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FOCUS: What is poetry?

• Discuss with your groups:
– What is poetry?
– Mention two kinds of poetry!
– Mention five types of poetic forms!
– What is poetic diction?


 Poetry is a type of POETRY/POEM
literature in which the
sound and meaning of Narrative Poem
language are combined
Lyric Poem
to create ideas and
oNarrative Poem is
a story told in
verse. Lyric poem is a
oNarrative poems highly musical
often have all the verse that
elements of short expresses the
stories, including observation and
conflict, and plot feelings of a
single speaker.
Types of poetic forms
Formula poems
A poem in which every line is begun in
the same way or a particular kind of
word in every line is inserted
Example of Formula
"I wish..." Poems

I wish I was a super human being.

I wish I could go anywhere I want to
I wish that I had my own tree that
grew oranges.
I wish I could make it snow and rain.
Free-Form poems
Poems in which words are chosen to
describe something and put together
to express a thought or tell a story
without concern for rhyme or other
Example of Free-Form poems (Come
Slowly, Eden by Emily Dickinson)
Come slowly, Eden
Lips unused to thee.
Bashful, sip thy jasmines,
As the fainting bee,
Reaching late his flower,
Round her chamber hums,
Counts his nectars—alights,
And is lost in balms!
Syllable and word count
Poems that provide a certain structure
consisting certain syllables or words.
Syllable and word count poems may
 Haiku (17 syllables arranged in three
lines, 5,7, and 5)
 Tanka (31 syllables arranged in five
lines, 5,7, 5,7and 7)
 Cinquain (22 syllables arranged in
five lines, 2-4-6-8-2)
 Diamante (seven line contrast poem
written in a shape of a diamond)
Example of Haiku Poem
Springs in the Air
By Kaithlyn Guenter

Spring is in the air

Flowers are blooming sky high
Children are laughing
Refreshing and cool
Love is a sweet summer rain
That washes the world

The softest whisper

Beckons me closer to you
I love you, dearest
Example of Tanka Poem
The chestnut vendor
Must shout to be heard above
The October winds
His words rise, sail away
Like the thin smoke from his stove
Up in the mountains
There are trees and sometimes snow
Up there it’s foggy
But usually it’s sunny
Mother nature is the best
Example of Cinquain Poem

Restless, rugged
Flowing, crashing, smashing
Creator of valleys and crests
The cold
With steely clutch
Grips all the land… alack,
The little people in the hills
Will die!
Example of syllable and
word count poems
Wrinkled tiny
Crying wetting sleeping
Caring working loving
Smart helpful
Rhymed Verse Forms
Rhymed Verse Forms are forms of
poems that utilize both rhyme and
rhythm as their poetic devices.
Example of Rhymed
Verse Forms:
There once was a dog named Sunny,
She really was quite funny.
She bought a new hat,
Just think of that,
Because she had some money.
Model Poems
Model poems are poems that are
modeled on poems composed by
adult/renown poets.
Example of Model Poems:
The Golden Shore
Come unto the golden shore
Where days are filled with laughter,
And night filled with whispering winds.
Where sunflowers and sun
Are filled with love.
Come take my hand
As we walk into the sun
Poetic diction
It is, in the most general sense, the
choice of words and figurés in
Meaning of words
• Denotation
• Connotation
• Alluison
• Parody
• Repetition
• Ambiguity
• Pun
• Paradox
• irony
Figures of speech
• Simile
• Metaphor
• Personification
• Hyperbole
• Onomatopoeia
• Apostrophe
• Synecdoche
• Animism
• Metonymy
• Juxtaposition

The feelings the author’s word choices

give the poem.

The only other sounds the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
The theme of a poem is its central or
main idea.

To identify a poem’s theme, ask

yourself what ideas or insights about
life or human nature you have found in
the poem.

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