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Lesson 12: Representing Real-Life

Situations Using Exponential

Learning Outcome(s): At the end of
the lesson, the learner is able to
represent real-life situations using
exponential functions.
Lesson Outline:
1. Exponential functions
2. Population, half-life, compound
3. Natural exponential function
Definition: An exponential
function with base b is a function
x x
of the form f(x) = b or y = b
(b > 0, b ≠ 1).
Example 1. If f(x) = 3 , evaluate
f(2), f(–2), f(1/2), f(0.4), and f(π)
f(2) = 3
f(-2) = 3 x
f(1/2) = 3 x = 31/2
f(0.4) = 3 0.4 =32/5 =
Since π = 3.14159… is irrational, the rules for
rational exponents are not applicable. We
π π
define 3 using rational numbers: f(π) = 3
can be approximated by 3 3.14 . A better
approximation is 3 3.14159 . Intuitively, one
can obtain any level of accuracy for 3 by
considering sufficiently more decimal places
of π. Mathematically, it can be proved that
these approximations approach a unique
value, which we define to be 3 π .
Definition. Let b be a positive number
not equal to 1. A transformation of an
exponential function with base b is a
function of the form
g(x) = a·b + d,
where a, c, and d are real numbers.
Some of the most common
applications in real-life of exponential
functions and their transformations
are population growth, exponential
decay, and compound interest.
Example 1. At t = 0, there were
initially 20 bacteria. Suppose that
the bacteria doubles every 100
hours. Give an exponential model
for the bacteria as a function of t.
Initially, at t = 0 Number of bacteria = 20
t = 100 Number of bacteria = 20(2)
t = 200 Number of bacteria = 20(2)2
t = 300 Number of bacteria = 20(2)3
t = 400 Number of bacteria = 20(2)4

An exponential model for this

situation is y = 20(2)t/100.
Exponential Models and Population
Suppose a quantity y doubles every T
units of time. If y0 is the initial amount,
then the quantity y after t units of time is
given by y = y 0 (2)
The half-life of a radioactive substance
is the time it takes for half of the
substance to decay.
Example 2. Suppose that the half-life
of a certain radioactive substance is 10
days and there are 10g initially,
determine the amount of substance
remaining after 30 days, and give an
exponential model for the amount of
remaining substance.
Solution. We use the fact that the mass
is halved every 10 days (from definition
of half-life).
Let t = time in days. Thus, we have:
Initially, at t= 0 Amount of Substance =10g
t=10 days Amount of Substance = 5g
t=20 days Amount of Substance = 2.5g
t=30 days Amount of Substance = 1.25g
An exponential model for this situation
is y = 10(1/2) t/10 .
Exponential Functions and Half-life
If the half-life of a substance is T units,
and y0 is the amount of the substance
corresponding to t = 0, then the amount
y of substance remaining after t units of
time is given by y = y0(1/2)t/T.
A starting amount of money (called
the principal) can be invested at a
certain interest rate that is earned at
the end of a given period of time (such
as one year). If the interest rate is
compounded, the interest earned at
the end of the period is
added to the principal, and this
new amount will earn interest in
the next period. The same process
is repeated for each succeeding
period: interest previously earned
will also earn interest in the next
Example 3. Mrs. De la Cruz invested
P100,000.00 in a company that
offers 6% interest compounded
annually. Define an exponential
model for this situation. How much
will this investment be worth at the
end of each year for the next five
Initially, at t = 0 Investment = P100,000
t = 1 Investment = P100,000(1.06) = P106,000
t = 2 Investment = P106,000(1.06) 2 = P112,360
t = 3 Investment = P112,360(1.06) 3= P119,101.60
t = 4 Investment = P119,101.60(1.06) 4= P126,247.70
t = 5 Investment = P 26,247.70(1.06) 5 =P133,822.56
An exponential model for this situation is
y = 100,000(1.06) t . The investment is worth
Compound Interest.
If a principal P is invested at an
annual rate of r, compounded t
annually, then the amount after t
years is given by A = P(1 + r) .
Example 4 . Referring to Example
5, is it possible for Mrs. De la Cruz
to double her money in 8 years? in
10 years?
If t = 8, y = P100,000(1.06)
If t = 10, y = P100,000(1.06)
The Natural Exponential Function
While an exponential function may have
various bases, a frequently used based is the
irrational number e, whose value is
approximately 2.71828. The enrichment in
Lesson 27 will show how the number e arises
from the concept of compound interest.
Because e is a commonly used based, the
natural exponential function is defined having
e as the base.
The natural exponential function is
the function f(x) = ex .
Example 5. A large slab of meat is taken from
the refrigerator and placed in a pre-
heated oven. The temperature T of the slab t
minutes after being placed in the oven is given
by T = 170 – 165e-0.006t degrees Celsius.
Construct a table of values for the following
values of t: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and
interpret your results. Round off values to the
nearest integer.
t 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
T 5 15 24 32 40 47 54

Page 84 of the TG
1. Robert invested P30,000 after
graduation. If the average interest
rate is 5.8% compounded annually,
(a) give an exponential model for
the situation, and (b) will the
money be doubled in 15 years?
(a) At t = 0, the amount is P30,000.
At t = 1, the amount is P30,000(1.058) = P31,740.
At t = 2, the amount is P30,000(1.058) = P33,580.92
At t = 3, the amount is P30,000(1.058)3 = P35,528.61.
An exponential model for this situation is y = 30000
(1.058) .
(b) If t =t 15, then y = 69,888.59. The money has
more than doubled in 15 years.
2. At time t = 0, 500 bacteria are in a
petri dish, and this amount triples
every 15 days. (a) Give an
exponential model for the situation.
(b) How many bacteria are in the
dish after 40 days?
(a) Let y be the number of bacteria.
At t = 0, y = 500.
At t = 15, y = 500(3) = 1,500.
At t = 30, y = 500(3) 2 = 4,500.
At t = 45, y = 500(3) = 13,500.
At t = 60, y = 500(3) = 40,500.
An exponential model for this situation is y
= 500(3) t/15 .
(b) If t = 40, then y = 500(3) 40/15 ≈ 9360.
There will be 9360 bacteria after 40 days.
3. The half-life of a substance is 400
years. (a) Give an exponential model
for the situation. (b) How much will
remain after 600 years if the initial
amount was 200 grams?
(a) At t = 0, the amount is 200 grams.
At t = 400, the amount is 200(1/2) = 100.
At t = 800, the amount is 200(1/2) = 50
At t = 1200, the amount is 200(1/2) 3 = 25
Thus, an exponential model for this
situation is y = 200(1/2) .
(b) If t = 600, then y = 70.71 grams.
4. The population of the Philippines
can be approximated by the function
P(x) = 20000000e 0.0251x (0 < x < 40)
where x is the number of years since
1955 (e.g. x = 0 at 1955). Use this
model to approximate the Philippine
population during the years 1955,
1965, 1975, and 1985. Round of
answers to the nearest thousand.
t 0 10 20 30

T 20,000,000 25,706, 33,040, 42,467,

000 000 211
1. A barangay has 1,000
individuals and its population
doubles every 60 years. Give an
exponential model for the
barangay. What is the
barangay’s population in 10
2. A bank offers a 2% annual interest
rate, compounded annually, for a
certain fund. Give an exponential
model for a sum of P10,000 invested
under this scheme. How much money
will there be in the account after 20
4. The half-life of a radioactive
substance is 1200 years. If the
initial amount of the substance is
300 grams, give an exponential
model for the amount remaining
after t years. What amount of
substance remains after 1000
PROJECT: Use short size bond paper,
computer generated or hand written


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