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Revision for the examination

Paper structure
• Paper is open 6.00 – 22.00
• Date Friday 11 December
• Suggested length maximum 2000 words
(including citations) not including references
• Your work is run through Turnitin
• Two sections A & B
– one questions from 2 in section A (40%)
– two questions from 4 in Section B (30% each)
Subjects Covered
• SECTION A (1 from this section) 
• The components of a product (Lecture 2)
• Ethics (Lecture 17)
• SECTION B (2 from this section)
• Consumer decision making (Lecture 5 & seminar week
commencing 5.10.2020 )
• Customer relationships/customer care.  (Lecture 16)
• Marketing segmentation, targeting and positioning (Lectures 7
& 8 , seminar week commencing 12.10.2020)
• New product development (NPD)process. (Lecture 11 &
seminar week commencing 2.11.2020)
Levels Of Products

Knowles, T. (2020) Bubbles sound death knell for headphones. The Times, 14.11.
Revision Tips
• Work your way through lecture notes papers
• Read relevant sections in course text/ other marketing texts
• Review seminars in the above areas
• Start early in the morning your brain is more active!
• Take regular breaks …remember your attention span is
about 40 minutes and probably less!… Short and sweet v
long and dull!
• Re-write your notes…it aids the memory…use spider
• Revise in groups
• Revise actively
• Illegibility /handwriting
• Poor time keeping
• Lack of explanation
• Lists that are not explained
• Poor structure
• Illustration
• Relevance
• Memory dumping
• Proof reading
Marking scheme
• Generally follow these rules
• Up to 40% points only
• 40-49% some explanation with major errors
• 50-59% explanation but with lack of illustration/
examples. Most questions ask for examples…make
sure you give them
• 60-69% explanation with examples
• 70% plus as above but with a high quality answer
that addresses all the issues in the question

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