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Anatomy = study of structures by dissection,
imaging, and microscopy
 macro - gross & systemic, embryology &
 micro - cytology, histology
Physiology = study of functions by chemical and
physical means: cells, organs, systems

[Pathology = study of anatomy and physiology

during illness or after death]
 ANATOMY is the study of the structure of the
body and of the relationship of its constituent
parts to each other.
 In regional anatomy a geographical study is
made and each region, e.g., arm, leg, head,
chest, etc., is found to consist of a number of
structures common to all regions such as bones,
muscles, nerves, blood vessels and so on.
 From this study it follows that a number of
different systems exist.
 These have been grouped together and
described under the heading systematic
A study of the position and relationship of
one part of the body could not be separated
from a consideration of the use of the terms
functional anatomy, which is closely allied to
the study of physiology.
 Then again it was found that certain structures
could be examined by the naked eye and the
term macroscopic anatomy was introduced to
describe this study, in distinction to
microscopic anatomy, which necessitates the
use of a microscope.
 Closely allied to the study of anatomy are
histology, the study of the fine structures of the
body, and cytology, the study of the cells.
 PHYSIOLOGY is the study of the functions of the
normal human body.
 It is closely linked with the study of all living
things in the subject of biology; as well as this
three is the work of cytologist, interested in detail
of the structure of cells, and that of the biochemist,
dealing with the chemical changes and activities of
cells and investigating the complex chemistry of
life, and there is physics, the study of the physical
reactions and movements taking place in the body.
 The body is made up of many tissues and organs,
each having its own particular function to perform.
 The cell is the unit or the smallest element of
the body of which all parts are comprised.
 The cells are adapted to perform the special
functions of the organ or tissue they are in.
 Some cells, such as those in the nervous system
and muscle, are very specialized indeed; others,
such as those in the connective tissues, are less
highly developed.
 As a general rule the most highly specialized
cells are the least able to withstand damage and
also are the most difficult to repair or replace.
Levels of Organization
chemicals  cells  tissues  organs  systems

TISSUES: (epithelial, muscle, connective, nervous)

ORGANS: (contain several types of tissues)

SYSTEMS: (accomplish a complete function)

 Every living organism is made up of units
called cells.
 These are tiny structures seen only through the
 Cells are held together by special, intercellular
 In the human body there are approximately 100
trillion cells.
 The cells differ according to the
function, which they do.
 For example, the blood, muscle, and all cells
have certain features in common.
 All cells use oxygen from the air we breathe
and substances from the food we eat to produce
 Production of waste material is common to all
 Also most cells can produce new cells, an
whenever a cell dies (for whatever reason) new
cells are formed.
 In order to be able to produce energy, give rise
to waste substances, and form new cells when
needed, cells have tiny, specialized structures
inside them, which can be observed with a very
powerful microscope.


 A collection of cells all of which perform the
same function is called tissue.
 For example muscle (tissue) is
made up of muscle cells, all of which
can contract.


 A tissue is an organized group of cells of different
types as well as their extracellular material (matrix)
There are only 4 classes of tissue :
epithelial tissue covers surfaces (e.g., skin, lining of
body cavities, lining of hollow organs like bladder,
muscle tissue performs work or alters the shape of an
nervous tissue includes neurons and their support
cells (called neuroglia)
connective tissue is all the rest (e.g., blood cells, bone
& cartilage cells) cells & matrix that fill body spaces
and bind tissues together
A collection of tissues forming a structure
which has a particular function, is called an
For example, the stomach has muscular,
glandular, and other tissues, and is concerned
with the churning (mixing) of food and
digestion (breaking
down of food into TISSUES
simple substances TOGETHER
which the body can use).
 Several organs, each performing a specific
function, together make a system.
 Each system has a particular part to play, in the
overall functioning of an individual.


 For example the digestive system has many
 Among them are – the (chew and
mouth food), (deliver food to
moisten esophagus
stomach), stomach (grind and
dissolve food), small intestine
(finishes digesting food and
absorbs nutrients), large
intestine (reabsorbs water to
prevent loss), and rectum
(stores feces).
 Superior - toward the head
 Inferior - away from the head
 Anterior - the front of the
body or body part
 Posterior - the back of
the body or body part
 Medial - toward the
midline that divides left and
 Lateral - to the side
away from the midline
 Proximal - closer to the torso
 Distal - farther away from the

Anatomical position - standing

erect, facing the observer, arms
are at the sides with palms
facing forward.
 Many parts of the body are symmetrically
 For eg., the right and left limbs are similar,
there are right and left eyes and ears, right and
left lungs, and right and left kidneys.
 But there is also a good deal of asymmetry in
the arrangement of the body.
 The spleen lies entirely on the left side; the
largest part of the liver lies on the right side, the
pancreas lies partly on each side.
 The human body is studied from the erect
position with the arms by the sides and the
palms of the hands facing forwards, the head
erect and eyes looking straight in front.
 This is described as the anatomical position.
 The various parts of the body are described in
relation to certain imaginary lines or planes.
 The median plane runs through the centre of
the body.
 The terms internal and external are used to
describe the relative distance of an organ or
structure from the centre of the cavity.
 Eg., the internal carotid artery is within the cranial
cavity and the external is outside the cavity.
 The terms superficial and deep are used to denote
relative distance from the surface of the body, and
the terms superior and inferior denote positions
relatively high or low, particularly in relation to the
trunk, such as the superior and inferior surfaces of
the clavicle.
 The terms anterior and posterior are synonymous
with ventral and dorsal.
 The terms proximal or distal are employed to
describe nearness to or distance from a given point.
 When three structures are in a line running from
the medial plane of the body outwards, they are
described as being placed in medial,
intermediate, and lateral positions.
 Similarly three structures run from front to back
– anterior to posterior or from downwards –
superior to inferior.
Systematic anatomy or the division of the body
into systems is arranged:
According to the functions they perform and
Under the heading of the different terms
employed to indicate the knowledge of certain
Osteology – is a knowledge of – bones.
Myology – is a knowledge of – muscles.
Neurology – is a knowledge of – nerves and
nerve structure.

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