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Modeling of Electrical and

Electromechanical Systems

ME 635
Electrical Systems

• Components and their models

• The circuit topology and its equations
• Examples
• State-space representation
• Transformation to state-space form
Element Laws
Passive Electrical Elements

• In a complete circuit there are two types of elements found

Active Elements and Passive Elements.
• Passive Elements
– Resistor
V : Voltage
R: Resistance
iR: Current
– Inductor

– Capacitor
Interconnection Laws:
Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
• 1st Kirchhoff’s law:
– At a node (point at which two or more circuit elements
have a connection) the algebraic sum of the currents
entering is zero (charge conservation).

• Choosing e.g. node C

Interconnection Laws:
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

The algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed path

in a circuit is zero.
• Looking again , we can write down the 2 equations for the 2 branches:

V 1 = R 1 I 1 + R3 I 3
V 2 = R 2 I 2 + R3 I 3
Simulation of an Electric Circuit
Example 1
a: The differential equation, natural frequency, damping ratio.
b: The transfer function.

Simulation of an Electric Circuit

Differentiating the above equation with respect to time,

Simulation of an Electric Circuit
Implementation in simulink,

Following previous examples with mechanical systems.

1 1 1
v1  v a  v1  v1



Simulation of an Electric Circuit
• Example 2
a: The system differential system
Simulation of an Electric Circuit

At node (1)

Differentiating the above equation with respect to time,

Simulation of an Electric Circuit

At node (2)

1. Differentiating the above equation with respect to time,

Simulation of an Electric Circuit

2. The system equations are expressed in the second-

order matrix form as
Simulation of an electric circuit

Implementation in Simulink,
Electromechanical Systems
• Electromechanical systems are composed of electrical
and mechanical components
– Motors
– Generators
– Sensors
– …
Resistive Coupling

• Control a variable resistance by

mechanical motion

• Potentiometer
– Circuit diagram
– Output voltage
Coupling by a Magnetic Field

• The physical laws governing this type of electromechanical

coupling state that:
– A wire in a magnetic field that carries a current will have a force exerted on it.
– A voltage will be induced in a wire that moves relative to the magnetic field.

• The variables need to model such devices are:

Force Induced
• Force induced in a current
carrying conductor in a
magnetic field:
– Fe = B l i
• B – Magnetic flux
density, Webers/m2
• l – Length of the
• i – Current in Amperes
Voltage Induced

• Voltage induced in a moving wire

in a magnetic field (Back EMF)
– em = B l v
• B – Magnetic flux
density, Webers/m2
• l – Length of the
• v – velocity in meters.
Devices Coupled by Magnetic Fields
• Galvanometers
Galvanometer Model
Separate into electrical and mechanical systems with
Galvanometer System Model
Galvanometer System Model
Modeling Galvanometer System by Simulink
The Microphone Model
System Model
System Model
DC Motor
Modeling a DC Motor

Armature Circuit Field Circuit

DC Motor Model

• Armature DC motors
• (Constant Voltage)
Armature Controlled DC Motor
A simple model: rigid shaft

For electrical circuit,

Applying the elemental electrical relations,

Mechanical Model
The free-body diagram

The motor torque relation

The differential equation

The system equations

Field Controlled DC Motor

• Field-controlled DC motors (Constant Current)

Field Controlled DC Motor Model

if equation

The moment equation

• An electromechanical device used to measure acceleration for a moving
body as a function of time.
Separation of Electrical and Mechanical
Inertial force

Total coil
Total coil inductance

C Recorder
Induced Spring
Damping resistance
force force force
System Model for the Accelerometer

System Model

L   Rc  R  r i   Blx
Mx  B
Cx  Kx  Bli  Mac (t )
eo  Rr i
Frequency Response
• Undamped natural frequency and damping ratio

• Frequency plots can be used to determine suitable values for

damping ratio and Undamped natural frequency

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