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A Comparative Study of DVI Line Break

Accident between ATLAS Facility and APR1400

Ulsan, South Korea

Erol Bicer-KINGS

03/12/2015 Kepco International Nuclear Graduate School - KINGS 1

Table of Contents






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ATLAS is a scaled-down integral test facility of APR 1400.

 ATLAS : Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation

 APR1400 : Advanced Power Reactor 1400
 KAERI : Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
 DVI : Direct Vessel Injection - A special safety injection feature

A DVI line guillotine break with the failure of single EDG

The first-ever integral effects test database for various DVI line break:
1st Domestic Standard Problem (DSP-01). [1]
A comparative study between model and prototype to address the
scalability by using MARS-KS system code.

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 Scaling Law: Three-level scaling methodology
developed by Ishii and Kataoka [2]
Parameters Scaling law ATLAS Design

Length 1/2

Diameter 1/12

Area 1/144

Volume 1/288

Core DT 1

Velocity 1/

Time 1/

Heat Flux

Core Power 1/203.6

Pressure Drop 1/2

Flow Rate 1/203.6

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 MARS-KS : Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Reactor Safety
 Initial and boundary conditions at the experiment were applied to the APR1400
model after proper scaling was taken from ATLAS DSP-01.
 The power given to ATLAS was 8.0 % of the nominal power.

 Three SIT and one SIP were modeled

at the models,
 Both the SIT and Surge Line were
described by using pipe components,
 The initial pressure and temperature
of the SIT: 4.2 MPa and 325 K and
SIT starts at a pressure of 4.03 MPa,
 The SIP injection is actuated by low
pressurizer pressure, [10.72 MPa]
and a delay of 40.0 sec was assumed.

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3. Modelling [con’t]

• To
  allow the transition from high to low flow, a valve component was u
sed to simulate the fluidic device.

 A quick-opening valve to model the break at the DVI line was closed to
Loop 2a.

 CCFL model: Bankoff Correlation: [3]

 The Critical Flow: Modified Henry-Fauske model [4]

Discharge Coefficient = 0.75

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 Steady State Initialization

Core Power :

Flow Rate :

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4. Analysis [con’t]
 Chronology of the Accident Time of ATLAS is scaled to time of APR1400
by multiplying scaling ratio of 1.414.


Events Experiment Calculation Calculation Remarks  282.8 sec : Accident initiated
[time*, sec] [time sec] [time*, sec]

Break Open 0.0 0.0 0.0    310.0 sec : Primary pressures decreased to set
point of low pressurizer pressure (LPP) trip
Low Pressurizer
Pressure Trip 28.28 27.18 26.86 P < 10.72 MPa
 310.1 sec : Main steam lines isolated
Pressurizer  310.5 sec : Scram signals generated
Heater LPP + 0.0  
 320.0 sec : Secondary feed-waters isolated
Turbine Isolation LPP + 0.1  
 350.0 sec : SIPs triggered
Reactor Scram &
LPP + 0.5   (after a delay of 40.0 sec from the LPP signal)
RCP trip
Main Feedwater
LPP + 10.0    567.8 sec : Three SITs started delivering ECC
water (617.8 sec in ATLAS model)
Safety Injection
LPP + 40.0  
Pump Start
 2,000.0 sec : Calculation ended
SIT Starts 328.0 285.0 335.0 P < 4.03 MPa

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Primary Pressures
 Rapid decrease due to sudden
loss of coolant inventory,
 Plateau formed at a certain
level until the Loop Seal
Clearing (LSC) occurred,
 After LSC, calculation revealed
very high depressurization
rate in pressure, compared to
the experiment;
 High stored heat
 Thermal inertia number
 Expected phenomena by
scaling analysis actually
occurred at the experimental

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5. Results [con’t]
Break Flow Rates
 Critical flow condition was
maintained during the entire
Break calculation time
 Break flow shows a very clear
transition of flow regime at the
 Two-phase flow to single-
phase vapor flow occurred by
the depressurization, followed
by loop seal clearing
 Characteristics of the break
flow were captured by the
modified critical flow model
with a discharge coefficient of

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5. Results [con’t]
Loop Seal Clearing
 The natural circulation flow
path can not be established
due to the accumulation of the
 The pressure difference
between the upper plenum
and downcomer increased and
pushed out the condensate
 A stable natural circulation
path was established,
 Calculation captured the loop
seal clearing phenomena at
the same time as the

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5. Results [con’t]
Primary Pressure at LSC
 Primary pressure decreased
when the loop seal clearing
occurred because there was no
further pressure build-up in the

 The depressurization of the

primary system started again
immediately after the loop seal

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5. Results [con’t]
Active Core Levels
 During the pressure build-up at the
upper plenum, the water levels at
the downcomer and the core were
 Pressure at the upper plenum was
higher than that of the downcomer
so the core had a lower water level
than the downcomer
 The core started to be uncovered
 When the LSC occurred, the
pressure difference decreased
 The water level in the core
increased, whereas the water level
in the downcomer decreased.

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5. Results [con’t]
Peak Cladding
 The core started to be uncovered
and the cladding temperature of
the uncovered fuel rods increased
 The loop seal clearing plays a very
important role in cooling down
the uncovered fuel rods by
flooding the core
 The cladding temperature peaked
and decreased again
 The PCT decreased slightly faster
in the APR1400 calculation
 This is because the scaling
distortion in thermal inertia

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 A comparative analysis for a DVI line guillotine break accident
has been carried out.
 The results indicate that the general thermal hydraulic behavior
at ATLAS during the experiment was well reproduced by the
APR1400 and ATLAS calculations.
 The loop seal clearing, one of the most important phenomena in
determining the PCT, were well predicted.
 The slower depressurization had been predicted from the higher
thermal inertia of ATLAS.
 It is expected that more analyses for different experiments
should be conducted.

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[1] Y.S. Kim, et al., “First ATLAS Domestic Standard Problem (DSP-01) for t
he Code Assessment,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 43 (1), pp. 2
5-44 (2011).
[2] M. Ishii and I. Kataoka, Similarity Analysis and Scaling Criteria for LWRs
under Single Phase and Two-Phase Natural Circulation, NUREG/CR-3267, A
NL-83-32 (1983).
[3] S. G. Bankoff, et al., “Countercurrent Flow of Air/Water and S
team/Water through a Horizontal Perforated Plate,” International Journal o
f Heat and Mass Transfer, 24, pp. 1381-1385 (1981).
[4] H.R. Ko and T. Kim, "Analysis of a DVI line break accident of the ATLAS f
acility," Proceeding of Winter Meeting of American Nuclear Society (2013).
[5] R. E. Henry and H. K. Fauske, “The Two-Phase Critical Flow of One-Com
ponent Mixtures in Nozzles, Orifices, and Short Tubes,” Transactions of ASM
E, Journal of Heat Transfer, 93, pp. 179-187 (1971).

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This work was supported by the 2015 Research Fund of the
KINGS and performed with the data provided within the
program the 1st ATLAS Domestic Standard Problem (DSP-01),
which was carried out by the Korea Atomic Energy Research
Institute (KAERI) under the National Nuclear R&D Program
funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
(MEST) of the Korean government. The authors are as well
grateful to KINGS and the 1st ATLAS DSP- 01 program
participants: KAERI for experimental data and the Council of
the 1st DSP program for providing the opportunity to publish
the results.

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Thank You for Your Attention!
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03/12/2015 18
Axial Level Transmitters

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Planar Arrangements

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