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Name of Group :
Alfi Rizqi Amalia 093204021
Cininta Pinasthika 093204023

International Biology Education Class 2009

A mineral is a naturally occurring
solid chemical substance that is
formed through geological
processes and that has a
characteristic chemical composition,
a highly ordered atomic structure,
and specific physical properties. It
must also be a naturally occurring,
homogeneous substance with a
defined chemical composition.
 Mineral is an essential substance for vary
body cellular process. It also has important
role in making structure of hard and soft
tissue, enzyme work, muscle contraction and
neuron response and blood coagulation.

 When body need mineral but have no enough

supply of it, body takes it from hepar, muscle
even bone.
Mineral is devided into two groups,,
they are :

Macromineral, mineral that need in big

Consisting of: Calcium, Alumunium,
Magnesium, Phospor, Sodium, and Sulphur
Micromineral, mineral that need only in few
Consisting of: Ferum, Iodine, Flour, Mangan,
Zinc, Cuprum, Cobalt and Chromium
Calium (K)

Function :
 With Magnesium, it has role in the muscle

 Gaseous exchange in blood plasma
Calcium (Ca)
Sources :
Milk, egg, fruits,
brocoli, green
leaves plant
Functions :
For the growth of bone,
teeth, and blood clotting
For bone matrix formation
which is influenced by
vitamin D and phosphor
Influence acceptance of
excitatory in the muscles
and nerves
Calcium phosphate to
harden bones
Deficiency Symptoms

• Arthritis • Insomnia
• Back pains • Irritability
• Brittle fingernails • Kidney stones
• Calcium deposits • Limb numbness
• Cognitive impairment • Muscle
• Depression cramps/spasms/twitches
• Eczema • Nervousness
• High blood pressure • Neuromuscular excitability
• Hyperactivity • Osteofibrosis (enlargement
• Hypertension of bones with scar tissue)
• Osteomalacia (failure to
mineralize the protein

Source :
Fishes and nuts

Function :
 Help defense of cell from the oxidative damage so that prevent from
 This mineral also need for skin and hair’s health
 Synthesize antioxidant and can causing damage of heart muscle

People who less of selenium will less antioxidant in its heart muscle
so that make some tissue will die and organ will fail its function.
But, people who too much consume selenium
will has some symptom :
 Dizzy and tipsy
 Hair and nail loss
 Nervous damage
black pepper, wheat bread,
cheese, hepar of cow
control the blood’s sugar and
help from aterosklerosis or
artery vessel degeneration
Magnesium (Mg)
As an activator of peptidase and other enzymes
that break down clusters
Reaction with ATP
As a laxative
Increasing the osmotic pressure
Helping reduction of muscle vibration
Has important role in calcium absorption

Without magnesium, nervous system will annoyed,

insuline degree awful and heart lost its beat.
green vegetables,
nuts, yoghurt,
wheat, avocado
and banana
Men need 350mg/day of magnesium and while women
need as much 300mg/day of magnesium.

Deficiency Symptoms :
Cause metabolic disturbances
Trench foot and soles of the feet
Hands trembling
Heart attack
Muscular irritability
Iron (Fe)
Sources :
eggs, meat, fish, flour, wheat, bread, green vegetables,
liver, spinach, beans, potatoes, corn and muscle.

Functions :
For the formation of new hemoglobin
To restore hemoglobin to normal values after the bleeding
To compensate for small amounts of iron that is constantly
removed the body, mainly via urine, faeces and sweat 
To replace iron lost through blood tubug
In the lactation for milk secretion
Deficiency Symptoms

 Anemia  Fatigue
 Angular Stomatitis  Fragile bones
 Anorexia  Headaches
 Brittle nails  Irritability
 Confusion  Listlessness and
 Constipation fatigue
 Depression  Memory deficits
 Dizziness • Sore tongue
• mouth lesions
Iodine (I)
Sources :
vegetables, fish, and seaweed.
Functions :
as an essential component of thyroxine and
thyroid gland. People who consume less
iodine will get their thyroid gland swelling.
Deficiency Symptoms

 Cretinism  Dry skin & hair  Insomnia

 Fatigue  Elevated blood  Low basal body
 Hypothyroidism cholesterol temperature
 Cold intolerance  Excessive  Muscle aches and
 Brittle nails sweating pains
 Bulging eyes  Hair loss  Muscle weakness
 Constipation  Hand tremors  Nervousness
 Depression  Heat intolerance  Poor memory
 Irritability
 Inability to
Sources :
Water, seafood, plants, milk, fish and
livestock food.
Functions :
For growth and the formation of tooth
To prevent dental caries
People who less consume Fluor will get
hole in their teeth, but if they consume too
much Fluor will have white-charcoal spot
spread in their email layer of teeth that will
be yelllow and brown color.
Chlorine (Cl)
Sources :
Salt, cheese, fish, shrimp, spinach and celery
Functions :
Activator amylase and the formation of
gastric HCl
Activate the enzyme amylase in the mouth to
break down starch
Help maintaining osmotic pressure
Zinc (Zn)
Sources :
Meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk, cheese, liver,
non-wheat, yeast, lettuce, bread and beans.
Functions :
Increase enzyme activity
Increasing growth
Increasing imunity of body
Deficiency Symptom

 Acne
 Amnesia  Immune impairment
 Apathy  Impotence
 Brittle nails  Irritability
 Delayed sexual  Lethargy
 Loss of appetite
 Depression
 Loss of sense of taste White spots on
 Diarrhea
 Low stomach acid
 Eczema
 Male infertility,
 Fatigue
 Memory impairment
 Growth impairment
 White spots on nails
Copper (Cu)
Source :
milk, cereal, nut
Function :
Involved in respiratory enzyme activity as a cofactor for the
tyronase enzyme and sitocromocdiase
Formation of blood and bone
The production of melanin pigment from the skin and hair
Has role in adrenaline hormon synthesize
Componet of some enzyme that needed for produce
antioxidant and energy
Has role in made of tissue
Less Cu will has effects:
 Anemia Hair loss

 Arterial damage
 Depression
 Diarrhea
 Fatigue
 Fragile bones
 Hair loss
 Hyperthyroidism
 Weakness

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