Demo-Teaching-Mapeh 8

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Family is a very important

part of our everyday life. It

helps us in improving our
personality. It also helps
us in shaping our life. It
teaches us the value of
integrity, love and honesty
and provides us with tools
necessary for success.
Have you ever
wondered how your
parents meet each
other ?

Were you able

to ask about
their love
Analyze the picture shown in the screen, and
answer the following questions

1. What ideas come into your mind upon seeing the pictures?
2. Does it bring good feelings or bad feelings?
3. What do you think is the topic that we are going to discuss?

Prepared by:
Jethromelech Rodriguez
*The lesson in week 1 was designed to define,
courtship and dating, explain the importance of
courtship and dating in choosing a lifelong
partner, examine the behaviors that promote
healthy relationships in marriage and family life,
and promote the importance of dating and
courtship to a healthy relationship in marriage
and family life.

*What I need to know?

Activity: Are you in love or
The purpose of the activity is to know if you ever
find yourself questioning whether your feelings are
actually that deep and you love him or you're
completely and deeply infatuated.

Link for the Love or Infatuated Questionnaire:
 Love and Infatuation are both
intense emotions that one feels for
another person. These feelings are
most often confused for each other by
many people. But the two feelings
differ in their actuality of love,
intensity, and final outcome.
Most people begin to form romantic
relationships based on love. Love is
deep affection for someone and is based on a
true desirefor the other person’s best
interests. In a healthy relationship, the other
person shares and responds with the same
kind of love. Learning to develop, nurture
and even deal with the loss of these
relationships are important ways to prepare
for adult relationships.
Infatuation or crush is the state of being
completely carried away by unreasoning passion or
love; addictive love. Infatuation usually occurs at
the beginning of relationships when sexual
attraction is central.
• is the period in a couple’s
relationship which precedes
their engagement and marriage.
Courtship- is a stage in which a
man and a woman assess each
It is an opportunity to know the
background of each other,
including the family where each
one belongs.
Why is it important for couples to undergo a
1.Courting gives time to understand one
2.It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes
limitations, and other aspirations in life.
3.It allows couples to decide whether they want
to be committed.
4.It allows couples to know if they are
ready to be committed.
5.It develops security.
6.It develops understanding and
• a social activity which involves two
or more people generally assessing
each other’s suitability for a
potential relationship.
-is a form of courtship consisting of
social activities done by two people, as
partners in an intimate relationship or
as a spouse.

-an act of meeting and engaging in

some mutually agreed upon social
activity, together as a couple.
1.Standard Date- involves two people

2. Double Date- two couples go on a date at

the same time and place.

3. Group Date- where any number of couples

can enjoy a date.
Importance of Dating
 It forms affection and respect.
 It strengthens the
 It gives quality time to each
othe r.

It leads one to observe
the other person’s
Importance of Dating
 Provides an opportunity for one to know
his/her strengths and weaknesses in
dealing with the opposite sex.
 It allows you to get to know the person you
are in a relationship with, while having a
good time.
 Helps to reveal any potential problems

you may have if pursuing a more serious

relationship with a person, and it sets the
foundation for marriage
 Each group will perform a skit or a role play, in this role play, you
will think of a situation or an ideal event for you to have a dream
date and ideal courtship that you want to happen in your life. You
are free to express and imagine your fantasies that you are always

Creativity (innovative/creative designs) – 30%
Originality and Resourcefulness – 20%
Relevance Message Conveyed (content/theme) – 30%
Visual Impact– 20%
 TOTAL = 100%
What I have learned?
 Learning Task: Situational Analysis
For your last task in this lesson, interpret and explain
the given quote.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.

“Courtship brings out the best.

Marriage brings out the rest.“

For Students:

“And think not you can direct the

course of love, for love, if it finds
you worthy, directs your course.”
― Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
For Adults:
• Qur’an [24:32] - “You shall encourage those of
you who are single to get married. They may
marry the righteous among your male and
female servants, if they are poor. GOD will
enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous,

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