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Definition & Classification of

Stress and Stressors

Presented by: Sabina

Roll no: 18167026
Submitted to: Dr. Shahab uddin

• Definition of Stress & Stressors
• Classification of Stress and Stressors
• Responses to Stress
• Health problems due to stress
• How to overcome stress
• References


• Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that
requires an adjustment or response.
• Stress is the reaction people have towards
excessive pressures or the other types of demand
placed upon them. It rises when they worry that
they can’t cope.


• A stressor is a chemical or biological agent,

environmental condition, external stimulus or an
event seen as causing stress to an organism.

• Depending on the stressor, stress can b either

positive or negative.
Negative Stress(Distress): is usually severe
and is beyond one’s control. It is characterized by
physical and mental signs and symptoms.
 Positive Stress (Eustress): is always mild or
moderate. It results in to positive effects including
improved creativity, learning, efficiency at work
and higher level of self-esteem.

Types of Stress:
1. Acute stress:
• It’s our body’s immediate reaction to a new challenge,
event, or demand, and it triggers your fight or flight
Example: pressures of a near-miss automobile accident
or arguments with family.
2. Episodic acute stress:
• When acute stress happens frequently, it’s called
episodic acute stress.
3. Chronic stress:
• If acute stress isn’t resolved and begins to increase or
lasts for longer periods of time, it becomes chronic
stress. This stress is constant and does not go away.

Types of Stressors:
Internal Stressors: (Emotional Stressors):
• Internal stressors include anxiety, fear and
personality fears.
For example: too much worrying about the
outcome of job interview leads to excessive
perspiration, difficulty in sleeping, nail biting etc.
External Stressors:
• It includes, family stressors, work stressors,
change stressors, chemical stressors,
Environmental stressors, etc.

Family stressors: include family role

expectations, parent-child relationships, sibling
relationships, financial struggles and ill family
Social stressors: include problems and
challenges faced at work, school or other places.
Chemical stressors: include alcohol, nicotine,
caffeine or tranquilizers.
Disease stressors: include bed ridden or
following a strict diet.
Environmental stressors: include pollution,
noise, heat, congestion etc.

Responses to Stress:
Physiological response to stress:
• Immediate responses to stress
• Stimulation of Sympathetic adrenomedullary system.
• General adaptation syndrome.
 Psychological response to stress:
• Direct Action: deal with actual problem
• Freezing (anticipation of threat)
• Aggression (Fight)
• Escape (Flight)
• Learned helplessness
• Hopelessness

Health problems due to stress:

• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Eating disorders
• Stroke
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Hypertension
• Memory loss

How to overcome stress:

• Exercise
• Reduce caffeine intake
• Laugh
• Relax
• Eat something you like
• Listen music, movies
• Write it down
• Spend time family and friends

• Behavioral sciences in clinical medicine

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