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Bell Work: Nile Valley

Your family farms in the Nile Valley. Each year when the river’s
floodwaters spread rich soil on the land, you help your father
plant barley. When you are not in the fields, you spin fine linen
thread from flax you have grown. Sometimes your family goes
on an outing to the river, where your father hunts birds in the
tall grasses. Why do you like living in the Nile Valley?
Label it “Nile Valley.”
Bell Work: Nile Gifts
Herodotus called Egypt the gift of the Nile. What
were some of the “gifts” of the Nile that made it
possible for Egypt to grow and become a powerful
nation? Label it “Nile Gifts.”
Bell Work: Working for Pharaoh
You are a farmer in ancient Egypt. To you, the pharaoh is the
god Horus as well as your ruler. You depend on his strength and
wisdom. For part of the year, you are busy planting crops in
your fields. But at other times of the year, you work for the
pharaoh. You are helping to build a great tomb so that your
pharaoh will be comfortable in the afterlife. How do you feel
about working for the pharaoh? Label it “Working for Pharaoh.”
Bell Work: Your Burial
Imagine that you are an ancient Egyptian making
plans for when you eventually pass away. What
items will you request to have buried with you?
Label it “Your Burial.”
Bell Work: Mummification
What are the steps of real mummification (not
just what we have done with our chickens)?
Label it “Mummification.”
Bell Work: Pyramids
Write a paragraph describing how you think
the pyramids were built. Label it “Pyramids.”
Bell Work: Why Do We Like
For ages humankind has been fascinated by ancient Egypt. We
have toys, books, movies, magazine articles, etc. about it.
Tourism is a huge part of the Egyptian economy. Write a
paragraph explaining why you think people are so interested in
ancient Egypt. Give specific examples. Label it “Why Do We Like
Bell Work: Mummy’s Curse
Do you believe that the curse of King Tut is real?
Write a paragraph giving your opinion. Be sure to
justify your answer with facts. Label it “Mummy’s
Bell Work: Hatshepsut
You are a servant to Hatshepsut, the ruler of Egypt. You
admire her, but some people think a woman should not
rule. She calls herself king and dresses like a pharaoh—
even wearing a fake beard. That was your idea! But you
want to help more. What could Hatshepsut do to show
her authority? Label it “Hatshepsut.”
Bell Work: Tomb Painting
You are an artist in ancient Egypt. A powerful noble has hired
you to decorate the walls of his family tomb. You are standing
inside the new tomb, studying the bare, stone walls that you will
decorate. No light reaches this chamber, but your servant holds a
lantern high. You’ve met the noble only briefly but think that he
is someone who loves his family, the gods, and Egypt. What will
you include in your painting? Label it “Tomb Painting.”
Bell Work: Pharaohs
We have discussed six famous pharaohs: Menes,
Khufu, Ramses II, Hatshepsut, Tut, and Cleopatra.
Write a paragraph explaining which one you think
made the biggest contribution to Egypt and why.
Label it “Pharaohs.”
Bell Work:
Label it “.”

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