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Project Review – II

Advantages of Bubble
deck slab over RCC slab

Mr. Pankaj D. Shilwate
Mr. Mandar D. Shinde
Ms. Sangharsha S. Mohod
Mr. Ganesh B. Pawar

Prof. M. J. Mohite

Department of Civil Engineering,

STES’s RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune. 58
Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 1

Problem statements
Literature Review
Components of Bubble deck slab
Time plan for Project
Expected Outcomes
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Aim :

To define the bubble deck slab and its properties

and also derive advantages of bubble deck slab
over RCC slab.

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Bubble deck comprises of hollow, flat slab

that span in two directions in which plastic
balls are incorporated to replace, and
therefore eliminate concrete in the middle
of a conventional slab which does not
contribute to its structural performance.
Creating meshes type cell structure acting
like a solid slab but with less weight due to
elimination of unneeded concrete.

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In the 1990’s, Jorgen Breuning invented
a way to link the air space and steel within
a voided bi-axial concrete slab.
Test on bubble deck has been carried out
in Denmark, Netherland, Germany.
There standard design codes not yet
created but there are some companies who
formed tentative manual performing
experiments for designing purpose.
Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 5
Problem statement
Total cost of conventional slab is higher than
Bubble deck slab.
Now a days plastic is very big problem in
world. We can reuse this plastic in bubble deck
slab in the form of cobiax.
In RCC project work the construction time is
Large span construction not achievable in RCC
Presence of inactive concrete below neutral axis
of RCC slab
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 Define Biaxial hollow slab (Bubble

Advantages over RCC slab
 Reduction of dead load
 Reduction in quantity of Concrete

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 7

Literature review
Author Year Description
Mr. Muhammad Shaqif In this paper they cast
muqif, 05 May 2017 three slabs named as
Ass. Prof. Shikha Saini, conventional, BD1, BD2
Ass. Prof. Nishant Rajoria respectively and proven
that the bubble deck slabs
not having grater load
bearing strength than
conventional slab
according to their

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 8

Sergiu Calin, Issue 13,1,2010 This paper presents some
Caprin Asavoaie, experimental
N. Florea work on the basis of
loading conditions as
similar to the real
construction. With
monolithic slab as scale
1:1 that subjected to
gravitational static loads in
order to determine the
deformation, cracking.

Nagashree B Sachin Issue 03, 2017 The stiffness of bubble

Hokrane Soumajit Saha deck slab with smaller dia
balls was found to be
greater economical.
This concludes that the
bubble deck of smaller dia
are more effective in terms
of strength and economy
compared to conventional
Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 9
P. Prabhu Teja, March 30,2012 This innovative slab
P. Vijay Kumar , construction technology is
S. Anusha , proven to be more
CH. Mounika , efficient than a traditional
Purnachandra Saha. biaxial concrete slab in an
office floor system.
Weight reduction is 35%
compared to solid slab.

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 10

Components of bubble deck slab

Steel :
 Steel used in bubble deck are according to design of slab.
 Steel is known to be a highly durable metal. Steel framed
construction can withstand all kinds of external pressure.
Steel is highly flexible and can easily turned into any
shape as desired.
Steel has tensile strength. It has high strength to weight

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 11

HDPE Balls :
 HDPE hollow balls are used with different diameters as per
depth of slab
 HDPE balls eliminate inactive concrete.
 Reduces dead load up to 35%
 It is Fire resistant.

Admixture :
 There are many types of admixture available in the
 Admixture used : superplastisizer
 Superplastisizer increases strength of concrete up to 12-13%

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 12

Concrete :
 In Bubble deck slab concrete quantity is less than
(generally 35%) solid slab.
 Between two HDPE balls concrete makes I-section which
maintain strength of slab.

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Theoretical Practical

Collection of Material purchasing


Casting of Slab
Analysis of topic

Study on required Testing of slab

materials & Test
Conventional RCC slab
Estimation Bubble Deck 1
Bubble Deck 2

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 14

Design Calculations and
2nd Week of September

Purchasing of Material 1st Week of December

Casting of Slab 3rd Week of December

Inspection and Testing 2nd
nd Week of January

Work on Project Report 1st Week of February

Completion of Project
1st Week of March
Designed data overview
We have designed two slabs,
1. Solid slab
2. Bubble deck slab

 Solid slab :
 Slab dimension = 1x0.7x0.1
 Dead load = 2.5 KN/M2
 Reinforcement = Fe250 , 6mmΦ
 Concrete = M20 N/mm2
Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 17
 Bubble Deck slab :
 Slab dimensions = 1 x 0.7 x 0.1
 Dead load = 1.85 KN/M2 ( 30% reduces )
 Reinforcement = Fe250 N/MM2
 Concrete = M20 N/MM2
 HDPE Balls = 65mmΦ

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 18


•Millenium Tower Rotterdam

•34 storied &131 meter high
•2nd highest building in Netherland

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 19

Car park build with bubble
deck in Frankfurt Germany in
Was chosen there to reduce the
weight and get wider span

•Bamberg physical
Fitness Centre in
•Span of slab varies
between 12-17 m
•Slab thickness varies
between 40-55 cm

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Expected outcomes

35% Reduction in concrete use

It should reduce construction cost by 10%
Fire resistant structure
Reduce Self weight of slab
It give exceptional degree of freedom in
architectural design

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Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 22
 [1] Arati Shetkarand & Nagesh Hanche, “An Experimental Study On bubble deck
slab system with elliptical balls”, NCRIET-
 [2] Harishma K.R and Reshmi K N, “A study on Bubble Deck slab”, International
Journal of Advanced Research Trends in
 [3] Saifee Bhagat, Dr. K. B. Parikh, “Comparative Study of Voided Flat Plate Slab
and Solid Flat Plate Slab”, ISSN 2278 – 0211,
 [4] Amer M. Ibrahim, Nazar K. Ali, Wissam D. Salman, “Flexural capacities of
reinforced concrete two-way bubble deck slabs
 Bubble deck Technical manual by
 5. Martina Schnellen bach-Held and Karsten Pfeffer,"Punching behavior of biaxial
hollow slabs" Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 24, Issue 6, Pages 551-556,
December 2011.
 6. Sergiu Calin and Ciprian Asavoaie, "Method for Bubble deck slab concrete slab
with gaps", The Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Ia i, L (LI ), f. , 9.

Monday, April 05, 2021 Savitribai Phule Pune University 2018 23

 7. Sergiu Calin, Roxana Gintu and Gabriela Dascalu, “Summary of tests
and studies done abroad on the Bubble deck system”, The Buletinul
Institutului Politehnic din Ia i, LV (LIX), Pp 75-84
 8] "BubbleDeck Engineering Design & Properties" Overview." Bubble
Deck Voided Flat Slab Solutions- Technical Manual and Documents
 [9] "BubbleDeck International. "The Light weight Biaxial Slab." Bubble
Deck(n . d):1-4.

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