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The company sending this email was looking to help the prospect
recruit partners. This email had a lot of potential, but based on
Bad Emailhow it was, written it failed on many levels.

Subject Line: Recruiting Your Channel Partners

Dear Jim-

I was curious if you had any concerns about how your channel partners will hit your revenue goals or if you are trying to figure out
what is and isn’t working in your partner community. I know firsthand how frustrating and challenging it can be to keep partners
focused on your products, so your revenue goals are met…without busting your budget.

We’ve had tremendous success with companies like ABC Corporation, where we drove 150% net new business, when we worked
with XYZ Inc. we were able to reduce partner cost by 50% and we helped ACME Inc. close $1.2M in new business in 6 months.

Would it make sense for us to chat? If you do not have any concerns about your partner program, then I want to respect your time
and there would be no need to chat. If, however, you have areas you are trying to address, I’d like to learn what those challenges
are. Would you be so kind to let me know if you feel quick chat would be valuable to you?

Have a great weekend!


Subject line: Amco

Dear Jim,

I saw Amco recently joined your partner program, as part of your strategic plan to go
after ABC’s market share. There are a couple of key techniques that you can leverage to
recruit highly successful partners, while reducing your partner cost by as much as 50%.

I have time on Wednesday afternoon or Friday morning to share these strategies with
you. What openings do you have on those days?
Why does this email work?

 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
 Subject line is relevant to the prospect’s responsibilities, which were found in a quick
Google search on the company.
 It is short and easy to scan – powerful 75 words
 Mobile friendly.
 It mentions their internal strategy, which was found in a quick Google search about the
 The body is relevant to the prospect, as they are responsible for recruitment and budget.
 The call to action provides value and provides options of days to further discuss the

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