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Post - production:
There were different videos analysed in order to gain ideas. The videos lyrics were also
analysed so the video could match the lyrics and make more sense.

Any prop used was bought or found on time. The place used was one room. The lights were
physical or big lamps. Instead of cameras, a samsung phone was used.
The idea behind the video:
The starting idea was to illustrate different people with different styles /characters. The
different styles were represented by the colours of the background props. For example, during
the ‘argument’ scene, the background is composed of artistic tools such as markers, paint and
paintings that are colourful while in the ‘dance’ scene the background is white with a brief
lighting wash. Instead of different people, I used two identical wooden figures. The reason why
they were identical was to show that all people are the same with different personalities.

The target audience did not change. It’s a video for all age groups but mostly teenagers that
are developing character.
Solo work:
Due to coronavirus restrictions, I decided not
to use people but replace them with wooden
figures. This was an easy way to safely video
shoot without a team. To include more people
in the video, I asked for opinions, ideas and
For the production of the video, many pictures were taken and collided together to create the
video. A phone stand was holding the phone in place so it won’t change angle in order to make
the video more efficient.

A draft was made so the work has a base to make any changes needed. It was small and very
neat but essential for the final video to be done. It needed change in speed and more video

After the first draft, I got feedback from peers and made sure there was more filming done
and music editing.

The music was converted in an mp3 document and applied in the video.
Post - production:
When the video was finally done, it was edited in different softwares mostly ‘Video Maker’
because Adobe photoshop was not working properly. The music was also edited to fit the
length of the video. The speed changed so it looks more like a cartoon movement. The light
intensity was edited a little bit lighter.

Again, peers gave feedback again.

The video and the draft were uploaded on Youtube.

The time management was bad. As the first idea was to use people the filming days would
always get postponed because of corona - virus. Actions were taken last minute, and the idea
was change to home filming with wooden figures.

The adobe Photoshop was not working and it took too much time to find another software.

The videos were submitted on time.

Classmates and friends gave feedback for the draft. The feedbacks were mostly referring into
further filming and how creative the use or wooden figures was. There was a quick response to
these feedbacks that were used for the making of the final video.

The draft video was then taken and updated with faster speed, more film, edited music and
brightened lighting.
During filming there were many issues. Corona - virus did not allow a team therefore the team
needed to change. The adobe photoshop was not working crushing two different laptops losing
all the progress and footage. Another software was used that does not have many editing
tools. Too much time got wasted because of this.

Thankfully creative alternatives were quickly found.

Qualities and abilities:
Since Adobe was not working another software was used that did not have many editing tools.
So, referring to technical qualities, It could be better but including the tools that were given, it
was a good use of them.

For creativity, the idea was fast and very creative as the video was many pictures together.
Maybe if there was outside filming there would be more creative opportunities but taking in
account what we had, the results are great.

The aesthetics of the video were very smooth and colourful.

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