The University of Lahore: Testing Throughout The Software Life Cycle

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The University of Lahore

A “W4” Category University

Testing Throughout the Software Life Cycle

04/03/2021 1
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Iterative OR Incremental Life Cycle

1. A development life cycle where a project is broken into a series of
increments , each of which delivers a portion of the functionality
in the overall project requirements.
2. The requirements are prioritized and deliver in priority order .
3. Each subproject follows a mini V-Model with its own design,
coding and testing phase

04/03/2021 2
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

1. Simpler to manage
2. Validation testing is carried out at each increment
3. Giving early feedback on the fitness for use
4. Generates working software quickly and early
5. More flexible – less costly to change the scope or
6. Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration

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The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University


1. Needs technical expertise

2. Model is poorly understood by non-technical
management, hence not so widely used.
3. Complicated model, needs competent professional
management. High administrative overhead.

04/03/2021 4
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

1. Codes are used to implement the software and it does not
disappear together with the product.

2. We can re-use the code all over again in another software.

3. We just make a little change in the interface to fit the

requirement of the client and we have a brand new program.

4. Code generators. No need to create complicated codes, we just

run the system through our preferences and we have a fully
functional program.
04/03/2021 5
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

5. Instead of creating original coding, developers use

other tools such as software development kits and
other graphic user interfaces to create programs.

6. RAD also relies on the available codes and reuses it.

7. RAD uses GUI, development kits and existing codes,

software development will be faster.

04/03/2021 6
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

The idea of reusing codes and tools is what defines

another form of Software Development Life Cycle
called Rapid Application Development, or RAD

 If the requirements are well understood and defines,

RAD enables a development team to create a fully
functional system within very short time period.

04/03/2021 7
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

RAD is a methodology for compressing the analysis, design, build,
and test phases into a series of short, iterative development cycles.

04/03/2021 8
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

When do we use RAD?

1. Experienced programmers
2. Speed up application development
The participation of the users will be greater
since they will work in double time to check if
the software is up with the standards.
3. Quick solution for a business problem
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The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University


1. Quickly give the customer something to see and use.

2. RAD development encourages active customer feedback
regarding requirements.
3. Rapid change and development is possible.
4. Validation with the RAD development process is an early
and major activity.

04/03/2021 10
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

1. Instead of using codes, developers use different tools
and software development kits and bring them all
together to create a software.
2. Developers who are time challenged could use this
application development.
3. Users’ feedbacks are important in this development
cycle since they will suggest whether the program will
fit to their specifications and needs.

04/03/2021 11
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Characteristics of good testing

 For every development activity there is a testing

 Each test level has test objectives specific to that level.
 The analysis and design of tests for a given test level
should begin during the development activity.
 Testers should involve in reviewing documents as soon
as drafts are available in the development cycle.

04/03/2021 12
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Re-Cap (Lecture)
1. Waterfall Model
2. Problems/disadvantages of waterfall model
3. Advantages of waterfall model
4. Three levels of V-MODEL
5. 4 test levels organized in V-model
6. Waterfall Vs V-model
7. Iterative or incremental model
8. Advantages of iterative model
9. Disadvantages of iterative model
10. RAD model
11. Advantages of RAD model
12. When to use RAD model?
13. Characteristics of good tester

04/03/2021 13
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Re-Cap (Lecture)
1. Waterfall Model
2. Problems/disadvantages of waterfall model
3. Advantages of waterfall model
4. Three levels of V-MODEL
5. 4 test levels organized in V-model
6. Waterfall Vs V-model
7. Iterative or incremental model
8. Advantages of iterative model
9. Disadvantages of iterative model
10. RAD model
11. Advantages of RAD model
12. When to use RAD model?
13. Characteristics of good tester

04/03/2021 14
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case
“A set of input values, execution pre-conditions, expected
results and execution post conditions, developed for a
particular test condition.”
“Test case is a document which specifies set of input data
and expected result which is used to test the application for
the intension of finding bugs.” 

04/03/2021 15
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Example 1

We have old password, new password,

confirmed password followed by submit button.
what are the test cases written for that?

04/03/2021 16
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Old Password
Verify that old password field should allow existing password only.
It should not allow blank.
New Password
New Password field should not allow blank.
New Password field should allow password based on client req.
Confirm Password
Confirm password should be matched with New Password.
Confirm Password should not be blank.
Submit Button
Submit button should be enabled in all cases.

04/03/2021 17
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – General Format

General format for test case
1. Test case ID
2. Test case Description
3. Test case purpose/objective
4. Pre-conditions
5. Input Criteria
6. Expected Result
7. Status (pass/fail)
8. Remarks

04/03/2021 18
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Example 2

  Write the test cases for a login page
Test_case id: TC_01
Description: Enter the valid user name and password
Purpose: To check login page open successfully
Pre condition: Application must accept the user name and
Input Criteria: username: binus, Password: ****
Expected Result: Login user page should open with all its
Status: Pass
Remarks: Done  

04/03/2021 19
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case - Types

Positive Test Case Negative Test Case

“Positive test cases are designed to prove that the system

accepts the valid inputs and then process them correctly.”

“The negative test cases are designed to prove that the

system rejects invalid inputs and does not process them. “
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The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Types Examples

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The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Types Examples

04/03/2021 22
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

04/03/2021 23
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 1

There is a window with 6 to 7 fields like Student ID,

First Name, Last Name, Address, Contact Number
etc. What are the -ve test cases for such fields.


04/03/2021 24
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 1 Solution

1. First name & Last name fields shouldn't accept
numbers, special characters.
2. First name & Last name fields should have
validation like it can't accept more than 10-15
characters (Depends on the requirement).
3. The contact number field shouldn't accept alphabets,
special characters (Except +sign for the country
4. The contact number field shouldn't accept more than
10 digits.
04/03/2021 25
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 2

Write Negative Test Cases on "Edit"

Button, "Cancel" Button ?

04/03/2021 26
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 2 Solution

1. It should not accept any key other than mouse click.

2. Enter key or a specific combination of key (e.g. Alt-E or

04/03/2021 27
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 3

Write down the positive test cases of uploading files

(uploading size limit is 10MB).

04/03/2021 28
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 3 SOLUTION

1. Check for uploading a file within maximum MB (size

allowed to upload) expected result : should upload.

2. Check for uploading a file equal to maximum MB (size

allowed to upload) expected result : should upload

04/03/2021 29
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 4

Write down the negative test cases of uploading files

(uploading size limit is 10MB).

04/03/2021 30
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 4 SOLUTION

1. Check for uploading a file greater than maximum MB .

expected result :should display a message "exceeds the limit“

2. Check for uploading a file which is insecure to send

expected result : should display " cant send these file for
security reason"

04/03/2021 31
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 5

Write down the test cases of uploading files within 10

MB by using proper test case format.

04/03/2021 32
The University of Lahore
A “W4” Category University

Test Case – Class Assignment 5 SOLUTION

Test_case id
Uploading files within allowed size of 10 MB
To check file is uploaded within the allowed size
Pre condition
Application must accept to upload a file
Input Criteria
File of size within the allowed size
Expected Result
File should be uploaded
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