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Organization & Organizational

Organizational Structure
• Is a group of people together under formal
and informal rules of behavior to achieve a
common purpose
• Organizational also refers to the procedures ,
policies and methods involved in achieving the
common purpose
• Organizational structure both a structure and
a process
• Organizational structure refers to the line of
authority , communication and delegation can
be formal and informal
• Organizational process refers to the methods
used to achieve organizational goals , such as
a formal structure chart
Organizational Characteristic
• The organizational characteristic is the
• Span of Control : refers to the number of
employees a manager can effectively oversee
or supervise
Organizational Principles
• 1- The principle of Unity of Command: an
employee may interact with many individuals
in the course of the work but should be
responsible to only one superior
• 2-The principle of Requisite Authority: when
responsibility for a particular task is delegated
to a subordinate , subordinate must also be
given authority over resources for task
• 3-The principle of continuous responsibility :
when manager delegates a function to a
subordinate the manager’s responsibility is in
no way diminished
Organizational Concepts
• 1- Responsibility : is the obligation to do , to
the best of one’s ability , the task that has
been assigned or delegated for example nurses
in a hospital service or patient care id the
• 2- Authority : the right of decision and
commands , an individual with authority has
the right to make decisions about his or her
own responsibility
• Responsibility and Authority are delegated
down the scalar chain
• 3-Delegation : is the process of assigning duties
or responsibility along with corresponding
delegation with eh responsibility , authority
must be delegated with the responsibility
• 4-Accountability: is answering to someone for
what has been done it is related with
• Centralization of an organization is;
• Highly centralized organization the chief
executive makes most decisions
• In centralized decision make at the apex of the
organization , takes longer period of time the
decisions made at the lower levels
• Highly centralized show slow in adapting to
major changes lower workers become passive
and un enthusiasm
• Decentralized is the allocation of responsibility
and authority for management decisions
downward through chain of command
• Decentralized of responsibility leads to
improved employee morale , job responsibility
and autonomy increase so does job
satisfaction it improves staff nurse moral and
Matrix Organizational Structure
• This pattern is a complex constructed in which
and employee may be responsible to two or
more bosses for different aspects of work
• In this pattern a staff nurse stationed on a
given patient unit is responsible to the head
nurse of that unit also to a case manger who
oversees the clinical progress of her patients ,
it could also through vertical and horizontal
• So it create a conflict , the job become
manipulative because the staff nurse has to
obey for two bosses
• When Matrix organization is to be used there
must be clear decision rules and it is hoped
good interpersonal relationship , the employee
must know which boss has the final word ,
when they receive conflicting orders or
conflicting demands concerning work priority
Functions of Management
• 1- Planning : determined the long and short
term objectives (ends) of the institution or
unit and actions(means) that must be taken to
achieve the objectives
• It is the first and fundamental functions of
management because all other management
functions are dependent on it
Planning Hierarchy
• Strategic Planning:
• A- Top-Level managers formulate long-term
strategic planning to reinforce the firm’s
mission , the mission that clarifies
organizational purpose
• Strategic plans are specified for five years
• B- Tactical Planning , middle management is
responsible for translating strategies into
shorter terms tactics , tactical plans are often
specified in one-year , e.g. annual budget
• C- Operational planning: is accomplish by first-
line managers concern with budgets , quotas
and schedules
• Operational objectives are:
• Narrow in scope
• Short-lived
• Subject to sudden change
• 2- organizing : mobilizing human and material
resources so institutional objectives can be
• 3-Directing : Motivating and leading personnel
to carry out the actions needed to achieve the
institution objectives
• 4-Controlling : comparing results with
predetermined standards of performance and
taking corrective action when performance
deviates from these standard
• 5- Decision-Making : identifying a problem
searching for solutions and selecting the
alternative that best achieves the decision
makers objectives

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