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Week 4: Boolean Algebra Part – A

Basic Theorems
Rusdianto Roestam
After learning this material,
you should be able to explain:

Understand the basic operations and laws of Boolean algebra.

Relate these operations and laws to circuits composed of AND
gates, OR gates, and INVERTERS. Also relate these operations
and laws to circuits composed of switches.

Prove any of these laws in switching algebra using a truth table.

Apply these laws to the manipulation of algebraic expressions

Multiplying out an expression to obtain a sum of products

Factoring an expression to obtain a product of sums (POS)

Simplifying an expression by applying one of the laws

Finding the complement of an expression
3 Introduction

We will use a Boolean variable, such as X or Y,
to represent the input or output of a switching

We will assume that each of these variables
can take on only two different values.

The symbols “0” and “1” are used to represent
these two different values.

Thus, if X is a Boolean (switching) variable,
then either X = 0 or X = 1.
4 Basic Operations

Called AND, OR, and complement (or inverse)

If contact X is open, the variable X is defined to be 0; if contact
X is closed, the variable X is defined to be 1.

The contacts in a switch can be normally open (NO) or normally
closed (NC). --- When the switch position is changed,

the NO contact closes and the NC contact opens,

so the NO and NC contacts are always in opposite states.

If X is the variable assigned to the NO contact, then the variable
assigned to the NC contact is the complement of X, denoted as
X′ , where the prime (′) denotes complementation.
5 Inverter

If X is a switching variable,

X′ = 1 if X = 0

X′ = 0 if X = 1

The electronic circuit which forms the inverse
of X is referred to as an inverter
6 AND Operation

When switch contacts A and B are connected in
series (see truth table below),

there is an open circuit between the terminals if
either A or B or both are open (0),

there is a closed circuit between the terminals
only if both A and B are closed (1).

AND operation is written algebraically as C = A

usually write AB instead of A · B.

also referred to as logical (or Boolean)
7 OR operation

When switches A and B are connected in

there is a closed circuit between the terminals if
either A or B is closed (1), and there is an open circuit
between the terminals only if both A and B are open

written algebraically as C = A + B.
8 Logic gates operation

Logic gates operate so that the voltage on inputs
and outputs of a gate is either in a low voltage
range or a high voltage range, except when the
signals are changing.

Switching algebra can be applied to logic gates by
assigning 0 and 1 to the two voltage ranges.

Usually, a 0 is assigned to the low voltage range
and a 1 to the high voltage range (Logic 0= -5 V)

Fig below is Logic gates which perform the AND
and OR operations
Boolean Expressions and Truth
 Boolean expressions are formed by application of the
basic operations to one or more variables or constants.
 The simplest expressions consist of a single constant or
variable, such as 0, X, or Y′.
 More complicated expressions are formed by combining
two or more other expressions using AND or OR, or by
complementing another expression.
 Examples of expressions are: –> Expression (2-1), B′ is
formed first, then A.B′, and finally AB′ + C.
Circuits for Expressions (2-1) and
If A = B = C = 1 and D = E = 0, the value of
Expression (2-2) is
[ A(C + D) ] ′ + BE = [ 1(1 + 0) ] ′ + 1 · 0 = [ 1(1) ] ′
11 Truth table

A truth table (also called a table of combinations)
specifies the values of a Boolean expression for every
possible combination of values of the variables in the

The name truth table comes from a similar table which
is used in symbolic logic to list the truth or falsity of a
statement under all possible conditions.

We can use a truth table to specify the output values
for a circuit of logic gates in terms of the values of the
input variables.
Two-Input Circuit
and Truth Table
Equation (2-3)
AB′ + C = (A + C)(B′ + C)
Two expressions are equal if they have the same value for every
possible combination of the variables.
14 Basic Theorems
Operations with 0 and 1:
X+0=X (2-4) X · 1 = X (2-4D)
X+1=1 (2-5) X · 0 = 0 (2-5D)

Idempotent laws:
X+X=X (2-6) X · X = X (2-6D)
Involution law:
(X′)′ = X (2-7)
Laws of complementarity:
X + X′ = 1 (2-8)X · X′ = 0 (2-8D)

Each of these theorems is easily proved by showing that it is valid for both of
the possible values of X. For example, to prove X + X′ = 1, we observe that if
X = 0, 0 + 0′ = 0 + 1 = 1, and if X = 1, 1 + 1′ = 1 + 0 = 1

Any expression can be substituted for the variable X in these theorems.

Thus, by Theorem (2-5), (AB′ + D)E + 1 = 1
and by Theorem (2-8D),
(AB′ + D)(AB′ + D)′ = 0
15 Circuit with 2 switches (example)
Commutative, Associative,
Distributive, and DeMorgan’s Laws
The commutative laws for AND and OR, which follow
directly from the definitions of the AND and OR
operations, are
XY = YX (2-9)
X+Y=Y+X (2-9D)
The associative laws also apply to AND and OR:
(XY)Z = X(YZ) = XYZ (2-10)
(X + Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z) = X + Y + Z (2-10D)
17 Proof of Associative Law for AND
Associative laws
using AND and OR gates

If any of the
variables have the
value 0, the result of
the AND operation
will be 0.

For example, XYZ = 1 iff

The result of the OR
operation will be 0 iff
all of the variables
have the value 0.

For example, X + Y + Z =
0 iff X = Y = Z = 0
19 Proof of Distribution Law
Using a truth table, it is easy to show that the
distributive law is valid:
X(Y + Z) = XY + XZ (2-11)
In addition to the ordinary distributive law, a
second distributive law is valid for Boolean
algebra but not for ordinary (arithmetic) algebra:
X + YZ = (X + Y)(X + Z) (2-11D)
20 Proof of the second distributive law
(X + Y)(X + Z) = X(X + Z) + Y(X + Z) = XX + XZ +
YX + YZ (by (2-11))
= X + XZ + XY + YZ = X · 1 + XZ + XY + YZ (by
(2-6D) and (2-4D))
= X(1 + Z + Y) + YZ = X · 1 + YZ = X + YZ (by
(2-11), (2-5), and (2-4D))
In particular, an expression like A + BC, which
cannot be factored in ordinary algebra, is easily
factored using the second distributive law:
A + BC = (A + B)(A + C)
21 DeMorgan’s laws
(X + Y )′ = X′Y′ (2-12)
(XY)′ = X′ + Y′ (2-13)
verify these laws using a truth table:
22 Laws of Boolean Algebra
Operations with 0 and 1:
l l
Commutative laws:
1. X + 0 = X 1D. X · 1 = X l
6. X + Y = Y + X 6D. XY = YX
2. X + 1 = 1 2D. X · 0 = 0

Idempotent laws:
l Associative laws:

3. X + X = X 3D. X · X = X
7. (X + Y ) + Z = X + (Y + Z ) = X + Y + Z
7D. (XY )Z = X(YZ ) = XYZ

Involution law: l
Distributive laws:
8. X(Y + Z ) = XY + XZ
4. (X′)′ = X
8D. X + YZ = (X + Y )(X + Z )

Laws of complementarity: l
DeMorgan’s laws:
5. X + X′ = 1 5D. X · X′ = 0 l
9. (X + Y )′ = X′Y′ ----- 9D. (XY )′ = X′ + Y

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