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Love will keep us

By Chavisa (Ting Ting) Arpavoraruth
Why do we
Different kinds of LOVE

 Agape: the highest form of love. The love of God to man and man
to God. “Devine love”
 Eros: “passionate love” “romantic love”
 Philia: “brotherly love” “friendly love”
 Storge: “familial love”
 Xenia: “guest love”
“When you like a flower, you just pick it up. But when you
love a flower, you water it daily.”

“Love is a misleading affliction.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“The ultimate aim of all love affairs is more important than

all other aims in man’s life;  and therefore it is quite worthy
of the profound seriousness with which everyone pursues it.
What is decided by it is nothing less than the composition of
the next generation”
Bertrand Russell

“Love is something far more than desire for sexual

intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the
loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout
the greater part of their lives.”
Simone De Beauvoir

“One’s life has value so long as one attributes

value to the life of others, by means of love,
friendship, indignation, and compassion”
Thank you

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