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Plato: The

Philosopher King
PLATO (428-348 B.C.E)
• Was born in Athens, Greece in the year 428 b.c.e.
• Plato was a friend and the apprentice of Socrates, who is the one
he described in the book Republic
• The Teacher of Aristotle
• Founded the Academy of Athens, one of the most earliest and
most famous organized schools in western civilization
• His works are: Republic, Statesmen, and Laws
• Plato’s actual given name was apparently Aristocles
• Plato, his nickname means “ broad”
The Republic
• is a Socratic dialogue, authored by Plato around 375 BCE,
concerning justice, the order and character of the just city-
state, and the just man
• Plato's best-known work, and has proven to be one of the
world's most influential works of philosophy and political
theory, both intellectually and historically
• In this work, it argues that Kings should become
Philosophers or that Philosophers should be kings, as they
posses a special level of knowledge which is required to rule
The Republic.
Why did Plato write The Republic
• In keeping with his mission to transmit and develop the
philosophy of Socrates
• To serve as an allegory for the governance of ones soul and
• To explore the question of what forms the basis of human
• To help the people develop the core virtue of righteousness.
Philosopher King
• The ideal ruler by Plato
• He described his quality in the Book Republic, Book IV
• It was derived from the conviction that the philosopher king had
the knowledge, intellect and training to govern
• An ideal king should think like Philosopher who has the sense of
ethical concepts and understanding of justice, wisdom, courage
temperance and practical utility.
“Good people do not need laws to
tell them act responsibly, while bad
people will find a way around the
- Plato
Forms of Good
Plato’s Tripartite Soul
Plato Identified 3 distinct elements of the soul or psyche, that make
up who we are and are responsible for our behavior. The theory
attempts to explain why we do what we do. We can use this
awareness to make better life decisions and improve our behavior
According to Book 9, There are three types of
• Money Lover - Ruled by appetite. His characteristics desire is for
money necessary to atisfy the desires for the pleasures of food, drink,
sex, which he values above all
• Victory-Lover- Is rule by aspiration. His life is totally dedeicated to the
pleasure of “ power, victory and high repute”
• Wisdom-Lover – also called as The Philosopher. It is ruled by reason.
He most values the pleasure of learning and knowing the truth about
things, of what is fine and good and just and unjust.

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