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Case study 5.

Overview case study:
- Amazon,in 2015, surpassed Walmart as the most
valuable retailer in the county with the valuation of
over $250 billion 
- the CEO of Amazon,Jeff Bezos- was ranked by
Forbes as the fifth-wealthiest person in the world with
the note “ Working hard to maintain the culture”
-Amazon’s culture:
1. bureaucracy: (a system for controlling or managing
a company that is operated by a large number of
officials employed to follow rules carefully)
2. excessive spending
3. lack of discipline
4. stance (lập trường) toward conflicts = encourage
employees to debate => optimal ideas
If you were working in HR
for Amazon, what kinds of
individuals would you look

for and  what kinds would
you avoid when it comes to
making hiring decisions?

• fit in the culture of the organization
•  have experience in handling pressure
• have knowledge in their department  answer any
kind of questions raised regarding their work
• raising their voice when they do not agree
• be adaptable to different work conditions.
Although debate can bring about
more refined ideas, can you envision
any situations in which public
confrontation might escalate in a
way that ultimately harms an

• public confrontations might discourage people who really
have the talent and can make their performance go low
due to lack of courage
• make people refrain from giving their ideas in the fear of
being pointed at  hinder the growth of the company and
its performance
=> be a loss for the organization ultimately

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