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Problems with Anxiety

Rismayani lubis P17320319084

Name : Mrs. L
Gender : Female Patient Details
Age : 50 years old
Ethnicity : Sundanese
Religion : Islam
Profession : Housewife
Status : married
Address : Parakan, salak
• Infographic Style
Presenting Complain History of Presenting Complain
The client was admitted to
the hospital on 28 November The client said he had a stroke 2
2020. The client years ago, and was taken to
experienced paralysis in the RSUD Bogor. Clients do therapy
at the hospital as much as 4
left side of the body from the
times and the last one had a
upper extremity to the lower stroke during Eid al-Adha 2020,
extremity and the voice the client suddenly caught
bacome painful. The client himself when he wanted to go to
said he was worried about the toilet
his situation. Client says
before 3 times it wans’t like
Head: conjunctival eye is not anemic,

Review sclera is not icteric, pupil isocor diameter

3mm, light reflex + / +, corneal reflex + / +,
within normal limits

of Organ Neck: lymph nodes are not palpable

enlargement, JVP does not increase, neck

tension (-), stiff neck (-), Meningeal sign (-)
Chest: chest wall retraction (-)
Lungs: sonor, normal vesicular throughout
the lung field, additional sound (-), within
normal limits
Heart: configuration within normal limits,
SI-II single, within normal limits
Abdomen: supple, tympanic, mass (-),
normal bowel sounds The liver and Lien do
not feel enlarged
Extremities: edema (-), muscle atrophy (-),
weakness of the right limb
Past medical and surgarical history
Education Medication History
Plan Social History clients undergo treatment of
the client is a housewife. the client's ischemic stroke by taking medicine
family has an income of less than five including anti-platelet medicine such
hundred thousand. the client said he did as aspirin to prevent blood clots and
not smoke and did not consume alcohol. antihypertensive medicine such as
Clients also do not consume drugs calcium channel blockers to prevent
recurrent strokes

Sexual History
the client is a married woman. the client Phisical Examination
has 4 children and 2 grandchildren. blood pressure : 220/100 mmHg
clients are the type of people who are
pulse : 88 x/minute3.
open, and do not feel worthless even
though the client experiences obstacles respiration : 22x/minute
in mobilization. Muslim clients and
temperature : 36,7 C
believe in the Almighty God. The client
says the five daily prayers despite his Height : 153 cm
current condition, and hopes to be given
Weight : 46 kg
a cure for his illness

Summary The client has an anxiety problem

because the stroke he suffered does not
go away.

Help clients understand the patient's perspective on stressful,
anxious and current situations that will not heal in a short
time. The patient learns deep breath relaxation techniques to
reduce the perceived anxiety. The client and family must also
be willing to check up the client's condition to the health
service to overcome the client's condition and prevent other
Thank You

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