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What is Brain Fingerprinting?

Brain Fingerprinting is a scientific

technique to determine whether or not
specific information is stored in an
individual's brain.
Quick Overview
• Invented By Dr Lawrence A. Farwell.
• It’s a patented technique of proven accuracy
in US government tests.
• Ruled Admissible in one US Court as scientific
• It has a record of 100% Accuracy.
How it works ?
• On seeing a previously known information, a
specific measurable brain response known as a
P300 or MERMER i.e. Memory and Encoding
Related Multifaceted Electroencephalographic
Response, is elicited by the brain of a subject.
What is P300/ MERMER?
• A MERMER is a part of the brainwave
observed in response to familiar information.
• When the brain recognizes something,
neurons are fired synchronously, eliciting
characteristic changes in brain activity.
• It is these changes, that investigators look for
when trying to determine whether someone
recognizes a particular piece of information.
• When a person is exposed to a rare, but
meaningful information, there is increase in
neuron activity which results in an increase in
voltage, typically within 300–1000msec after
the stimulus, and that response with increases
voltage is known as P300.
• The utility of the P300 in detection of
deception was recognized as early as 1988,
However, the P300 has only a 87.5% success
rate in revealing the presence of relevant
information in one’s brain.

• But Farwell’s test is based on the discovery

that the P300 is only a subcomponent of a
more complicated response called a
• The MERMER, includes the P300 and another
longer latency, electrically negative
subcomponent with a latency of up to two
seconds post-stimulus
It incorporates the following
• A sequence of words, phrases, or pictures is
presented on a video monitor to the subject,
wearing a special headband designed for
detecting the brain wave responses.
• Three types of stimuli are presented: 1.Target
2. Irrelevant
3. Probe
• Target : The target stimuli are made relevant
and noteworthy to all subjects.
• Irrelevant : These have no relation to the
situation under investigation.
• Probes : Probes are the stimuli that are
relevant to the situation under investigation.
• The targets provide a template for a response
that will be generated when a subject
recognizes a stimuli familiar to the situation
under investigation.
• The irrelevant provide a template, for a
response that will be generated when a
subject don’t recognizes a stimuli familiar to
the situation under investigation.
• For each probe stimulus, there are
approximately four irrelevant stimuli and one
target stimuli.
• The targets, since they are recognized and
require a particular response, are noteworthy
for all subjects.
• The irrelevant are not noteworthy for any
• The probes are noteworthy only to the
subjects who have the knowledge specific to
the situation under investigation.
• A subject lacking specific information relevant
to the situation under investigation recognizes
only two types of stimuli: Targets &
• A subject with specific information relevant to
the situation under investigation, however,
recognizes all three types of stimuli: Targets
Irrelevents & probes.
• The main function of our experimental design
is, to create a two-stimulus series for an
individual without the specific information
under investigation, and a three-stimulus
series (with the same stimuli) for an individual
who possesses knowledge of the specific
information under investigation.
• The determination of information present in
one’s brain consists of comparing the probe
responses to the target responses, which
contain a P300/MERMER, as both are
noteworthy to the subject.
Information present
• The determination of information absent in
one’s brain consists of comparing the probe
responses to the irrelevant responses, as both
are not familiar to the subject and do not elicit
a P300/MERMER.
Information absent
• This pattern occurs within less than a second
after the stimulus presentation, and can be
readily detected using EEG amplifiers and a
computerized signal-detection algorithm.
• In order for the test to be an effective indicator
of knowledge or lack thereof, stimuli must be
structured such that only a knowledgeable
person would recognize the probe stimuli.
• The entire Brain Fingerprinting system is
under computer control, including presentation
of the stimuli, recording of electrical brain
activity, a mathematical data analysis
algorithm that compares the responses to the
three types of stimuli and produces a
determination of "information absent" or
"information present.“
• Results have shown this technique to be
capable of producing an "information absent"
or "information present" determination, with a
strong statistical confidence, in approximately
90% of the cases studied. All of the
determinations were accurate. In the other
10% of cases the mathematical algorithm
determined that there was insufficient
information to make determination
Instrumental Requirements

• personal computer
• a data acquisition board
• a graphics card for driving two monitors from
one PC
• a four-channel EEG amplifier system
• software developed by the Brain
Fingerprinting Laboratories for data
acquisition and analysis.
Comparisons with other
• Fingerprints and DNA are available in only 1%
of crimes. The brain and the evidence
recorded in it are always there.
• No questions are asked and no answers are
given during Farwell Brain Fingerprinting.
• Brain Fingerprinting technology depends only
on brain information processing, it does not
depend on the emotional response of the
Other Applications
• There are several other areas in which Brain
fingerprinting can be used to make life easier
and can aid mankind in many ways. Key fields
where brain fingerprinting can be used are:
• What specific information do people retain
from advertising?
• What specific elements in an ad campaign
have the most impact?
• How effective is the product branding
Counter terrorism
• Aid in determining who has participated in
terrorist acts, directly or indirectly.  
• Help to identify people who have knowledge
or training in banking, finance or
communications and who are associated with
terrorist teams and acts.
Medical Applications
• With early diagnosis, the progression of
Alzheimer's symptoms can often be delayed
through medications and dietary and lifestyle
• Using the very precise measurements of
cognitive functioning available with this
technology, pharmaceutical companies will be
able to determine more quickly the effects of
their new medications.
Security Testing
• Computer Hacking
• Visa Applications
• Polygraph "False-Positive“
• Corporate Security
• Security Clearances
• Identify criminals quickly and scientifically
• Record of 100% accuracy
• Identify terrorists and members of gangs,
criminal and intelligence organizations
• Reduce expenditure of money and other
resources in law enforcement
• Reduce evasion of justice.
• Access criminal evidence in the brain
• Fingerprints and DNA, though accurate and
highly useful, can only be collected in
approximately 1% of all criminal cases brain is
always there.
• Human Rights oriented.
• It would be inappropriate to generalize the
results of the present research because of the
small sample of subjects.
• But the 100% accuracy and high confidence
level of the results, however, provide further
support for results from previous research
using brain MERMER testing.
• Additional research is required to determine if
brain MERMER testing is a technique which
could tell an investigator that a particular
person possesses this detailed knowledge.
• Additionally, if research determines that brain
MERMER testing is reliable enough that it
could be introduced as evidence in court, it
may be the major criminal investigative tool of
the future.

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