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The Price System, Demand

and Supply, and Elasticity

Prepared by: Fernando Quijano

and Yvonn Quijano

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
The Price System

• The market system, also called the price

system, performs two important and
closely related functions :

• Price Rationing
• Resource Allocation

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Price Rationing

• Price rationing is the

process by which the
market system allocates
goods and services to
consumers when quantity
demanded exceeds
quantity supplied.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Price Rationing

• A decrease in supply
creates a shortage at
P0. Quantity demanded
is greater than quantity
supplied. Price will
begin to rise.
• The lower total supply
is rationed to those
who are willing and
able to pay the higher
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Price Rationing

• There is some price that

will clear any market.

• The price of a rare

painting will eliminate
excess demand until
there is only one bidder
willing to buy the single
available painting.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Alternative Rationing Mechanisms

• A price ceiling is a maximum price

that sellers may charge for a good,
usually set by government.

• Queuing is a nonprice rationing

system that uses waiting in line as a
means of distributing goods and

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Alternative Rationing Mechanisms

• Favored customers are those who receive

special treatment from dealers during
situations when there is excess demand.

• Ration coupons are tickets or coupons that

entitle individuals to purchase a certain
amount of a given product per month.

• The problem with these alternatives is that

excess demand is created but not eliminated.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Alternative Rationing Mechanisms

• In 1974, the
government used an
alternative rationing
system to distribute the
available supply of
• At an imposed price of
57 cents per gallon, the
result was excess

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Alternative Rationing Mechanisms

• A black market is a
market in which illegal
trading takes place at

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Alternative Rationing Mechanisms

• No matter how good the intentions of private

organizations and governments, it is very
difficult to prevent the price system from
operating and to stop the willingness to pay
from asserting itself.

• With favored customers and black markets, the

final distribution may be even more unfair than
that which would result from simple price

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Prices and the Allocation of Resources

• Price changes resulting from shifts of demand in output

markets cause profits to rise or fall.

• Profits attract capital; losses lead to disinvestment.

• Higher wages attract labor and encourage workers to

acquire skills.

• At the core of the system, supply, demand, and prices in

input and output markets determine the allocation of
resources and the ultimate combinations of things

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Supply and Demand Analysis:
An Oil Import Fee

• At a world price of $18, • The tax on imports causes an

increase in domestic production, and
imports are 5.9 million barrels quantity imported falls.
per day.
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair

• Elasticity is a general concept that can be used

to quantify the response in one variable when
another variable changes.

% A
e la s tic ity o f A w ith re s p e c t to B 
% B
• Price elasticity of demand measures how
responsive consumers are to changes in the
price of a product.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Price Elasticity of Demand

• Measures the responsiveness of demand to

changes in price.
• It is the ratio of the percentage change in
quantity demanded to the percentage change
in price.
% c h a n g e in q u a n tity d e m a n d e d
p ric e e la s tic ity o f d e m a n d 
% c h a n g e in p ric e
• Its value is always negative, but stated in
absolute terms.
• The value of the line of the slope and the
value of elasticity are not the same.
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Characteristics of Demand Elasticity

Value of Type of Magnitudes of Response to

Elasticity Demand Change Price Changes
 > |1| Elastic %Qd > %P Responsive
 < |1| Inelastic %Qd < %P Unresponsive
 = |1| Unitary elastic %Qd = %P Proportional

Type of Substitutes
Elasticity Available
Elastic Many
Inelastic Few
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Shape of Demand According to Elasticity

Type of Demand Inclination

Elastic Relatively Flat
Inelastic Relatively Steep

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Extreme Elasticities

Elasticity Value Type of Elasticity Substitutes Available

=0 Perfectly Inelastic None
= Perfectly Elastic Infinite

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Hypothetical Demand Elasticities
for Four Products

Hypothetical Demand Elasticities for Four Products

PRODUCT (% P) (% Qd) (% Qd/% P)
Insulin 10% 0% 0 Perfectly inelastic
Basic telephone service 10% -1% -0.1 Inelastic
Beef 10% -10% -1 Unitary elastic
Bananas 10% -30% -3 Elastic

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Calculating Percentage Changes

• Elasticity is a ratio of percentages, and it involves

computing percentage changes.
P2  P1
% c h a n g e in p ric e  x 100%
Q2  Q1
% c h a n g e in q u a n tity d e m a n d e d  x 100%
• Using the values on the graph to
compute elasticity, then:
 100%
p ric e e la s tic ity o f d e m a n d    3 .0
 3 3 .3 %

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Computing the Value of Elasticity

• The midpoint formula to

compute elasticity is:

Q2  Q1
x 100%
% Qd (Q 1  Q 2 ) / 2

% P P2  P1
x 100%
( P1  P2 ) / 2

10  5 5
x 100% x 100%
% Qd (5  1 0 ) / 2 6 6 .7 %
  7 .5 =   1 .6 7
% P 2  3 -1 - 4 0 .0 %
x 100% x 100%
(3  2 ) / 2 2 .5
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Interpreting the Value of Elasticity

Here is how to interpret two different

values of elasticity:
• When  = 0.2, a 10% increase in price
leads to a 2% decrease in quantity
• When  = 2.0, a 10% increase in price
leads to a 20% decrease in quantity

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity Changes along a Straight-Line
Demand Curve

• Price elasticity of demand

decreases as we move
downward along a linear
demand curve.

• Demand is elastic on the

upper part of the demand
curve and inelastic on the
lower part.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity Changes along a Straight-
Line Demand Curve
• Along the elastic range,
 6.4
elasticity values are
greater than one.
• Along the inelastic range,
 .29 elasticity values are less
than one.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity Along a Straight-Line
Demand Curve
25.00 Elasticity = 4
Price (dollars per pizza)

20.00 Elastic

Elasticity = 1
12.50 Inelastic
Elasticity = 1/4


0 10 20 25 30 40 50
Quantity (pizza per hour)
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity and Total Revenue

Effect of an
Change in quantity increase in Effect of a
Type of versus change in price on total decrease in price
demand Value of Ed price revenue on total revenue
Elastic Greater than Larger percentage change Total revenue Total revenue
1.0 in quantity decreases increases
Inelastic Less than 1.0 Smaller percentage Total revenue Total revenue
change in quantity increases decreases
Unitary Equal to 1.0 Same percentage change Total revenue Total revenue does
elastic in quantity and price does not change not change

• When demand is inelastic, price and total revenues are directly

related. Price increases generate higher revenues.
• When demand is elastic, price and total revenues are indirectly
related. Price increases generate lower revenues.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
25.00 Elastic

Total Revenue (billions of dollars) Price (dollars per pizza)

15.00 Unit
12.50 elastic

10.00 Inelastic
5.00 demand

25 50
312.50 Maximum
300.00 total revenue
When demand 200.00 When demand
is elastic, is inelastic,
price cut 150.00 price cut decreases
increases 100.00 total revenue
total revenue
Quantity (pizza per hour)
0 25 50
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity and Total Revenue:
Inelastic Demand
Price Price …leads to an increase
An increase in price in total revenue
from $1 to $3... from$100 to $240


Revenue = $240
Revenue = $100
Demand Demand
0 100 Quantity 0 80 Quantity

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity and Total Revenue: Elastic
Price Price …leads to a decrease
An increase in price in total revenue
from $4 to $5... from$200 to $100

Demand Demand
Revenue = $200 Revenue = $100

0 50 Quantity 0 20 Quantity

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Determinants of Demand Elasticity

• Availability of substitutes --
demand is more elastic when there
are more substitutes for the product.
• Importance of the item in the
budget -- demand is more elastic
when the item is a more significant
portion of the consumer’s budget.
• Time frame -- demand becomes
more elastic over time.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Other Important Elasticities

• Income elasticity of demand – measures the

responsiveness of demand to changes in
% c h a n g e in q u a n tity d e m a n d e d
in c o m e e la s tic ity o f d e m a n d 
% c h a n g e in in c o m e

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Other Important Elasticities

• Cross-price elasticity of demand: A

measure of the response of the quantity of one
good demanded to a change in the price of
another good.
% c h a n g e in q u a n tity o f Y d e m a n d e d
c ro s s - p ric e e la s tic ity o f d e m a n d 
% c h a n g e in p ric e o f X

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity of Supply

• Supply elasticity depends on:

• Resource substitution possibilities

• Time frame for the supply decision

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Inelastic and Elastic Demand
Perfectly inelastic supply
Price S1

Elasticity of
supply = 0

0 Quantity
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Inelastic and Elastic Demand
Unit elastic supply

Elasticity of
supply = 1

0 Quantity
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Inelastic and Elastic Demand
Perfectly elastic supply

Elasticity of
supply = 

0 Quantity
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity of Supply

• Resource Substitution Possibilities

• The more unique the resource, the more inelastic
the supply.
• Van Gogh painting - Van Gogh
• Wheat/corn — farmland

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Elasticity of Supply

• Time Frame for Supply Decisions

• Momentary supply

• Long-run supply

• Short-run supply

• The longer producers have to adjust to a price

change, the more elastic is supply.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Other Important Elasticities

• Elasticity of supply: A measure of the

response of quantity of a good supplied to a
change in price of that good. Likely to be
positive in output markets.
% c h a n g e in q u a n tity s u p p lie d
e la s tic ity o f s u p p ly 
% c h a n g e in p ric e

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
Other Important Elasticities

• Elasticity of labor supply: A measure of the

response of labor supplied to a change in the
price of labor.
% c h a n g e in q u a n tity o f la b o r s u p p lie d
e la s tic ity o f la b o r s u p p ly 
% c h a n g e in th e w a g e ra te

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
A Compact Glossary of Elasticities
A relationship is When its Which means that
described as magnitude is
Perfectly elastic Infinity The smallest possible increase in price causes
or infinitely elastic an infinitely large decrease in quantity demanded

Elastic Less than infinity The percent decrease in the quantity demanded
but greater than 1 exceeds the percent increase in price

Unit elastic 1 The percent decrease in the quantity demanded

equals the percent increase in price

In elastic Greater than zero The percentage decrease in the quantity demanded
but less than 1 is less than the percent increase in price.

Perfectly inelastic Zero The quantity demanded is the same at all prices
or completely inelastic
© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
A Compact Glossary of Elasticities
A relationship is When its Which means that
described as magnitude is

Perfect substitutes Infinity The smallest possible increase in price of one

good causes an infinitely large in the demand
of the other good.

Substitutes Positive, less If the price of one good increases, the quantity
than infinity demanded of the other good also increases.

Independent Zero The demand for one good remains constant,

regardless of the price of the other good.

Complements Less than zero The demand for one good decreases when the
price of the other good increases.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
A Compact Glossary of Elasticities
A relationship is When its Which means that
described as magnitude is

Income elastic Greater than 1 The percent increase in the quantity demanded
(normal good) is greater than the percentage increase in income.

Income inelastic Less than 1 but The percent increase in the quantity demanded
(normal good) greater than zero is less than the percentage increase in income.

Negative income elastic Less than zero When income increases, quantity demanded
(inferior good) decreases.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair
A Compact Glossary of Elasticities
A relationship is When its Which means that
described as magnitude is

Perfectly elastic Infinity The smallest possible increase in price causes an

infinitely large increase in the quantity supplied.

Elastic Less than infinity The percent increase in the quantity supplied
but greater than 1 exceeds the percentage increase in the price.

Inelastic Greater than zero The percentage increase in the quantity supplied
but less than 1 is less than the percentage increase in price.

Perfectly inelastic Zero The quantity supplied is the same at all prices.

© 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Principles of Economics, 6/e Karl Case, Ray Fair

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