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PechaKucha on Pop Art

By Mustafa Merchant
Pop is everything art hasn't been for the last two decades...It
springs newborn out of a boredom with the finality and over-
saturation of Abstract Expressionism, which, by its own
esthetic logic, is the END of art, the glorious pinnacle of the
long pyramidal creative process. Stifled by this rarefied
atmosphere, some young painters turn back to some less
exalted things like Coca-Cola, ice-cream sodas, big
hamburgers, super-markets and "EAT" signs. They are eye-
hungry; they pop...
What is Pop Art
• Pop Art is the movement in art when artists began to create art with
the subject of things that are the iconic in nature such as famous
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people, advertising, and movies.

By Lichenstein
What is Pop Art
• The British and the American people were responsible for setting off
this type of art in the 1950's and 60's. In art history, art movements
are attached to time periods. It is the most recent form of artistic
movements next to postmodernism. 
What is Pop Art
• Pop art started with the New York artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, and
Claes Oldenburg, all of whom drew on popular imagery and were actually part of an international

By Lichenstein
What is Pop Art
• The subject matter became far from traditional "high art" themes of morality,
mythology, and classic history; rather, Pop artists celebrated commonplace
objects and people of everyday life, in this way seeking to elevate popular
culture to the level of fine art. Perhaps owing to the incorporation of commercial
images, Pop art has become one of the most recognizable styles of modern art.
Key Ideas &
Pop Art Movement
By creating paintings or sculptures of popular cultural objects and
media stars, the Pop Art movement attempts to blur the boundaries
between "higher" art and "lower" culture. One of the most influential
features of Pop Art is that there is no cultural hierarchy and art can
be borrowed from any source.
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By Andy Warhol
It can be said that abstract expressionists
look for trauma in the soul, while
pop artists look for traces of the same
 trauma in media worlds such as advertisements,
 cartoons and popular images. 

By Andy Warhole
Although Pop Art covers a wide
 range of works with very different perspectives
 and poses, most of them are far away
 from emotions
 to some extent. 
Pop artists seem to have embraced
 the post-war production and media boom.
 The rise of pop artists from everyday art to high-level
 art: linking the state of the presented commodity with
 the state of the artwork itself, focusing on the posit
ion of the artwork as a commodity.
Most popular artists start their careers in commercial art:

1) Andy Warhol is a very successful illustrator and magazine graphic

2) Ed Ruscha is also a graphic designer.
3)James Rosenquist (James Rosenquist) began his career as a poster
Important Arts &
Artists of Pop Art
Pop Art Movement
Roy Lichtenstein – Revolutionizing Modern Art
One of the first names in Pop Art to garner
widespread renown, Roy
Lichtenstein quickly became a leading
figure of the movement. His work was
mainly inspired by comic strips, and even
though it often met with negative criticism
of banality and lack of originality, it defined
the basic premise of Pop Art through
Keith Haring – Timeless Visual Language

One of the most widely recognized visual

languages of the 20th century came straight
out of Pop Art, with Keith Haring being
responsible for its creation. When you see
his work, there are no mistakes about it,
you instantly know whether it’s Haring or
not, no need to second guess
Robert Rauschenberg – Capturing the Visual Noise in a Framework of Ironic

Radical blending of materials and methods

brought Robert Rauschenberg to the forefront of
several art movements, including Pop Art. Being
one of the early innovators of silkscreen printing,
Rauschenberg took advantage of new
commercial printmaking processes of the time,
thus transferring photographs and images to the
Richard Hamilton – Playful and Bold, Doing Whatever He Felt Like

We're moving on to yet another famous Pop Art

artist. Inspired by the vulgar and every day,
playful and influential Richard Hamilton was
dubbed as the father of the Pop Art movement.
According to some, Hamilton was even the
original coiner of the term itself, saying that he
first used Pop Art in a letter to architects Alison
and Peter Smithson regarding one of the
David Hockney – Playboy of the Modern Art and a Pop Art Pioneer in the UK

Taking it away from the US to the UK, David

Hockney is considered to be a pioneering Pop
Art artist in Britain. Even though Hockney
personally rejects the labeling of his art as Pop
Art, his versatile work encompasses painting,
photography, printmaking, stage designing and
other spheres which dwell on a variety of
influences, some of it deriving from Popular Art
and culture.
Andy Warhol – Pioneering Beacon of Pop Art

Of course, there can be no Pop Art discussion

without inclusion of one of the most prolific and
popular artists of his time, Andy Warhol. The
superstar of Pop Art, Warhol broke into
worldwide fame with his already
legendary Campbell's Soup Cans and Gold
Marilyn Monroe. Among many ground breaking
things that are attached to this prolific Pop Art
artist, he was also one of the first artists ever to
exhibit video as an artwork.

In conclusion, Pop Art is a diverse movement with many

important figures.  The subject matter and techniques are wide-
ranging, but the primary unifying aspect is a commentary on the
popular culture.  

That’s All, Thank You

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