8 Parts of Speech

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8 Parts of

Mrs. Wilson
7th Grade Language Arts

1. noun
2. pronoun
3. adjective
4. verb
5. adverb
6. conjunction
7. interjection
8. preposition
Common Noun
 People, places, things, or ideas.

 Examples:
 People: boy, girl, baker, musician, teacher
 Places: library, school, mall, bathroom
 Things: pencil, cell phone, carpet, ring
 Ideas: love, hate, beauty

 Now, write 3 examples of nouns on your

Proper Noun
 Propernouns are specific nouns. Proper
nouns will always be capitalized.
 Examples:
 People: Bennett, Mrs. Chase, Drew Brees, etc.
 Places:
Ridgeland High School, Northpark Mall,
New York City, Mississippi, etc.
 Things:Declaration of Independence,
Volkswagen Beetle, Apple iPhone, etc.
 Write three examples of your own!
Concrete & Abstract Nouns
Concrete nouns are
things that you can
experience through your
five senses: sight, smell,
hearing, taste, and touch.
An abstract noun is a
quality, a concept, or an
Singular, Plural, & Collective
 Singular noun- names one
person, place, thing, or idea,
 Plural noun- names more than
one person, place, thing, or
 Collective noun- a noun that
denotes a group

 Write down an example of each!

Collective Nouns
 army
 audience
 board
 cabinet
 class
 committee
 company
 corporation
 family
 A word used in place of one or more nouns or
 Example: Julie placed her coat in the closet with
the others.

 Notice that her replaces Julie to reduce redundancy.

 Now, you have one minute to write down as many

pronouns as you can.

 Here are some you may have missed:

 is a word that modifies or describes a noun or
 Adjectives answer these questions: Which one?
What kind? How many? How much?

Examples: Which questions do these adjectives

• My aunt lives in the pink house on the left.
• Wow! His furry back really creeps me out!

 List three examples of adjectives of your own.

Sensory Details
 What are sensory details?
 Sensory details use your senses to describe.
Most sensory details are adjectives!
 What are your senses?
 Sight (eyes) bright, dark
 Smell (nose) rosy, dank, arid
 Hear (ears) bang, clank
 Taste (mouth) bitter, sour
 Touch (hands and feet) fluffy, rough
 List two examples of each sense on your
 isa word that expresses action or
state of being. (It’s what you do!)

 Examples: Find the verbs!

Ibowled a great game tonight.
She was nervous in her interview.

 Make a list of three verbs!


 a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or

another adverb.

 Adverbs often end in –ly.

 Adverbs answer these questions:

 Where -How often
 When -How much
 How -To what extent
 Examples: Which questions do these adverbs answer?
 We never study together.
 New-comers work incredibly hard to learn the language.
 Spanish can be a fairly difficult language to learn.

 Write down three adverbs of your own!

What am I?
1) Adjective 2) Verb 3) Adverb

1. Dennis’ red rose was dying in the

2. When Rossi and Ronnie walked by the
store, Ronnie clumsily spilled his
coffee on Rossi.
3. Jack and Jill walked up the hill to
fetch a pail of water.
4. During the storms last summer, many
cars were damaged during the violent
 Isa word that indicates the location of things in
a sentence.
 Examples:
 Up, down, around, with, on top, from, along, etc.

 Practice: Find as many prepositions as you can.

 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
 The deer ran across the road.
 We stopped at the store down the street.
 Mom’s telephone call to Uncle John contained good
 isa word that expresses strong
 Interjections
are usually followed by
exclamation points.

 Examples: Find the interjection in

each sentence.
 Wow! That is a beautiful car!
 Oh, I have a feeling that tonight is going
to be a good night.
 Is a word that joins words or groups of words.

 Coordinating Conjunctions: FANBOYS

 For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
 Subordinating Conjunctions: AWHITEBUS
 After, Although -Because
 When, While, Where -Until, Unless
 How -Since, so that
 If
 Than
 Even though
What Am I?
A)Preposition B)Interjection C)Conjunction

1. I stapled my finger to the paper. Ow!

2. When the girl kissed the boy, the boy blushed.
3. The last time I went to the store was last Tuesday.
4. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are yummy.
5. I worked overtime at Yucatan Taco stand because I
wanted a vacation in St. Lucia.
What am I?
A)Pronoun, B)Common Noun, C)Proper Noun

1. They’re going outside now.

2. The beach is nice and toasty.
3. The mother doesn’t trust you.
4. I think that Marilyn will enjoy retirement.
5. Judith’s brother likes Domino’s Pizza.
6. The cat drank the milk angrily.
7. Zombiesand werewolves united against
vampires in the latest horror flick.
Capitalization Rules
 What are the rules for capitalization?
1. First word in a sentence
 The fuzzy melon helped the scientist discover
2. Proper Nouns
 Raymond, Irving, World Cup, FBI
3. Titles of people or media
 Dr., Mr./Mrs., Romeo and Juliet, Hot Tub Time Machine
4. Days, months, and holidays - not seasons
 Tuesday, September, and Labor Day
 Not Capitalized
 spring, summer, autumn/fall, and winter (not capitalized)

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