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IT5010: Advanced Learning and

Study Skills
Introduction to Module

Anjalie Gamage

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

• Lecturer :
Mrs. Anjalie Gamage
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Computing
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Email :
Ext : 4114
IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage
How to be an effective Learner
Listening Skills
Note taking and Mind Mapping
Learning Styles of Students
Professional Development Planning,
Time Management
Team work
Critical Analysis, Reading and Writing
Finding information for Assignments,
Presentation Skills,
Assessment rubrics

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

Lecture Schedule
Date Content
How to be an effective Learner: Listening Skills, Note taking and
23rd Sat January
Mind Mapping
Learning Styles of Students, Kolb’s Experiential Learning, Higher
30th Sat January
Cognitive Skills: Blooms Taxonomy
6th Sat February Professional Development Planning, Reflective practice

13th Sat February Time Management

20th Sat February Work life balance, Team work

27th Sat February Critical Analysis, Critical Reading and Writing

6th Sat March Referencing, Finding information for Assignments,

13th Sat March Presentation Skills, Plagiarism, Assessment rubrics

20th Sat March

onwards Group Presentations

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

• Group Presentation (40%) : Team Work
Group Registration : 30th January 2021
Topic Selection : 20th February 2021
Evaluations : 20th March 2021 onwards

• Individual Assignment (60%) : Critical Writing :

Release assignment : 20th February 2021,
Draft Submission : 1st April 2021,
Final Submission : 20th April 2021

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

Assessment Summary
Assessment Contribution Type Submission
Group 40% Group 20th March
Presentation onwards

Critical Writing 60% Individual 20th April 2021

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

Offence Criteria/Turnitin Nature of Punishment
T1 - Use of exact 20 – 40 Severe warning (one time only, if not
words reduction of 50% Marks)
or ideas from
someone else that 41 – 60 Reduction of 50% Marks
makes up as your
work, whether you 61 – 80 Resubmission of the work.
give credit or not. Maximum mark is the pass
mark range for the activity

81 - 100 Zero Score for the activity

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

Recommended Text
 The Study Skills Handbook – Stella Cottrell
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Steven

 Course material :

 Link :
• Information Technology – Semester 1- 2021 January
• Enrolement Key : IT5010

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

Good Luck !

IT1050| ALSS| Introduction| Anjalie Gamage

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