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Ex Post Facto

“from after the fact”

Gay (1976)
- in ex post facto research,
the researcher investigates
a problem by studying the
variables in retrospect.
Kerlinger (1973)
- systematic empirical inquiry in
which the scientist does not have
direct control of independent
variables because their
manifestations have already
occurred or because they are
inherently not manipulable.
Gay (1976)

- It is that research in which the

researcher attempts to determine
the cause of reason, for existing
differences in the behavior or
status of groups of individuals.
The researcher observes
that groups are different to
some variables and then
the attempts to identify the
major factor or factors
which have caused this
Comparison Between
Ex Post Facto
Experimental Researches
- In an ex post facto
study, the researcher
first observes an effect
and then tries to
determine the cause.
- In experimental, the
researcher creates the cause,
deliberately makes the groups
different and then observes what
effect that difference has on some
dependent variable.
- There is manipulative
control of the independent
Selective Manipulation in
Ex Post Facto Research
May randomization
be done in an ex post
facto research?
In drawing subjects from a
population, you need to do
this randomly to control for
extraneous variables.
The subjects assign
themselves to particular
groups on the basis of their
own characteristics.
Kerlinger (1973)
This occurs when the
subjects come together in
different groups because
they differentially possess
traits or characteristics.
You may manipulate the
independent variable through
“selecting” subjects that fit the
variable under study.

“Selective manipulation”
Making Conclusion in
Ex Post Facto Research
Since there is no direct
control of the independent
variables, the data gathered will
not guarantee a completely valid
conclusion about the findings.
The causal relationship between
the independent and dependent
variables, may be in question.
Applications of
Ex Post Facto Research
Hypotheses stated in cause-effect
relationship and where variables
being correlated are ex post facto,
that is manifestations have already
occurred, the research is actually ex
post facto.

Ex post facto studies attempt to

identify cause-effect relationships,
correlational studies do not.
Kerlinger (1973)
Field studies are in fact ex post facto
investigations. The investigator in a field
study looks at social institution and then
studies the relations among the attitudes,
values, perceptions and behaviors of the
individuals and group in the situation. He
ordinarily manipulates no dependent
variables. He cannot for this matter.

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