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Job Analysis

Uses of Job Analysis

• Achievement of Goals
• Organizational Design
• Organization and Manpower Planning
• Recruitment and Selection
• Placement and Orientation
• Employee Training and Management Development
• Job Evaluation and Compensation
• Performance Appraisal
• Health and Safety
• Employee Counselling
Steps in Job Analysis
D e te r m in a tio n o f u s e s
o f jo b a n a ly s is

C o lle c tio n o f b a c k
g r o u n d in f o r m a tio n

S e le c tio n o f jo b
f o r a n a ly s is

C o lle c tio n o f jo b
a n a ly s is d a ta

In f o rm a tio n p ro c e s s in g

Jo b Jo b
D e s c r ip ti o n S p e c ific a tio n
Methods for Collecting Job Analysis Data

• Participant Diary/Logs
• Interview
• Critical Incidents
• Technical Conference Method
• Job Performance
• Functional Job Analysis
• Observation Method
• Questionnaires
These questionnaires are of two types:
1. Position Analysis Questionnaire:
Position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) is a highly specialized instrument
for analyzing a job in terms of employee activities.
2. Management Position Description Questionnaire
Management position description is a highly structured questionnaire
containing 208 items relating to managerial responsibilities,
restrictions, demands and other miscellaneous position characteristics.
Position Analysis Questionnaire
Job Aspects No. of
Information input - Where and how do employee get 35
information to do their job?
Mental processes- what reasoning, planning, organizing, 14
and decision making is done?
Work output – what physical activities, tools and machines are 49
Relationships – what contact with other people, both in the 36
company and outside is maintained or developed?
Job context- what is the physical and social context in which 19
the job is maintained?
Other job characteristics – what other activities, conditions or 42
Characteristics not covered by the categories are relevant?
Job Description
• Job description is the immediate product of job analysis process
• the data collected through job analysis provides a basis for job
description and job specification.
• Job Description: is a written record of the duties, responsibilities and
requirements ofa particular job. It is concerned with the job itself and
not with the job holders.
• Flippo has Defined Job Description as, “A job description is an organized,
factual statement of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief,
it should tell what is to be done. How it is donewhy. It is a standard of
function, in that defines the appropriate and authorized content of a job.
Writing Job Description
Job descriptions contain
• Job Identification
• Job Summary
• Duties and Responsibilities
• Supervision
• Relation to Other Jobs
• Machine
• Working Conditions
• Social Environment
Job Specification
• The job specification states the minimum acceptable qualifications
that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully.
• Flippo has defined job specification as, “Job specification is a
statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessaryto
perform a job properly………….. It is a standard of personnel and
designates the qualities required for acceptable performance.”
A Job Specification should include:
• Physical characteristics
• Psychological and social characteristics
• Mental Characteristics
• Personal Characteristics
All these characteristics must be classified into three categories:
• Essential attributes which a person must possess.
• Desirable attributes which a person ought to posses.
• Contra indicators which will become a handicap to successful job

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