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Unit 2

Reformation and Religious Warfare

in the Sixteenth Century
The Age of Reformation
Prelude to Reformation
Christian or Northern Renaissance Humanism
Sources of Christianity
• Simplicity of Christianity
Reform of religion
Reform of education
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)
Handbook of the Christian Knight, 1503
The Praise of Folly, 1511
Thomas More (1478-1535)
Utopia, 1516
Henry VIII
Church and Religion on the Eve of
The Clergy
• Wealth
• Ignorance
• Division between higher and lower clergy
Popular Religion
• Relics
 Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)
 The Imitation of Christ
 De-emphasis of religious dogma
• Indulgences
Martin Luther and the Reformation in
Early Luther
From peasantry
Study of law
Monastic life
University of Wittenberg
“Justice of God”
“Justification by faith”
Archbishop Albrecht
Johann Tetzel
• Indulgences
95 Theses on Wittenberg Church door, 1517
Debate at Leipzig, July 1519
Address to the Nobility of the German Nations, 1520
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520
On the Freedom of a Christian Man, 1520
Excommunicated , 1521
Diet of Worms, 1521, Trial
The Rise of Lutheranism
Appeal to university students
Urban phenomenon
Older generation of humanists break from Lutheranism
Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
Peasants’ War, mid-1520s
• Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants
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Luther’s Saxony
Church and State
Luther keeps only 2 of 7 Catholic sacraments – baptism
and Lord’s supper
Bible the authority for religious affairs
State dominated churches
Luther marries former nun Katherina von Bora, 1525
Germany and the Reformation: Religion and
The French, the Papacy, and the Turks
Emperor Charles V, 1519-1556
• Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Spanish America
• Preserve the unity of the Catholic Church
• Francis I, 1515-1547
 Habsburg-Valois Wars, 1521-1544
• Suleiman the Magnificent, 1520-1566
• Battle of Mohács, 1526
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The Empire of Charles V

Politics in Germany
• Diet of Augsburg, 1530
• Schmalkaldic League
• Wars against the Turks
• Schmalkaldic Wars, 1546-1547
 Battle of Mühlberg
• Peace of Augsburg, 1555
 Lutherans same legal rights as Catholics
 Right of each German rule to determine the religion of his
The Spread of the Protestant Revolution

Lutheranism in Scandinavia
Gustavus Vasa, 1523-1560, of Sweden
Frederick I, 1523-1533, of Denmark
The Zwinglian Reformation
Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
• Zürich, Switzerland
• League of evangelical cities
• Marburg Colloquy, 1529
• War between Swiss Protestant and Catholic cantons
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Zwingli’s Zurich
The Radical Reformation: The
Church as a body of believers
Lord’s Supper as remembrance
Refuse to hold political office or bear arms
“Thou shall not kill.”
Münster, 1530s
Menno Simons (1496-1561)
• Separation from the world
The Reformation in England
Henry VIII, 1509-1547
• Catherine of Aragon
 Mary I,
• Need for a divorce
• Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
• Second wife, Anne Boleyn
 Elizabeth I
• Act of Supremacy and Treason Act, 1534
• Six Articles Act, 1539
• Third wife, Jane Seymour
 Edward VI
Edward VI, 1547-1553
• Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
• Movement closer to Protestantism
• Book of Common Prayer
Mary, 1553-1558
• English dislike for her husband, Philip (future Philip II of Spain)
• Attempted restoration of Catholicism
John Calvin and the Development of Calvinism
John Calvin (1509-1564)
Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1536
“Power, grace, and glory of God”
Two sacraments – baptism and Lord’s Supper
• Ecclesiastical Ordinances, 1541
• Consistory
The Social Impact of the Protestant
The Family
Positive view of family relationships
Place of women
Education in the Reformation
German gymnasium
Genevan Academy
Jesuits as educators
Religious Practices and Popular Culture
Decline of superstition
Reform of social practices
The Catholic Reformation
Saint Teresa of Avila, (1515-1582)
• Mystical experience
• Religious orders
 Capuchins
 Theatines
 Ursulines
 Oratory of Divine Love
Society of Jesus, 1540
Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)
The Spiritual Exercises
Absolute obedience
Francis Xavier (1506-1552)
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Catholics and
Protestants in
Europe in 1560
Revived Papacy
Pope Paul III, 1534-1549
• Reform commission
• Recognized the Jesuits
• Council of Trent
• Roman Inquisition, 1542
Pope Paul IV, 1555-1559
• Index of Forbidden Books
Council of Trent, 1545-1563
• Doctrinal issues
• Division between moderates and conservatives
• Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings
• Theological seminaries
Politics and the Wars of Religion in
the Sixteenth Century
French Wars of Religion, 1562-1598
Ultra-Catholics, the Guise family
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, August, 1572
War of the three Henries, 1588-1589
Henry of Navarre (future Henry IV)
• Edict of Nantes, 1598
Philip II and the cause of Militant Catholicism
Philip II of Spain, 1556-1598
• Consolidate lands inherited from his father, Charles V
New World possessions
Battle of Lepanto, 1571
Spanish Netherlands
Revolt of the Netherlands, 1566-1648
Privileges of the provinces
Duke of Alva
William of Nassau, Prince of Orange
• Pacification of Ghent, 1576
• Union of Arras, 1579
Peace of Westphalia, 1648
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The Height of Spanish Power Under Philip II

The England of Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth I, 1558-1603
• Act of Supremacy, 1559
• Act of Uniformity, 1559
• Mary, Queen of Scots, beheaded 1587
• Puritans
• Foreign Policy
• Netherlands
• Spanish Armada, 1588

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