Ozonation: Ozone Water Treatment Systems

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Ozone Water Treatment

What is Ozone?
• Ozone is a molecule composed of three atoms of
oxygen. Two atoms of oxygen form the basic oxygen
molecule--the oxygen we breathe that is essential to
life. The third oxygen atom can detach from the
ozone molecule, and re-attach to molecules of other
substances, thereby altering their chemical
composition. It is this ability to react with other
substances that forms the basis of manufacturers
claims. Ozone (O3) is one of the strongest oxidizing
agents that are readily available.
How is Ozone made?
How Ozone works?
• Ozone offers real advantages over chlorine bleach and other disinfectants
used in the dialysis field because of its strong oxidizing power that
inactivates pyrogenic lippopolysaccharides (endotoxin) and destroys total
organic carbon (TOC). Additionally, ozone has a higher lethality coefficient
than chlorine and other disinfectants against most organisms and readily
destroys viruses. The action of ozone is through the agency of free radicals
produced by the incorporation of ultraviolet radiation. The covalent bond
connecting two atoms consists of the mutual sharing by these atoms of
two bonding electrons. This valence may break in two ways: In one
process, one of the atoms may acquire both bonding electrons, leaving
the other with none. This type of bond cleavage gives rise to ions. The
electron being the seat of negative electricity, one atom possesses more
than its original share of negatively charged electrons, or an anion. The
other atom is deprived of its normal complement of electrons and
becomes positively charged, or a cation.
• The covalent bond may also rupture, leaving each of the constituent atoms
with one of the bonding electrons. These atoms are now free radicals, which
require combinations with other free radicals to form stable molecules.
Alternatively, a free radical may form a linkage with a molecule and abstract
an atom and a bonding electron. This action stabilizes the free radical, but in
the process forms a new free radical. A series of free radical attacks upon
molecules results in a free radical chain. Eventually the free radical chain
terminates. Free radicals have half-life durations whose length are inverse
expressions of their stabilities. Thus, the more unstable the free radical, the
more avid its need to bond, the shorter its half-life. Also, the more unstable
the free radical, the broader the spectrum is of molecules it can interact with.
Hydrogen abstraction from carbon atoms, as well as carbon-carbon bond
cleavage to create free radical chains can be initiated by the hydroxyl free
radicals caused by the action of the ozone upon water: O3 + H2O O2 + 2OH
Hydroxyl free radicals are generated by ozone in water in a several step
reaction. Carbon dioxide is the final product of the oxidative free radical chain.
The Ozone
Works In
1) Ozone

Ozone is a tri-atomic oxygen

(O3) which has very high
oxidizing power. It is a gas
produced from air and high
voltage electricity. The injection
of the ozone into the water.
Tiny ozone bubbles saturate
every drop of water. At this
point oxidation of iron, sulfur
and manganese is immediate.
2) Aeration

The elimination (off gassing

or venting) of the ozone and
other gasses/odors such as
sulfur. This occurs by an
ozone stripping action. As
water flows down the Off Gas
Tank, ozonated water rises
and strips any gas in the
incoming water.
3) Filtration:
The final step for removing
the oxidized material is
filtration. We formulated
SP10 in 1988. It's a natural
physical filter media
requiring only water for
backwash. No chemicals or
oxidizing media is
necessary. SP10 is non-
porous and inert. It yields a
high flow and requires a
low backwash rate.
What Does Ozone
• Most tastes and odors in water supplies come from
naturally occurring or manmade organic material
contamination. Bacterial decomposition of humic material
imparts taste to surface water, also the action of algae
and actinomycetes give rise to objectionable tastes.
Chlorination of humic material leads to chlorophenols
that are far stronger odor and taste antigonists than the
original phenol and the Chlorine. Most of these odors are
removed by treatment with Ozone. Even some sulfur
compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans or
organic sulfides can be oxidized to Sulfates with Ozone
• Ozone oxidizes the transition metals to their higher
oxidation state in which they usually form less soluble
oxides, easy to separate by filtration. e.g. iron is usually in
the ferrous state when it is dissolved in water. With ozone it
yields ferric iron, further oxidized in water to Ferric
Hydroxide that is very insoluble and precipitates out for

• Other metals: Arsenic (in presence of Iron), Cadmium,

Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Manganese, Nickel, Zinc -
can be treated in a similar way. At Ozone levels above 4 ppm
however, Manganese will form soluble permanganate,
showing up as a pink color.
• Surface waters are generally colored by natural organic
materials such as humic, fulvic and tannic acids. These
compounds result from the decay of vegetative materials
and are generally related to condensation products of
phenol like compounds; they have conjugated
carbon/carbon double bonds. When the series of double
bonds extend upwards of twenty, the color absorption shows
up in the visible spectrum. Ozone is attracted to break
organic double bonds. As more of these double bonds are
eliminated, the color disappears. Surface water can usually
be decolorized when treated with 2 to 4 ppm of Ozone.
• Ozonation of a water contaminated with Algae
oxidizes and floats the Algae to the top of the
reservoir. The ozone will also oxidize the
metabolic by-products of the Algae and
remove the undesirable odor and taste.
• Ozone reacts rapidly with most odors, oxidizing them to less harmful elements
or all the way to harmless Carbon Dioxide.

• More and more of our furnishings and floor coverings are made from synthetic
materials. Under the stagnant air conditions which prevail because of the lack
of ventilation, decomposition products and solvents leach out of these
synthetic materials and fill the indoor space. Much has been said about the sick
building syndrome and this usually refers to institutional building. But they have
basically the same problems as the private home. When odors are inhaled, they
increase the demand for oxygen in the human body thus depleting the body of

• Ozone in natural settings is around 0.02 ppm, but it can be as high as 0.10
ppm. At this level it is capable of keeping pathogens in check and yet at this
level ozone is not harmful to higher life forms such as fish, birds, animals or
man. Ozone is not causing harm to the nature. Only a prolonged exposure to
very unnatural high levels of ozone may lead to discomfort, later headache and
coughing, telling you to leave the space and seek better air.
Is Ozone Safe?
* When properly sized and installed (a simple task), ozone
generators are safe for people and the environment.

*The only by-product resulting from ozone disinfection is

oxygen – there are no chemical byproducts in water
sanitized by ozone.

*Ozone is a naturally-occurring oxidizer for water

treatment applications.

*Ozone prevents or destroys chloramines, which are

known to form the carcinogen, trihalomethane.

*Ozone is 100% natural and biodegradable.

How is Ozone Being Used Today?
• Ozone sanitation technology is being used
in a variety of applications today:
Supplemental water sanitation for pools, aquariums,
zoos, and water parks.
• To clean waste water and toxic waste.
• Bottled water purification.
• To sanitize spa water.
• Municipal water purification.
• Well water sanitation.
• On premise laundry operations.
• And many more.

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