Neonatal Seizures

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Trauma & Emergency System

Neonatologi Division.Department of Child Health
Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University

Seizures are transient disturbances in brain

function manifesting as episodic
impairments in consciousness in association
with abnormal motor or automatic activity.
Probable Mechanisms of Some Neonatal


Failure of Na + -K + pump secondary to Hypoxemia, ischemia,

 adenosine triphosphate and hypoglycemia
Excess of excitatory neurotransmitter
(eg.glutamic acid—excessive excitation) Hypoxemia, ischemia
and hypoglycemia
Deficit of inhibitory neurotransmitter Pyridoxine dependency
(i.e., relative excess of excitatory
Membrane alteration—  Na + Hypocalcemia and
Permeability hypomagnesemia
Volpe JJ.Neonatal Seizures:Neurology of the Newborn.4th ed.
Classification of Neonatal

 Clinical

 Electroencephalographic
I. Clinical Seizure
 Subtle
 Tonic
 Clonic
 Myoclonic

II. Electroencephalographic seizure

 Epileptic
 Non-epileptic
…..Clinical Classification
1. Subttle
Usually occurs in association with other types of seizures
and may manifest with:
 Stereotypic movements of the extremities such as
bicycling or swimming movements.
 Deviation or jerking of the eyes with repetitive
 Drooling, sucking or chewing movements.
 Apnea or sudden changes in respiratory patterns.
 Rhythmic fluctuations in vital signs
 More in preterm than in term
…..Clinical Classification
2. Tonic
 Primarily in Preterm
 May be focal or generalized
 Sustained extension of the upper and lower limbs
(mimics decerebrate posturing)
 Sustained flexion of upper with extension of lower
limbs (mimics decorticate posturing)
 Signals severe ICH in preterm infants
 In 85% of cases are not associated with any autonomic
changes such as increases in heart rate or blood
pressure, or skin flushing.
…..Clinical Classification
3. Clonic

 Consist of slow (1-3 /minute) rhythmic jerking movements of

the extremities. They may be focal or multi-focal. Each
movement is composed of a rapid phase followed by a slow one.
 Changing the position or holding the moving limb does not
suppress the movements.
 Commonly seen in full-term neonates >2500 grams
 Consciousness may be preserved
 Signals focal cerebral injury, infarction or metabolic
…..Clinical Classification
4. Myoclonic

Focal, multifocal, or generalized

 Focal myoclonic seizures typically involve the flexor
muscles of the extremities.
 Multi-focal myoclonic seizures present as
asynchronous twitching of several parts of the body.
 Generalized myoclonic seizures present as massive
flexion of the head and trunk with extension or flexion
of the extremities. They are associated with diffuse
CNS pathology
Electroencephalographic seizure
I. Epileptic
 Consistently associated with electro-cortical
seizure activity on the EEG
 Cannot be provoked by tactile stimulation
 Cannot be suppressed by restraint of involved
limb or repositioning of the infant
 Related to hyper synchronous discharges of a
critical mass of neuron
II. Non-epileptic
 No electro-cortical signature: seizures are initiated
in the subcortical area and are not usually
associated with any EEG changes.
 Provoked by stimulation
 Suppressed by restraint or repositioning
 Brainstem release phenomena (reflex)
Relation between Clinical seizure and EEG seizure



Subtle +*
Focal +
Multifocal +
Focal +
Generalized +
Focal, multifocal +
Generalized +
*Only specific varieties of subtle seizures are commonly associate with simultaneous
Electroencephalographic seizure activity.

Volpe JJ.Neonatal Seizures:Neurology of the Newborn.4 th ed.

Jitteriness Versus Seizure

Abnormality of gaze or eye - +

Movements exquisitely stimulus + -
Predominant movement Tremor Clonic jerking

Movements cease with passive + -

Autonomic changes - +
The flexion and extension phases + -
are equal in amplitude
EEG abnormalities - +/-
......Jitteriness (cont)

 often seen in neonates with hypoglycemia, drug

withdrawal, hypocalcemia, hypothermia and in
(SGA) neonates.
 spontaneously resolve within few weeks.
Most Common Causes of Seizures
 Perinatal asphyxia Hypoxic Ischemic Enchephalopathy
 Intracranial hemorrhage : subarachnoid,
perivntricular/intraventricular, subdural
 Metabolic disturbances (Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia,
 Infections (TORCH, meningitis, septicemia)
Less Common Causes of Seizures
 Congenital brain anomalies
 Inborn errors of metabolism
 Maternal drug withdrawal (heroin, barbiturates,
methadone, cocaine, etc.)
 Kernicterus
 Pyridoxine (B6) dependency, and hyponatremia
Diagnosis of Seizures
A. History
Obtain a good maternal and obstetric history;
Pregnancy history is important
 Search for history that supports TORCH infections
 History of fetal distress, preeclampsia or maternal infections
 Maternal drug history
Delivery history:
 type of delivery and antecedent events
 Apgar scores offer some guidance : Low Apgar score without
the need for resuscitation and subsequent neonatal intensive
care is unlikely to be associated with neonatal seizures
…..Diagnosis of Seizures

Postnatal history
Neonatal seizures in infants without uneventful antenatal
history and delivery may result from postnatal cause
Tremulousness may be secondary to drug withdrawal or
Temperature and blood pressure instability may suggest
Diagnosis of Seizures
A. Physical examination
Determine :
Gestational age
Blood pressure
Presence of skin lesion
Precense of hepatosplenomegaly

B. Neurologic evaluation
C. Notation of the seizure pattern ( onset, spread, nature,
duration, and level of conciousness)
Laboratory Investigations

Primary tests
 Blood glucose
 Blood calcium and magnesium
 Complete blood count, differential leukocytic
count and platelet count
 Electrolytes
 Arterial blood gas
 Cerebral spinal fluid analysis and cultures
 Blood cultures

….Laboratory Investigations, cont

 TORCH titers, ammonia level, head sonogram

and amino acids in urine.
Normal in about 1/3 of cases
 Cranial ultrasound
For hemorrhage and scarring
 CT
To diagnose cerebral malformations and
Management of Seizures

Management goals
 To minimize brain damage
 Achieve systemic homeostasis (airway,
breathing and circulation).
 Correct the underlying cause if possible.

Stopping Seizures with Anticonvulsants
Drug Dose Comments Side Effects

Phenobarbital  Loading dose:  It is the drug of  Hypotension

10-20 mg/kg. choice.  Apnea
Add 5 mg/kg to  Administer IV
a maximum of over 5 minutes.
40 mg/kg  Therapeutic
level: 20-40
 Maintenance:  Administer IM,  Monitor
3-5 mg/kg/day IV, or PO every respiratory
in divided 12 hours. status during
doses every 12  Begin therapy administration
hours. 12 hours after and assess IV
loading dose. site.
Stopping Seizures with Anticonvulsants
Drug Dose Comments Side Effects

When seizures are not controlled with phenobarbital alone.

Phenytoin  Loading dose:  Administer IV at  Do not give IM.

15-20 mg/kg IV a maximum rate  Toxicity is a
over 30 min. of 0.5 mg/kg/min problem with this
 Maintenance: 4- drug.
 Maintenance: 8 mg/kg/day by  Cardiac
3-5 mg/kg/day. IV push or PO. arrhythmias
 Divide total dose  Cerebellar
and administer damage
IV every 12

Stopping Seizures with Anticonvulsants
Drug Dose Comments Side Effects

For treatment of status epilepticus.

Benzodiazepines  Lorazepam:  Administer IV.  Respiratory

0.05 – 0.1 mg/kg  Repeat every 15 depression,
 Diazepam: 0.1 – minutes for 2-3  Interferes with
0.3 mg/kg/dose. doses if needed. bilirubin binding to
 Maximum dose is albumin
2-5 mg.
 It can be given
once as a PO
dose of 0.1-0.3
mg/kg. 24
Medical Management :
 10% dextrose solution (2cc/kg IV) empirically to any
seizing neonate.
 Anticonvulsant drugs
 Calcium gluconate (200mg/kg IV), if hypocalcemia is
suspected .
 Magnesium sulfate 50%, 0.2ml/kg or 2 mEq/kg.
 In pyridoxine dependency give pyridoxine 50mg IV as a
therapeutic trial. Seizures will stop within minutes.
 Antibiotics in suspected sepsis.
 Be prepared to manage any complication
When to Stop Anticonvulsant Drugs /

 No specific practice guidelines for the timing for

stopping these medications, however:

 Stopping AEDs two weeks after last seizure

episode is acceptable as prolonged medication can
adversely affect the developing brain.

When to Stop Anticonvulsant Drugs /
AEDS (cont)

 Discontinuation before discharging from the

neonatal unit is generally recommended unless the
neonate demonstrates a significant brain lesion on
head sonogram or CT, or abnormal neurological
signs at the time of discharge.

Determinants of Duration of
anticonvulsant therapy for neonatal

 Neonatal neurological examination

 Cause of neonatal seizure

 Electroencephalogram
Two most useful approaches in utilizing outcome


 Recognition of the underlying neurological

 Cerebral palsy
 Hydrocephalus
 Epilepsy
 Spasticity
 Feeding difficulties
Further Outpatient Care
 Neurology outpatient evaluation
 Developmental evaluation for early
identification of physical or cognitive deficits
 Orthopedic evaluations if with joint deformities
 Consider physical medicine/physical therapy
referral if indicated
1.Volpe JJ.Neonatal seizures. In:Neurology of the newborn.4th
ed.Philadelphia,Pa:WB Saunders's Co;2001:178-214
2.Hahn J,Olson D.Etiology of neonatal
3.Riviello,J.Drug therapy for neonatal seizures:Part
4.Riviello,J.Drug therapy for neonatal seizures:Part
5.Fanaroff A,Martin R,Neonatal seizures.In:Neonatal-Perinatal
Medicine-Diseases of the fetus and infant.6th
ed.St.Louis,MO:Mosby-Yearbook Inc.1997:899-911
6.Sheth R, Neonatal seizures;
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