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Angela Loves School

This is Angela.
She is a very smart
She loves to learn about
Angela Loves School
Today, she learned about
Angela wants to visit Davao
because her
Grandparents live there.
1. What is the girl’s
2. What does she like to
learn about?
3. What place did she
learn about today?
4. Who lives in Davao?
a.Her Dad
b.Her Mom
c.Her grandparents
5. What place does she
want to go?
I went to the farm.
I saw a dog and
a pig.
The pig was dirty.
The dog was wet.
1. I saw a _________.
a. A bird and a pig
b. A dog and a cat
c. A dog and a pig
2. The pig was _____.
a. healthy
b. dirty
c. clean
3. The dog was ____.
a. white
b. dry
c. wet
Ally The Cat
Ally the cat had
a great day today!
The mouse in the house
finally moved away!
Cleaning her whiskers
and her gray fur,
Ally is happy and you
can hear her purr!
1. Who had a great
a. The mouse
b. Ally
c. fur
2. Who moved away?
a. Ally the cat
b. The mouse
c. The fish
3. What color is Ally’s
a. White
b. Gray
c. black
4. How does Ally feel
a. happy
b. sad
c. mad
Cats are one of the
most popular pets
in the world.
Male cat is called a
Tom and female cat is
called a Molly. Young
cats are called
All cats like to sleep.
They sleep for 13 to
14 hours a day. When
they don't sleep they
like to hunt and play.
They lick their
coats to keep it
1. How is a male cat
a. Ally
b. Tom
c. Molly
2. How are young cats
a. Kitty
b. Kit
c. Kittens
3. How long do cats
a. 13 to 14 hours
b. 8 to 10 hours
c. 3 to 4 hours
4. How do cats keep
their coat clean?
a. They dry their coats
b. They lick their coats
c. They wash their coats
The most
common mouse is
the house mouse.
Newborn baby mice
are called pinkies.
When baby mice grow
some fur they are
called fuzzies.
They live from 1-2 years.
Their coats come in many
colors. Most common colors
are brown and grey. Some
people have mice as pets.
1. Which is the most
common mouse?
a. House mouse
b. House rat
c. Hamster
2. How are newborn
baby mice called?
a. brownies
b. pinkies
c. fuzzies
3. How long do mice
a. 10 months
b. 1-2 years
c. A long time
4. What are the
common colors of mice?
a. white
b. brown
c. black
5. Do people have mice
as pets?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
Jack is a seven – year old
boy who loves adventure.
He likes to climb trees and
find interesting bugs and
leaves in his backyard.
He also likes to play
with his dog Daisy.
Daisy is a two-year
old yellow lab mix.
Jack and Daisy are
best friends.
1. How old is Jack?
2. What does Jack like to do
in his backyard?
a. Play soccer
b.Climb trees
c. Water the plants
3. What kind of dog is Daisy?
a. German Shepherd
b.Yellow Lab mix
c. Chihuahua
4. Jack and
Daisy are
1. adventure
2. climb
3. backyard
4. leaves
5. friends
Jacky is going to pick
mangoes with her sister,
Maria. They are going to
their backyard. They need
to pick mangoes to make a
mango pie.
In the backyard, Jackie
picked 6 mangoes and Maria
picked 3. They had a great
day together. Now they
can’t wait to enjoy their
1. Who is Jacky’s sister?
a. Mary
b. Maria
c. Marie
2. Where will they pick mangoes?
d. farm c. backyard
e. garden
3. How many mangoes did Jackie
a. 6 c. 5
b. 3
4. What will they make?
c. shake c. cake
d. pie
5. They had a _____ day
a. fun
b. sad
c. great
Steve had his pet monkey,
Eve, in his jeep. Eve is keen
on books, so Steve gave Eve
a book to read.
“I need to jog,” said Steve.
“You can sit in the tree and
read, Eve. My jog will be
Eve looked at Steve, and
Steve ran on the beach. “I
can not read,” said Eve. “ I
will lick the book.”
1. What is Steve’s pet?
a. monkey
b. dog
c. lion
2. What is the name of
Steve’s pet?
a. Ave b. Eve c. Evy
3. What did Steve give Eve?
a. banana c. ball
b. book
4. Where did Steve jog?
a. beach
b. park
c. garden
5. Does Eve know how to
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe
6. What will Eve do to the
b. kick
c. lick
On a hot summer day,
a thirsty crow looked
for water to drink.
“It’s hot. I’m thirsty.”
said the crow. “I need
to find water.”
The crow flew from one
place to another looking
for water to drink. He
finally found a pitcher
near a well. But there was
only little water in the
He tried to drink
from the pitcher but
no matter how much
he tried, he could not
reach the water.
He threw himself
against the bottle trying
to knock the bottle over.
But the bottle held still.
The crow became very
anxious. “What should I
My beak is too big. The
pitcher’s neck is very
narrow. How will I get
water?” he thought.
Then an idea came to the
He picked up small
stones. He dropped them
into the pitcher one by
“One, two, three ….”
plop, plip plop. Little by
little the water rose in the
 Four, Five, Six …”
plop, plip, plop. The
water rose some more.
Soon the crow could
reach the water.
 “Now I can Drink!”
said the crow.
“ah! It’s cold and good”
1. What did the crow
feel at the start of the
a. cool
b. thirsty
c. tired
2. Where did he find
a. Pitcher
b. River
c. Tree
3. Why couldn’t the crow
drink from the pitcher?
a. The pitcher was
b. H

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