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E_ _ L _ _ _ _ _ N
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P_ _ G_ _ M M_ _ _ A
The Helping
Process in Social
Work Groups
Social Work-
-Art and Science of helping others
-Aims to create enriched environments that supports individuals' Personal Development
Cycle of Care
-The work of counsellors in the helping process in 3 distinctive phases:
1. Emphatic Attachment
2. Active Involvement
3. Felt Separation
Pre-Group Formation Activities

• 1. Conceptualizing the Group Service - agency social worker or somebody outside the agency
initiates to start a group or makes a program proposal - A Concept Paper/Program Proposal
contains the following:
a. Rationale/ Purpose of Group Program
b. Target Clients
c. The Need/ The problems to be addressed
d. Membership Criteria
e. Resource Requirements (staff, space, equipments)
f. Procedures for setting up the program g. Time frame
A. Purpose of the Group Program - most important aspect of the conceptualization effort
- should emanate from the agency's purpose or function - is it for treatment?
development? - all social work efforts are preventive in nature - it is very seldom for a
social group work program to pursue two goals/purpose equally; there is a need to
have a major thrust to guide the worker's helping efforts - serves as guide in:

B. Identifying the client sector to be served and

C. what unmet need or problem should be addressed

D. Criteria for Membership - can be stated in specific or general terms - specific if the
agency only wants to organize one group at a time but general/broad if the agency wants
to organize several groups
2. Announcing the Group Service and Recruiting Members
If agency plans to organize more than one group or wants to have a wider field of applicants to choose
- written announcements can be posted in strategic places in the community
- announcement should be brief but clear, mention the purpose of the program, who may apply, where to
make queries, etc
- visits can be made with barangay, youth and women leaders to explain the program and recruit members
If only one small group will be serviced:
- worker, by himself or with help from others, should identify the possible members based on
membership criteria and invite them to join the group.

3. Preparing Logistics
Logistical support for a group program would include:
- personnel (assignment of a regular worker to the group and administrative staff who are "on call" if help
is needed)
- facilities (regular venue for group meetings provided by the agency and use of other facilities when
- materials (play therapy materials, audio-visual aids, reporting forms, etc)
4. Enlisting Community Support - pre-group planning should include identification
of sectors in the community whose support is needed for the program Example: - a
street-based program for street children has to be understood and supported by the
residents, store owners and policemen in the area for otherwise, they might resist or
block the program
Individual-Focused assessment & Planning
It used to gather evidence to understand presenting problems and outcomes and to assess the effectiveness of intervention and programs
1.Pre group interviews/ intake
*The agency and its program
*The agency purpose for the group program
*Agency expectation in terms of attendance and participation
*The duration of the group program
2. Individual Client Profile
* Name and other basic identifying information
*Needs and concerns / problems relevant to the group programs
*Strengths and limitations
* Workers observation/comments

3. Case Assessment /Problem Definition

4. Action Planning

Action Plannig
* Formulating Goals
* Establishing specific helping plans

Function of Group worker in Planning

1. Helping the members to plan the program
2. Making the group to realized limitation
3. It should be developed out of interest and needs of the groups member.
Program media
Program media
Includes all activities like games, singing ,crafts activities, storytelling, street
plays, other theatre activities. These are purposefully organized by the workers
interaction among members and to accomplish the set of objectives.
Use program media
1.Modify or change attitudes and behaviour
2.Promote individual values such as intellectual growth
3.Influence group climate
4.Promote group interaction
5.Enhance/ enrich group content
6.Promote desired group values
7.Facilitate the beginning , middle, and ending stages of group life

• .
Selection of Program Media
* Goals for the group
* Members objectives for joining the group
* Appropriateness in terms of time and space requirments
* Emotional and social characteristics oh the members
* Cultural and ethnic background of the members
* Physical Characteristics of the members
* Mood of the Group
* Availability of materials or resources
* Worker’s skills and capacities
Group workers introduce varied task and programme to supplement discussion ,depending on
the particular composition and goals. Since the verbal abilities are less developed among
younger children, and games and craft activities have been effectively used as part of their
Other goal-related activities
GOAL 1: Generalist Preparation
To prepare students for entry-level ecologically-based generalist practice at all levels of intervention
(individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities), utilizing a liberal arts foundation.

GOAL 2: Diversity
To prepare students for inclusive practice with diverse & vulnerable groups in society throughout a
variety of local, regional & international human service settings, particularly practice with American
Indian people, elderly persons, & persons with disabilities.

GOAL 3: Ethics To prepare students for ethical decision-making guided by the values, principles &
standards of the social work profession, particularly the values of self-determination, empowerment, &
regard for diversity.
GOAL 4: Social Justice
To prepare students to recognize & apply social justice principles in practice situations
calling for social change and advocacy.

GOAL 5: Professional Development

To prepare students for continuing professional development, including future graduate

GOAL 6: Service
To support on-campus, local, regional & international constituencies with research,
continuing education, consultation and assistance, which promote social justice and social
Plan Implementation
• An implementation plan is designed to document, in detail, the critical steps
necessary to put your solutions into practice. It is a step-by-step list of tasks
with assigned owners and due dates, and helps the project team stay on track.
• Plan implementation in social work.
• Implementation is a science matters for the future of social work because it
can help our profession develop bidirectional bridges between research and
practice to increase the relevance, use, impact, and sustainability of our
best available interventions, services and social policies.
Workers stance during the helping
• 1. Direct Stance - plays a directive role in interventions or activities to enhance the
group's development
• 2. Facilitating Stance - worker sees himself as a member of the group although one
with special expertise and different roles and functions from group members
• 3. Permissive Stance - assumes that if correct group composition has been made and
the purpose of the group is clear, the group will emerge because the participants have
come together
• 4. Flexible Stance - imply means that the worker will change his stance in the course
of a session or over a series of sessions in response
Aspects of plan implementation

1) Implementing Solutions
- involves executing the process improvements that have been developed throughout the life of
the project.

2) The Work Plan

- Establish and communicate what is going to happen and when to ensure that all involved have
a common understanding of how the improvements will be implemented.

3) Resources and Budget

- If the implementation of the solution requires significant time, staff additions or other
resources, sponsors may want that information included in the implementation plan.
4) Stakeholders
- Are the people who will be affected by the project or who can influence it.

5) Risk Assessment
-Involves the project team identifying all potential risks of the project implementation and
communicating them to the Champion and stakeholders.

6) Quality Control
- A process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production.

7) Increasing Odds of Success

-Implementation planning will help ensure that the right resources and stakeholders are involved
to execute the implementation plan in order to meet or exceed target dates.

• Social workers engaged in program evaluation look at the impact of an

intervention program on the group of clients or client systems it serves.
Rather than providing feedback about an individual client or client
system, the feedback concerns multiple clients engaged in the intervention

• Termination of employment refers to the end of an employee's work with

a company. An employee may be terminated from a job of their own free
will or following a decision made by the employer.
Aeron Joshua Ganiron
John Cleofer Hebreo
Dante Juridico
Marvin Lecciones
Vanessa Odtial

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