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What is Design?

• It is….
– Goal-oriented
– Needs driven
– Often iterative
– A Process or Problem Solving Methodology
• It typically involves
– Creativity
• Requires creation of something that has not existed before or has not
existed in the designers mind before
– Complexity
• Requires decisions on many variables and parameters
– Choice
• Requires making choices between many possible solutions at all levels
from basic concept to the smallest detail of shape
– Compromise
• Requires balancing multiple and sometime conflicting requirements
Traditional Scientific Method Is Well Established

Ask a Question

Do Background Research

Construct a Hypothesis

Test Hypothesis

Analyze Results & Draw Conclusion

Report Results
 Design parts without undercuts
 Provide generous fillet radii
 Provide appropriate draft
 Avoid designing parts with thick walls or heavy sections
 Ensure holes and similar features do not require complex tooling
 Avoid large changes in thickness (including bosses)
 Choose material for minimum tooling, processing, and
material costs
 Design external threads to lie on parting plane/surface
 Add ribs for stiffening

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