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Grade 6

Fill in the blanks with a

synonym of the underlined
word. Choose from the box
strict follow outstanding myths
admiration absurd disprove
1. The gymnast coach is very stringent when it comes to
trainings. He is very _______________ so that the athlete can
develop his self-discipline.
2. The scientist was excited with his newest discovery. He
succeeded to refute the other physicist’s theory and in the end
was able to __________________ the earlier theories.
3. Parents would sometimes tell stories of urban legends to their
children. When the children mature, they themselves discover
that those were just __________________.
strict follow outstanding myths
admiration absurd disprove
4. He was determined to pursue his goals with passion and
dedication. He learned that it was not an easy task to
____________________ your dreams.
5. The Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are preeminent works
of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. His other
__________________________ masterpieces are evidence of his
exceptional talent and creativity.
6. Peeta was half-awake when the teacher asked him the question.
His answer was both unreasonable and _______________________.
Read each paragraph carefully. Choose
the letter of the sentence that best tells
what the paragraph is all about.
1. An iceberg is an enormous chunk of
ice that floats in the ocean in the North
and South poles. An iceberg can be as
big as a mountain, as wide as an
island, and as beautifully shaped as a
castle. Many icebergs weigh millions of
tons and are many miles (kilometers)
a. An iceberg can be as big as a
b. An iceberg is an enormous chunk of
ice that floats in the ocean near the
North and South poles.
c.Many icebergs weigh millions of tons
and many miles wide.
d. An iceberg can be shaped like a
2. According to the passage, when a few
harmful chemicals combine, they can
a. cause us to experience allergies.
b. cause a monumental task for
c. contribute to a syndrome called Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity.
d. contribute to photosynthesis in plants.
3. The passage indicates that research
a. has only been conducted using specific
b. has only been conducted by NASA.
c. has not identified the sources of these
chemical impurities.
d. has only benefited long term space
4. The passage infers a relationship
between the antiquity of ferns and palms
and their ability to
a. live long.
b. purify the air.
c. grow leaves that live long.
d. react successfully in research
5. A good title for this passage is
a. Research in the New Millennium.
b. Home Dangers.
c. Common Houseplants May Purify Your
d. NASA Experiment Finds the Cure.
Despite their similarities, the pyramids of Egypt
and Mesoamerica seem to be unrelated because of
distinct differences in the time of construction as
well as their design and function. Historians have
discovered that the construction of the pyramids in
Egypt and Mesoamericaare separated by over
2,000 years. The Egyptians used only cut stone
quarried many miles away from the pyramid sites—
a construction method that enabled them to
construct sturdy buildings that could withstand the
test of time.
On the other hand, the pyramids of
Mesoamerica were not built to withstand
the ravages of time. Rather, the step
pyramids rose in tiers, on the top of
which a small temple was erected. Unlike
the Egyptians, they used irregular
Also, they did not share the same basic
design function. The Egyptian pyramids
were private tombs meant to separate
the pharaoh’s remains from the
mainstream of society and protect him
for eternity, while the pyramids of
Mesoamerica were primarily public
temples of ritual and celebration.
1. The main idea of this passage is best
summed up in which statement?
a. Pyramids in Egypt and Mesoamerica
are similar.
b. Egyptians assisted Mesoamerican
pyramid builders.
c. Pyramids in Egypt and Mesoamerica
have distinct differences.
d. Scientists do not know who built the
1. ___ e r ___ i t o ___ __
hint: area of land controlled by a particular animal or
group of people

2. ___ ___ m
hint: structure built to block flowing water
3. ___ i ___ d e ___
hint: not able to be found easily
4. ___ o d ___ n ___
hint: mammal with teeth that continually grow
5. ___ o ___ ___ ___ y
hint: group of animals that live together

6. ___ i ___ ___

hint: baby beavers less than a year old
7. ___ ___ ___ r ___ i n ___ s
hint: young beavers that are between one and two
years of age
2. In the article, you learned about Old World vultures and New OW NW
World vultures. Below are descriptions of several species of
The palm-nut vulture inhabits forests and
grasslands in Africa.
The turkey vulture is commonly seen across
the Americas and into Canada
The king vulture resides in Central and
South America.
You can find the white-rumped vulture in
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal
3. What advantage do vultures have over other scavengers
in searching for food?
a. Vultures have better hearing than other
b. Vultures are more aggressive than other
c. Vultures search for food during the day,
while others scavengers are asleep.
d. Vultures are faster than other scavengers.
4. Which of the vulture's five senses is most unusual and
Vultures have a great sense of smell. This is
unusual because most birds can hardly smell
at all.
• dvantage do vultures have over other scavengers in
searching for food? c
• a. Vultures have better hearing than other scavengers.
• b. Vultures are more aggressive than other scavengers.
• c. Vultures search for food during the day, while others
scavengers are asleep.
• d. Vultures are faster than other scave

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