Chapter 3 Polygraphy 1

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It is defined as an agitation, disturbance or tumul
tuous physical or social movement constituting
a departure from the calm state of the organism as
includes strong feeling, an impulse to overt action
and internal
bodily changes in respiration, circulation and
granular action.
In polygraphy, the emotion of
fear is a very important factor for
a subject to be properly aroused
during the different phases of
Angelo Mosso
The lying person fears detection
causing physiological changes which
can be recorded with polygraph
instrument and diagnosed by the
The fear reaction causes physiological
changes in the person’s body such as
breathing pattern, electrical resistance, heart
rate and blood pressure.
The statement is supported by the “Fear
Theory” of deceptive subjects; that a person
is conditioned to fear punishment as a
consequence of detection in the commission
of any wrongdoing including telling a lie.
To operate in practice and permit a valid
diagnostic opinion, the following chain of events
must not be broken:
 Learning wrong doing is punished
 Conditioning to fear threat consequence
 Recognition of threatening stimulus (question)
 Fear of detection or punishment
 Arousal of Sympathetic Nervous System (ANS)
 Physiological changes
 Recording of response indication
 Diagnosis of deception
Psychological Set Theory
A person’s fear, anxieties and apprehensions are channeled toward the
situation which holds the greatest immediate threat to his self-preservation or
general well-being. He tunes in that which indicates trouble or danger by
having his sense organs and attention tuned for particular stimulus, and he
tunes out that which is of a lesser threat to his self-preservation or general
well-being. In other words, he establishes a psychological set.
Anticlimax Dampening Concept is based on the
psychological set theory whereas in a series of relevant
and control question, the guilty subject will tune in the
relevant question and tune out the control. The innocent
subject will tune in the control question and tune out the
Outside Super-dampening Concept is based if the examinee
considers an outside issue to be a greater or no threat to his
well being and if he anticipates that the examiner will ask him
a surprise question concerning this outside issue, he may tune
out all the relevant and control question by focusing his
attention on the outside issue.
Guilt Complex Reactor is a person who
responds to all accusatory type questions
regardless of whether or not he is lying. This
type of examinee is extremely rare and in
conditioned response.
Truth defined as the deliberate, complete and
objective communication - whether verbal, written or
gesture, of the recollection of a person, place, thing
and/or event which the communication believes to exist,
have existed or occurred.
Deception is defined as an act of deceiving or misleading
usually accompanied by lying. It involves acting in such a
way which leads another person to believe something that
you, yourself, do not believe to be true.
Lie defined as the deliberate communication to
another, either verbally, written or by gesture, of
something that the communicator knows or
suspects to be not true. It is the omission of
information, with deliberate intent to deceive and
mislead someone who requests the truth.
Variations of Lie
1.) Derail – change the subject of discussion in order to avoid
the truth. ( For example, one might feign being offended in
order to stop a conversation about one’s questionable actions.)
2.) Confuse – quibble or confuse the issue, or deliberately
use ambiguity in order to deceive or mislead.
3.) Misinform – invent or perpetrate a false story with the
intent to deceive or mislead.
Types of Lie
1.) Big Lie – a lie which attempts to trick the victim into
believing something major which will likely be construed
by the victim’s common sense or by some information that
he already possessed.
2.) Bluffed Lie – a lie that pretends to have a capability or
Intention which one does not actually possess. Bluffing is an
act of deception that is rarely seen as immoral when taken in
the context of a game (i.e., deception consented to in
advance by the players).
3.) Emergency Lie – a strategic lie told when the truth
may not be told because harm to a third party would
4.) Lie of Exaggeration – a lie often used to exaggerate
things in order to obtain or get some advantage.
Exaggeration occurs when the most fundamental aspect of
statement are true but only to a certain degree. It is also
described as “stretching the truth” or making something to
appear more powerful, meaningful or real that it actually is.
5.) Lie of Fabrication – is something made up or a
misrepresentation of a truth. It is often used by the subject in
an interview.

6.) Lie of Omission – a lie used by omitting an important

fact, deliberately leaving another person with a
7.) Misleading / Dissembling Lie – it is one where there is no
outright lie but still retains the purpose of getting someone to
believe in an untruth. Dissembling likewise describes the
presentation of facts in a way that is literally true but
intentionally misleading.
8.) Noble Lie – is one that would normally discord if uncovered
but offers some benefit to the liar and assists in an orderly society
therefore potentially beneficial to others.
9.) Puffery Lie – is an exaggerated claim typically found in
advertising and publicity announcements. For example, “the
highest quality at the lowest price.” Such statement is
unlikely to be true but cannot be proven false and so do not
violate trade laws.
10.) Lie of Compliment or False Reassurance – a lie
intended to please others. For example, “that looks good to
you” or “everything is going to be alright.”
11.) White Lie – a lie that would cause only relatively
minor discord if it were uncovered and typically offers
some benefit to the hearer. It is often used to maintain
harmony of friendship, in the home or in the office.
12.) Red Lie – a lie used to destroy the ideologies by
means of propaganda which is common in communist
13.) Malicious Lie – a lie usually used to mislead or a
dishonesty intended to obstruct justice.
INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer for each of the following questions.

1) An American Dr. of Psychiatrist, put emphasis on the commonness of lying and the ironic
attitude of society toward it.
a) Dr. Hans Gross c.) Dr. Charles B. Ford
b) Dr. Francis Galton d.) Dr. Charles V. Ford
2.) Adapted from the French word, dates back to 1579, which means “to stir from up”.
c) émouvoir c.) émoutvoir
d) emotion d.) emottion
3.) It is defined as an agitation, disturbance or tumultuous physical or social movement
constituting a departure from the calm state of the organism as includes strong feeling, an
impulse to overt action and internal bodily changes in respiration, circulation and granular
e) emouvoir c.) emotion
f) to stir from up d.) emoution
4.) Who classified the six basic emotions?
a) Dr. David Raskin c.) Paul Ekwan
b) Paul Ekman d.) Dr. Charles V. Ford
5.) In polygraphy, it is a very important factor for a subject to be properly aroused during
the different phases of examination.
c) emotion of fear c.) emotion of anxiety
d) emotion of fierce d.) emotion of sadness
6.) He is an Italian psychologist who found out that the emotion and fear influences the
heart activity and respiration pattern of a person.
e) Angelo Mosso c.) Angelo Mouso
f) Anggelo Mosso d.) Angelo Mossso
7.) It is based on the psychological set theory whereas in a series of relevant and control
question, the guilty subject will tune in the relevant question and tune out the control.
a) Outside Super-dampening Concept c.) Guilt Complex Reactor
b) Anticlimax Dampening Concept d.) Complex Outside Concept
8.) Defined as the deliberate, complete and objective communication-whether verbal,
written or gesture, of the recollection of a person, place, thing and/or event which the
communication believes to exist, have existed or occurred.
c) Deception c.) Truth
d) Lie d.) detection
9.) A lie which attempts to trick the victim into believing something major which will
likely be construed by the victim’s common sense or by some information that he already
e) Bluffed lie c.) Lie of Fabrication
f) Emergency lie d.) Big Lie
10.) Is one that would normally discord if uncovered but offers some benefit to the liar and
assists in an orderly society therefore potentially beneficial to others.
a) White lie c.) Red lie
b) Noble lie d.) Puffery lie
11.) It is the omission of information, with deliberate intent to deceive and mislead someone
who requests the truth.
c) Deception c.) Lie
d) Liar d.) Truth
12.) It is a variation of lie, change the subject of discussion in order to avoid the truth.
e) Confuse c.) Fear
f) Stress d.) Derail
13.) It is also a variation of lie, quibble the issue, or deliberately use ambiguity in order
to deceive or mislead.
a) Confuse c.) Misinform
b) Deception d.) Derail
14.) Another variation of lie, invent or perpetrate a false story with the intent to deceive
or mislead.
c) Derail c.) Confuse
d) Misinform d.) Deception
15.) A lie used to destroy the ideologies by means of propaganda which is common in
communist countries.
e) White lie c.) Malicious lie
f) Red lie d.) Black lie
16.) A lie used by omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with a
a) Lie of Fabrication c.) Lie of Exaggeration
b) Lie of Omission d.) Lie of Compliment
17.) It causes physiological changes in the person’s body such as breathing pattern,
electrical resistance, heart rate and blood pressure.
c) Fear reaction c.) Fear punishment
d) Emotion of fear d.) Fear
18.) It is often used to maintain harmony of friendship, in the home or in the office.
e) White lie c.) Lie of Compliment
f) Red lie d.) Emergency Lie
19.) A lie that pretends to have a capability or intention which one does not actually possess.
a) Big Lie c.) Puffery Lie
b) Malicious Lie d.) Bluffed Lie
20.) A strategic lie told when the truth may not be told because harm to a third party would
c) Emergency Lie c.) White Lie
d) Lie of Compliment d.) Noble Lie
1.) d 11.) c
2.) a 12.) d
3.) c 13.) a
4.) b 14.) b
5.) a 15.) b
6.) a 16.) b
7.) b 17.) a
8.) c 18.) a
9.) d 19.) d
10.) b 20.) a

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