Lev Vygotsky's Scaffolding - HadjarahBacaraman

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Lev Vygotsky's


Hadjarah D. Bacaraman
ED 104
Lev Vygotsky

is a technique that involves changing the

level of support for learning. Scaffolding is
tailored to the needs of the student with the
intention of promoting deeper level of

Over the course of teaching, a skilled person

adjusts the amount of guidance by keeping
in mind the readiness of the learner.
Zone of Proximal Development
"the distance between the actual developmental level as determined
by independent problem solving and the level of potential
development as determined through problem-solving under adult
guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers"

Teachers who use scaffolding circulate around and

give in time assistance to the learners. They also
give learners the time to cope with problems and
guide them when they cannot make progress.

What a child can do in cooperation today, he can

do alone tomorrow.

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