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Grammar activities for older children

1. Meta-language is using Extract 14 which is a series of grammar

activities for more advance children. They are taken from a materials
project designed by primary teacher and teacher trainer from Brunei
(Shark 2005). it is for ten years old children who has learning English for
4/5 years and it used to build children awareness of grammatical.
The purpose- focus on the ‘past tenses’ of both regular and irregular
verbs. As an example teacher giving a story and student try to answer
what happened in the story by matching the messages to the pictures.
2. Fun grammar activities
Game puzzles where students are encouraged to discover grammar
rules for themselves in games, such as describing differences between
two pictures, which can be used to practice preposition.

to sum up all over, this chapter started with the idea that
grammar and vocabulary were difficult to divide into two neat
1. younger learners, they are simply not ready for and
interested in analyzing and discussing component part of
2. old learners, they are possible to separate the grammar and
vocabulary and also include more explicit and analytical
exercise as well as more use meta-language.

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