Healthy Food in Pregnancy and Mediterain Type of Food Pyramid

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Healthy food in pregnancy and

mediterain type of food pyramid

Healthy food is all the vegetable and animal food
which gives the esentials elements and energy for
normal development of the human body

• Healthy food in pregnancy will provide for

normal development for the baby
• In normal pregnancy it is necessary to receive
plus 300 calories per day
• The term healthy diet implies the introduction
of fruits , vegetables , nuts and proteins that
are used as dietary supplements.
The Mediterranean diet
• The Mediterranean diet is modern and more
acceptable and recommended and is inspired by the
traditional cuisine of Greece , Spain and Italy.The basic
principles of this diet are introduced to olive oil ,
vegetables , fruits , cereals and nuts.
• Daily intake of food types in this diet : Fruits and
vegetables 6 to 12 meals a day
• Cereals 4 to 6 meals a day
• Milk and dairy products 1 to 3 meals a day
• Meat ( fish ) 1 to 2 meals a day
Pyramid of healthy food



Elements of food
Carbohydrates are the biggest source of energy for
the human body.Products that are healthy and
rich in carbohydrates are : Fruits , vegetables ,
cereals and nuts .
It is recommended that 45 to 65% of the daily
intake should belong to this group of dietary
2 . FAT
It is recommended to endter 20 to 25 % of the daily food intake to
belong to this group.Unsaturated fats in fish , olive oil , avocado and
some of the juicy fruits should be imported.Foods with saturated
fats such as fast food and various chios should be kept to a
minimum if not avoided
3. Proteins
45 grams of dairy intake per type of foos ahould belong to the
protein group .Met , milk , fish , dairy products and eggs
.Proteins are needed to maintain the bodys normal water
and Ph balance .
Needed for normal growth and development of the
organism.There are 13 types of vitamins and they
are divided into two groups according to how they
are absorbed in the body
1. Liposoluble vitamins : Vitamins K , A, D, E
2. Hydrosoluble ( soluble in water ) Vitamin C and B ,
thiamin , folic acid , niacin and riboflavin
As well as vitamins and minerals are essential
elements for normal growth and development of
the organism.Divided into two large groups
according to how much they are needed as
nutrients for normal gowth and development.
Calcium , potassium , magnesium , sodium chlorine
and phosphorus are minerals that are many and
in large quantites needed by the body
.Manganese , zink , iodine , copper and selenium
are less and in smaller quantities needed.
Big nutritional element which is needed for normal
regulation of body , that protects the internal
organs and is needed for absorption and
transport of element in the body.We need at
least 8 glasses of water per day
• Dietary supplements which are important for
normal pregnancy :
• Folic acid – This supplement prevents spina
bifida birth defects.Daily dose is 0,4 mg.Food rich
with folic acid is spinach , cereals , beans ,
asparagus , oranges and peanuts
2.Calcium – Necessery for strong bones of the baby
and the mother.Also this helps for normal
function of circulatory , muscle and nervous
system of the mother.A dose of 1000 miligrams
is needed for daily intake.Food which is rich with
calcium are milk products , fish and broccoli
• There are many different types of vitamins which are
prescribed in normal pregnancy. They had all the
necessary supplement in optimal dosages.
1. 400 IU of vitamin D
2. 300 mg od calcium
3. 70 mg of vitamin C
4. 3 mg tiamin
5. 20 mg of niacin
6. 6 mcg of vitamin B12
7. 10 mg of vitamin E
8. 15 mg of cink
9. 17 mg of iron
10.150 mg of iodine
• Vitamin D – Is used for strong bones of the
newborn.Daily dose is 600 I.E. Food that contain
vitamin D is fish ( losos) , milk and orange.
Vitamin C – Daily dose is 70 mg .Food that
contains vit C is orange , lemon , papaja , mustard
and paprika .
• The pregnant women should avoid alcohol
intake.Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is
associated with preterm birth , mental retardation
, birth defects and low birth weight.
• The daily intake of coffeing should be max to 300
mg per day

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