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Determinant of a matrix


Note: Determinantisa number, whereas is a matrix.


Remarks: Matrix isinvertible if and only if

Minor and Cofactor

If is a square matrix, then minor of entry is defined to be determinant of submatrix that remains after the   •
row and column are deleted from . Minor of entry is denoted by .
The number isdenoted by and is called Cofactor of entry .
Example: Let

The minor of entry of is

The Cofactor of entry of is

Minor and Cofactor

The minorofentryof is  •
The Cofactorofentryof is


SimplyCompute minors andthenadjust signwithcheckerboardpattern.

Cofactor expansion of matrix


• Each of last four equations is called Cofactor Expansion of matrix

• In each expansion, the entries and cofactors all come from same row or same column of .
 Determinant of matrix
Definition: If is matrix, then number obtained by multiplying the entries in any
row or column of by corresponding cofactors and adding resulting products is
called determinant of also known as cofactor expansion of .

[Cofactor expansion along column]

[Cofactor expansion along i row]

Example: (Cofactor expansion of matrix along first row, first column)
Find determinant of
 Determinant of matrix
Remark: Best strategy for cofactor expansion to expand along a row or column  •
with most zeroes.

Example: Find determinant by cofactor expansion.

Determinant of an upper triangular matrix

Example:  •

Remark: If is triangular matrix (upper triangular, lower triangular or

diagonal ), then
Technique for evaluating and

determinant:  •

3 determinant:
:Evaluating determinant by row reduction

Theorem: Let be a square matrix. If has a row of zeroes or column of zeroes, then  •
Theorem: Let be a square matrix. Then
:Evaluating determinant by row reduction

Theorem: If is a square matrix with two rows are proportional or two columns are  •
proportional then .
:Evaluating determinant by row reduction


Each of above matrices has two proportional rows or columns, then

determinant is zero.
Example: Evaluate by row reduction.
:Basic Properties of determinant

Example: Usingcolumnoperationtoevaluate adeterminant  •

Basic Properties of determinant:

1. for matrix.
:Adjoint of a matrix
Definition: If is matrixand is cofactor of , the matrix  •

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