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The Vision

To make search engines so powerful they would

understand "everything in the world".

The Mission
To organize the world's information and make it
universally accessible and useful.

The Focus
Google continues to focus on innovation and on the
user experience.
The Industry Stats
Country Analysis

Country Users (Mn) Usage Growth

US 210.00 120.80%
China 162.00 620.00%
Japan 86.30 83.30%
India 42.00 740.00%
Brazil 39.15 682.8%
World 1173.00 225.00%
Google Products (>60)
Web Standalone Communication &
Search Applications publishing
Maps AdWords Editor 3D Warehouse
Ride Finder Gmail Notifier Blogger
Analytics Hello Pack Calendar, Docs&
Directory Photo Screensaver Spreadsheets
Google Mini Picasa Dodgeball
SMS Secure Access FeedBurner
Search Mash GTalk Gmail, Orkut
SketchUp YouTube
Advertising Desktop Extension Reader
AdSense Blogger Web Mobile Products
AdWords Comments Blogger Mobile
Audio Ads Browser Sync Calendar
Click-to-Call Dashboard Widgets Gmail
Grants Send to Phone News
TV Ads Toolbar iGoogle
Maps Mobile
Core Products & Revenue Model
• Core Products – Search and Adwords.

• Revenue Sources -
• Contextual Ads - Adsense.
• Adwords.
• Licensing Google search.

• Approx – 10 Billions Dollars.

Internet Advertising - 2007

Global - By E-Marketer
• Number 1 – Advertising Medium in terms of growth
• Ad spending on the Web should net out at $21.7 billion
this year VS $20.4 billion on radio.
• E-Marketer predicts that online advertising will reach
$28.2 billion next year (an increase of 30 percent)
• Online advertising will account for a nearly twice as
many dollars - constituting a hefty $44 billion market
Global Market Share
in Search 13%


53.30% Yahoo

Total search in year 2006  99.57 Bn

Google is doing 138.1 Mn search per day


• Dr. Eric Schmidt,
• Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
• Larry Page, Co-Founder & President, Products
• Sergey Brin, Co-Founder & President, Technology
Philosophy of Google
• Focus on the user and all else will follow.
• It's best to do one thing, and do it well.
• Fast is better than slow.
• Democracy on the web works.
• You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
• You can make money without doing evil.
• There's always more information out there.
• The need for information crosses all borders.
• You can be serious without a suit.
• Great just isn't good enough.
Google’s Culture
• Heart of Small Company
• Hand’s on contribution to the Products by each employee
• Flat Hierarchy
• Each employee having several responsibilities in different departments
• Hiring Policy
– Non Discriminatory
– Preference of ability over experience
• Multilingual company environment
• Multidomestic culture
• Recreation along with work
• Common café for all employees
Google’s Global Presence
• 21 countries at present
Uniqueness about Google
• Speed, Accuracy, Objectivity and Ease of use of.
• Fit between their technology and the consumer
• Page Rank technology – Orkut merged
• Solved the scale up problem
• Positioned as “Fastest Crawling Technique”
• Keeps the search “Up to date”
Uniqueness about Google
• 1st to get it right advantage
• Advertisers tie up as “CPC”
• Trade off between “Speed” & “Compression”
• Best asset utilization (Efficient storage space)
• R&D expenditure = 50% Net Income(10% of
Top Competitors
5 year Performance
5 year Performance
• R&D -> More than 10% increase Y/Y since
– Continuous Innovation, creating new products.
– New products every year, Need Based Positioning,
Depth rather than Breadth.
– Ready to deal with dramatic change.
• Cost of Revenue – around 40% increase Y/Y
since 2003
– Find new sources of Revenue, margins reducing.
• Search : Competition from both big web companies and well-
funded startups will force Google to remain focused on
continuing to innovate in search.
• Contextual Ads – Continue good work
• Other Ad formats - With Google clearly intent on spreading
its advertising platform to the offline world, go for more
• Video – Continue Good work. Consolidate position.
• Social Networking – Acquire other players.
• Office Suite – Continuous R&D

• Be Multi-domestic company
• Find new sources of revenue.
• Continuous Innovation is the key to maintain
dominance in such an aggressive
• Concentrate on BRIC nations.

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