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OB Project

The communication-
motivation conundrum

Adya, ali, Gaytri, Jagrati, shreya ( Group

Problem Statement
Organisational communication which plays a crucial role
in employee motivation is an established factor on which
the success of an organisation depends, Salem (2008)
claims seven different ways ineffective communication
leads to failure of organisations, some pertinent ones
being poor interpersonal communications, conflict
avoidance, insufficient information exchange and

To motivate employees to perform better managers need

to be very efficient in communicating in their day to day
functioning whether it’s in meetings, sending out mails,
discussing and planning and arriving at solutions.

Once upon a time, in a firm
q uite nearby
Ramesh, a hardworking, diligent individual Introducing ... Ramesh !
pushed himself every day to give his best at
work. His efforts have been paramount in
lifting the team’s performance.

However, his manager Suresh never said a kind

word in response. All Ramesh got on a job well
done was a mere nod...

“He never bothered to
even say ‘good job.’ I
feel so undervalued.
WHat is the point of even
working here?
I’m done”

And On the other side...
Suresh called on his friend for a cup
of coffee. The two vertical managers
dove into a conversation about their
respective teams.
Suresh to his friend : “ You know
this new lad in my team, Ramesh, is
extremely talented and

“Yet another time I deliver beyond expectations
and there is no feedback from the management. I
still don’t get to sit in on the decision making
calls with the bigwigs.

By this time I should have been promoted.

Mukesh climbed up with barely 1/5th of the
deliverables. I wonder what process Suresh
followed during that time.

What is the point of my hard work if there is no

growth? I think it’s time to quit”

What does Equity theory sa
y ?
According to the Equity theory (Organisational Justice theory), both informational
justice – clear communication to employees with regards to explanations for decisions
as well as matters of importance in the organisation; and interpersonal justice –
interactions that reflect whether employees are treated with respect and human dignity,
play a key role in employee motivation at workplace.

Was informational justice seen when Ramesh was speculating in the dark about
Mukesh’s promotion despite having done enough work to have deserved the same?

A lack of effective
communication made
it seem like ramesh’s
efforts were not

this was a classic case

of a communication
gap leading to the
absence of steady 8
Primary research
On the basis of a primary research on responders both with and without work
experience it was found that a whopping majority of over 97% believe that the
right communication is needed for a company to work smoothly.

It shows that for any company to run smoothly effective communication between
colleagues and through the structural hierarchy is an absolute necessity.

A similar vast majority believes that a lack of motivation through any medium of
communication may severely affect job performance.

Herzberg’s Two factor Theory

Job dissatisfaction is the result of extrinsic factors or hygiene factors of

motivation such as working conditions, job security, supervision, level of
communication, pay and organization policies.

McClelland’s Theory of Needs

Good communication enhances the fulfilment of the need for affiliation in


7 C’s for effective
communication MOtivation principles

× Conciseness
× ➔ Inclusive work environment
× ➔ Fulfilling esteem needs
× ➔ Emphasis on social needs
× ➔ Transparency
× ➔ Future scope of employee
× Consideration

Verbal persuasion helps us in
encouraging an individual by
providing constructive feedback and
lifting up their spirits.

It leads to Pygmalion effect by

inducing rippling positivity and
empowering an individual to reach
their full potential

Questions are welcome


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