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• If an injustice is thousands of miles away, and

How did the if powerholder doesn’t care what you and

Anti-Apartheid your social group think, how can you make a
against all • It IS possible, if you find ways to put pressure
odds, win on secondary targets within your spheres of
South African
as a multiracial This powerpoint uses the professor’s personal
experience with anti-apartheid movement as
democracy? an example of how pressure on secondary
targets can be powerful.
Students pressured their colleges to divest from companies
doing business with racist South African government
(including Princeton where I was)
Consumer boycotts pressured American companies
to get out of South Africa and Namibia

Action Group
sardines at
grocery stores
Boycotts, pickets and public shaming led companies that
sold South African coins to stop selling them
Singing in an anti-apartheid
anti-racist choir
(In South Africa just singing this song landed people in jail.)
Newly freed Nelson Mandela came to Boston in 1990 on
his victory tour
And guess who got to sing on stage?

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