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1. Dalam File Excell tersedia Data abnormalitas.

Data pada pria : SGOT/SGPT, Hb, Trigliceride,
tota kolesterol, HDL, LDL
Hitunglah nilai:
1.1. Hitung harga rerata
1.2. Hitung standard deviasi
1.3.Nilai abnormalitas: X± 2 SD
2. Rapid breathing is an important clinical manifestation of illness in a
young infant. Acute Respiratory Infection especially pneumonia often
delay referring to the hospital, especially in a 2-month infant. For this
reason, health center wants to involve health care to detect
pneumonia. Tachypnea has recommended by WHO as an indicator of
hypoxia. A gold standard for diagnosing hypoxia is oximetry but this is

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3. Case: a child (four years old) come together with his mother to
a phisician with fever and tachypnoe. His mother tell that his
children want to get medicine in short time. The doctor think
amoxicillin can be take 3 days or five days to cure non severe
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• Pastekan Abstract Artikel yang didapat pada lembar Jawaban
• Lakukan Critical Appraisal dari Artikel dengan critical appraisal
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4. Dalam file excell tersedia data Therapy Bad
Outcome. Hasil Randomized clinical trial/
control trial ACE inhibitor
• 4.1. Hitunglah nilai—nilai Importancy
• 4.2. Buat kesimpulan
5.Dalam file excell tersedia Data Therapy
• 5.1. Hitunglah nilai—nilai Importancy
• 5.2. Buat kesimpulan

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