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Prophylactic Antibiotics to Prevent Infective Endocarditis in High Risk Cardiac

Patients during Invasive Dental Procedures

Nikki Tacsik, BSN, RN YSU MSN FNP Student

Problem/Significance Method of Review/Results EBP Recommendations

Antibiotics have long been prescribed
Five databases were used to search for - The American Heart Association
prophylactically for dental procedures to
literature. They were: guidelines were changed since there is no
reduce the risk of infective endocarditis, -ProQuest
but now they are of growing concern. evidence to prove prophylactic antibiotics
-Google Scholar are beneficial.
Prescribing antibiotics when -PubMed
unnecessary can lead to antibiotic -MEDLINE EBSCOhost - Overall, antibiotics are overprescribed and
resistance, super infections, and allergic -TRIP should not be given to most patients
reactions. Prescribers need to be very undergoing dental procedures.
cautious when it comes to antibiotics The search terms that were used were:
and carefully review all the risks and -antibiotic prophylaxis - Literature does seem to support the use of
-dental antibiotics for high-risk cardiac patients.
benefits for the patient.
-infective endocarditis

Ten articles were ultimately chosen from

the above search. Three articles were from
Purpose PubMed, one article was from MEDLINE
EBSCOhost, three were from Google
The purpose of this literature review is to Scholar, two were from ProQuest, and one
was from TRIP. Recommendations for Future
examine outcomes, specifically infective
endocarditis, in high-risk cardiac patients
Summary of The State of the
that received antibiotics prior to an invasive Science
dental procedure. -Since the American Heart Association
published the new guidelines, I recommend
additional studies are needed to evaluate the
After reviewing the literature, the majority new intervention.
of studies that have been done support the
PICOT Question current guidelines for prescribing -More studies need to be done comparing high
In high-risk cardiac patients, how does antibiotics. Antibiotics used risk cardiac patients receiving or not receiving
prescribing antibiotics prior to an invasive prophylactically for dental procedures antibiotics prior to an invasive dental procedure
dental procedure compared to not appear to be unnecessary and have more and the rate of infective endocarditis post
prescribing antibiotics affect the prevention risks than benefits in most cases. procedure.
of infective endocarditis within 180 days?
More studies need to be done that
observe high risk cardiac patients.

References available upon request.

Bitonte College of Health and Human Services Department of Nursing

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