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The model emphasis on the mental activity that occurs
before, during and after purchase are made from customer.
The models focus on consumer decision-making, especially
on how individual consumers arrive at brand choices
Here consumer is analyzed as a system with stimuli as the
input to the system and behavior as he output of the system
Consumer decision process
Problem/Need recognition

Pre-purchase information search

Evaluation of alternatives

Purchase decision

Post purchase behaviour

Models of Buyer behaviour
Input-process-output model
Engle-kollatt blackwell model
Howard-sheth model
Bettman’s model
HCB model
Input process output model
 Marketing inputs
 Socio-cultural inputs
 Need recognition
 Pre-purchase search
 Evaluation of alternatives
 Purchase process
 Post purchase behaviour
Engel-kollat-Blackwell model
 Problem recognition
 Information search
 Alternative evaluation
 Choice
 Outcome

This model talks of consumer behaviour as a decision making process in the

form of four steps (activities) and other related variables which occur over a
period of time.  The Engel- Kollat -Blackwell model is essentially a
conscious problem solving and learning model of consumer behavior
Howard sheth model
 This model is slightly complicated and shows that
consumer behaviour is a complex process and
concepts of learning, perception and attitudes,
influence consumer behaviour. This model of
decision-making is applicable to individuals.
 This model basically serves two purposes;

1. It indicates how complex the whole question of

consumer behaviour really is.
2. It provides the framework for including various
concepts like learning, perception, attitudes,
etc.,, which play a role in influencing consumer
Bettman’s model
 Bettman (1979) in his model describes the consumer as
possessing a limited capacity for processing
information. He implicate that the consumers rarely
analyze the complex alternatives in decision making and
apply very simple strategy.
 In Bettman Information Processing Model, the consumer
is portrayed as possessing a limited capacity for
processing information. When faced with a choice, the
consumer rarely undertakes very complex analyses of
available alternatives. Instead, the consumer typically
employs simple decision strategies or heuristics. These
simplifying decision rules assist the consumer in
arriving at a choice by providing a means for
sidestepping the overly overburden task of assessing all
the information available about all the alternatives.
HCB Model
 There are various external and internal influences that determine a person’s lifestyle and self-concept. This, in turn, defines his
desires or needs.

External Influences: The various contributing external influences are:

* Culture

* Subculture

* Family

* Social status

* Demoraphics

* Marketing activities

* Reference groups
Internal Influences: The various contributing internal influences are:

* Perception

* Attitudes

* Personality

* Learning

* Emotions

* Memory

* Motives

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