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Politics and Power in

Basis of Power observed in Organizations

Coercive Power Legitimate Power

Reward Expert power

Coercive Power
Ways to Deal With Politics


Political tactics for using power

Build coalitions and

expand networks

Make a direct Assign loyal people

appeal to key positions

Enhance legitimacy
and expertise Use reciprocity
1. Can you give an example of the worst office
politics you have encountered in a job?

Awarded most consistent salesperson but given second slab hike

Taking an employee for granted

Those who are close with superiors get good assignments

Core team took credits for a product instead of the developers

Staying silent during discussions and disagreeing later

Not taking help when needed

Taking advantage of situation in personal life

Extracting as much as possible from an employee and not
rewarding them appropriately is at the core of Office Politics.
2. Why do you think you were not
promoted at your last job?

Rules and regulations

Criteria to be fulfilled, but these are mostly only on

paper. Happens only when a manager speaks in favour

Lacking in years of experience despite being technically


Would have been promoted if I had simply followed all

superior’s orders without questioning

Outdated rules, regulations & policies and the space for
superiors to wield these as a weapon result in deferment
of deserving promotions. Employees lose motivation.
3. How did you react in trying to
deal with office politics?
Management asked me to let a process breach slide because it was
committed by a top performer. I didn’t

work only to the level my superiors cannot complain and try to

show my dissatisfaction indirectly

Implement the idea on your own and prove

Either you perform or you play the political game

Expressed that politics was affecting my mental health and eating


In trying to deal with Office Politics, employees lose
confidence in the team. This leads to a negative mindset
and drop in work output.
4. Is competition between co-workers a
reason for office politics? 
“It is biased and a
process with scope for
gaming it, not

Biasness by superiors “Competition between

on basis of factors like co-workers turning
region, common into politics at higher
languages, etc. level.”

Usually occurs when

Co-workers take credit
Inefficiency / lack of
for others work or
ownership / lack of
when bring limelight to
non deserving

Depends on the Superior’s behaviour.

Personal Biases involved and the Superior personal can use his/her legitimate
5. Does maintaining a personal relationship with superior
personnel help in achieving goals and serve as a leverage
over other subordinates?

Depends on the
“Need to have a Ethos.
personal connection
with at least one
superior in the room to
get what you deserve”
“Maintaining only
“Personal relationships Political
Relationship possible
with a superior, it acts Tactics of
only if excessive
as a great advantage” Building
efficient in Technical
Aspects” Network
comes in to the
“Does not always seem
leverage but converts
into one with due time.”

Potential gain
in the future as
6. Were you able to disagree with your
superiors when you thought they were
wrong? If not, why?
Freedom to Ability
Speak freely mostly
dependent upon
Yes, I was. And Company’s Work
being in a friendly Environment.
Company culture
allows you to put
your thoughts on
understanding Employee’s
any decision on
the table Defensive
Behaviour when
subjected to Politics
Yes, I was able to
disagree with my
superiors, but I
At some point was not able to
yes, I can raise get what I
hand of wanted. They Whether Superior is
disagreement flashed their exploiting their
superiority card Legitimate Power
and shut me
7. Have you ever been a victim of favoritism?
Please elaborate on how you tackled it.

Yes, that is
why I resigned Yes, then I
the job due to kept my guard
their lack of up throughout
honesty and my tenure with
taking me for them.
granted. Yes, the The best way
manager to handle it is
assigned the with performing
toughest of to the best of
projects to me ability and
while making showcasing
the path easy your skills/work
for someone

Favouritism exist in every Decreases motivation and

organisation, if excessively Stringent HR Policies required efficiency among the
observed by employees may to tackle these issues. employees which in turn
lead them to leave the company reduces output of the company.
Prepared and Presented by,
Group 9

Kanishka Singh Dikshant Dahiya Neil Franclin Neil Majumder Nidhi Neeshit Kaushik
20PGP129 20PGP127 20PGP130 20PGP131 20PGP132 20PGP128

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