skin, a pointy tail and a pair of googly eyes.

The monster has fuzzy skin, skinny little legs and a round body.

The monster has a friendly grin, two sharp horns, petite paws and razor sharp teeth.
Spot the mistakes!
The monster has scaly skin, a pointy tail and a pair of googly eyes.

The monster has fuzzy skin, skinny little legs, and a round body.

The monster has a friendly grin, two sharp horns, petite paws, and razor sharp teeth.
Try writing sentences using these words …. don’t
forget the commas!
sandwiches juice swimming goggles

crisps grapes towel arm bands

balloons cake

presents lots of
Lesson 7
Stretch it out!
the rain The witch

Who? The tiny

The silly
the naughty
Where? boy
The strict
When? teacher
Beat the teacher!
The house was dark. Not a sound could be
heard, it was as still as a graveyard. The
windows were shut. The door was unpainted.
It looked as though the house had been empty
for some time and the driveway full of weeds.
Children didn’t venture near the haunted
Henry was a horrid baby. He screamed in the morning, he screamed in the evening. At night he never slept.
He put his breakfast on his head, lunch on the floor, dinner on the walls. And his nappies…what a stink!

Then Peter was born. Peter was a perfect baby. He smiled all day and slept all night. His nappies were
never dirty (well almost never). Henry was not very happy when Peter arrived. In fact he was furious. “I’ve
had just about enough of this baby,” he said to Mum.

“Gootchie, Gootchie Goo,” said Mum.

“Time to take that baby back to the hospital,” he said to Dad.

“Who’s my little plumpikins?” said Dad to Peter.

Henry glared at Peter. This house isn’t big enough for both of us, he thought. Horrid Henry tried posting
Peter. He tried dumping Peter. He tried losing Peter. He tried letting the wind blow him away. Perhaps he’ll
leave, thought Horrid Henry hopefully. Unfortunately, he didn’t. He just grew bigger and bigger, sitting in
Henry’s chair, playing with Henry’s toys, swinging on Henry’s swing and was a total nuisance.
Let’s work on answering full questions!

1. What 7 things made Henry a horrid baby?

2. What 3 things made Peter the perfect baby?

3. Which word means the same as angry?

4. What did Henry say to Dad?

5. What 3 things did Henry do to try and get rid of Peter?

Let’s finish with a game!
cried wailed moaned

sobbed spluttered moaned

wailed cried spluttered

screamed sobbed screamed

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